The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 121 Personal Search (Additional Update 4 for Alliance Leader Qingfeng)

Chapter 009 Personal Search

What Keilal is talking about is actually justice and justice in this world.

The so-called rules are laws that protect the weak from being bullied. If they cannot be maintained, the strong will ask for and take from the weak. They are levied and exacted without any rules. Once there are no rules, anything will fall into chaos, and chaos is progress. Stop, so is something you absolutely shouldn't do.

And this is even more true when it comes to human life. If the strong shows no mercy to the weak, how can he expect the stronger to show mercy to her?

"Ah, I understand." Keilar laughed: "You are a level 5 ability user in Academy City, which is the highest level, so there are not many people who are stronger than you, so you face When it comes to other people, they often don't have any mercy or compassion, and are rough and rude, and I never imagined that I would have such a day."

[Holy shit, what he said was so accurate] After Takitsubo, Kinuhata loved her the most, and this idea came to Flanda's mind.

What he said was correct, because her long-term invincibility career made her arrogant and she didn't care about anyone at all. The same was true for this sneak theft. After grabbing the Holy Cross, they simply withdrew. Because there is a [school] organization to block the enemy.

That is, the organization led by the second-ranked ability user, Teito Kakine, intercepted Kanzaki Kaori's organization, and then allowed them to easily return with the Holy Cross.

Mukino Shenli's confidence and arrogance can be felt even by people like them around her, let alone ordinary people? To ordinary people, Mugino Shenli is simply domineering.

Keilal shook his head slightly and laughed, suddenly opened his hand, and tied up Takitsubo Rihou with a circle of light.

He sighed and said, "Originally, your companions could leave, but now, they can't leave either."

"Because of your stupidity."

Keilal's words made Mugino blush with anger, but he couldn't exert his strength at all, and there was no use of it at all.

"Ah, there are four of us. Are we going to cook for you every day?" Keilar scratched his hair in distress and said to himself.

"I forgot something." Keilar patted his head and suddenly came to Frenda. This girl's ability is extremely dangerous. Even if the explosion just now did not spill anything from his [protective shield], but that The brilliance of the light also made people know how dangerous the explosion was.

Flanda is 150 centimeters tall and weighs less than 40 kilograms. She is as light as a doll. She has no ability to struggle in front of the 1.88-meter Keilal. She was lifted up by Keilal's clothes very easily. .

"What are you going to do?!" Flanda was shocked.

"Let her go!" Mugino Shenli shouted.

"Hey!" Takitsubo shouted after Li Qiu.

"The explosion just now was your ability?" Keilar pressed her against the wall and asked.

Flanda struggled hard with her hands tied, and her legs in black stockings kicked around, but she was quickly pressed firmly against the wall by Kelar, unable to move anymore.

"You'd better answer me honestly, I don't want to strip you naked." Keilal said calmly and calmly.

He said it very calmly, because the facts he said were facts, so they were more convincing.

"What are your abilities, what are the explosives, and what can be detonated? It's best to tell them all and satisfy me. I don't want to see the whole house explode when I come back, and then there are police, firefighters and ambulances everywhere. .”

Keilal calmly told all the roads and sealed them.

Even Mugino Shenli was speechless. They had indeed thought so before. Flanda's ability was slightly special and required a medium, but it also meant that it was possible for her to send a signal for help.

In fact, Mugino Shenri has certain concerns. In this Academy City, it would be strange if the news of her arrest has not been known to others, but even if it is known, it has been two days and the rescue has not yet happened. If you don't come, the meaning inside will make people think about it.

Let Frenda make the whole thing bigger, even if she loses some face, but after exposing Keilal, she will find people to beat Keilal as much as she wants. This is a dilemma Mugino Shenli's pride was actually able to make such a choice. We can see to what extent Keilal destroyed her psychological defense in the past two days.

However, Keilar didn't care about Mugino Shenli's thoughts. To him, their thoughts were almost shown on their faces. Their minds, which were not good at resourcefulness at all, were equivalent to being completely naked to Keilar.

"Is it this hat?" Kelar grabbed the velvet hat, then scratched inside, but found nothing, so he threw it aside.

"This is the last chance." Kelar opened his eyes slightly. Although his blue pupils had no focus, they were really looking at Frenda and putting pressure on her.

"When I start searching, no matter whether you beg for mercy or tell the truth, I won't stop." Keilar said softly, lightly and softly.

Flanda shuddered all over, but her usual encounters with Anbu still made her hard-spoken, and she gave a stiff smile: "Ah, haha, I just threw the medium out, it is my strongest The weapon was broken, but you didn’t know what method you used to crack it...ah!”

The reason she screamed was, of course, that Keilal stopped listening to her nonsense and started to unbutton her.

Keilar grabbed the button in his hand and felt that the weight was not right. He squeezed it gently and the button suddenly fell apart, revealing the gunpowder inside.

He smelled it, pinched it, and shook his head gently: "What a dangerous little girl, Octokin dynamite. Just such a small amount can blow up half of an ordinary person's body. The buttons on your body Are they all made of this kind of stuff?”

Keilal's hand moved gently, and all three buttons fell into his hand.

"I almost know what your superpower is." Keilar put her down, picked up her hat, and turned it over. Inside were white posts taped to the lining of the hat.

"A tape actually still have the thing used to break down the door on your head. Your super power can detonate these things unconditionally, right?" He tore off the tape explosives one by one. Only special forces need to use electric current to detonate, and she wears the thing used to break doors and windows on her head like this.

"It seems I'm going to do a big search on your whole body." Keilar rubbed his wrist and said.

"Wait, what are you going to do? Don't come over..." Flanda's screams echoed throughout the room...

PS: The third update is to write about the indescribable.

PS1: Actually, I still need more updates. I shouldn’t write the indescribable at this time, but the animals in the group can no longer hold back their feelings...

PS2: Forget it, we are all readers anyway, and the good news will not go to outsiders, so I will write one first.

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