The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 169 Misaka's Apprenticeship

Chapter 057 Misaka’s Apprenticeship

"Well, that's it. I understand. This is the whole process, right? Well, okay, let's contact you again..." The blond woman sitting in the Pope's seat held the phone and chatted slowly with the other party.

Suddenly she paused and asked: "Kanzaki, what happened?"

The other end of the phone paused, and then a relaxed voice rang: "No, it's nothing."

After waiting for a long time for the phone to beep, the blond pope smiled slightly.

"Oh my, has it been destroyed? My Kanzaki has also learned bad things and started to learn to lie to me." She smiled softly, her voice echoing in the empty cathedral.

"But now it seems that His Highness is really..." Her onion-like white fingers gently touched her lips, and then she smiled: "That's good."

She stood up and shouted loudly: "Someone, help me prepare my itinerary. I want to visit Japan in a month!"

She is a Puritan pope, and her visit is equivalent to a religious head of state's visit to Japan. It is an extremely important event, and even the emperor has to receive it in person.

Such a major event is likely to attract the attention of countless people, and even assassins from several other religions will be motivated by this, with the highest goal of taking her head.

But such a dangerous and troublesome thing was carried out and planned by the Puritans without any hindrance.

In other words, this beautiful woman who looks like she is only in her twenties is already very familiar with this huge religion.

This terrifying control...

This woman deserves to be the Puritan Pope, Laura-!


In Academy City, in a completely windowless room, the screen in front of the silver-haired man who was hanging upside down was playing the battle between Kelar and Index. The battle between the two was detailed and went back and forth. was playing before his eyes.

The smile on his lips grew bigger and bigger as he looked at it, and finally his whole mouth split open, grinning silently in the glass column hanging upside down.

Compared with him, the right hand of Shen Jing Tou Demon is no longer something worthy of attention.

So, what changes can he bring to him? The silver-haired hanging man could even see the gears of the world clicking and pushing to the next level.

Come, world, dance.


"Please accept me as your disciple!" Misaka Mikoto stood in front of the counter for the third time and said loudly.

"No." Keilal refused without mercy.

"Why?!" Misaka Mikoto asked loudly even though she was asking for help.

"Magic and superpowers will conflict and cause you to bleed to death." Keilal said expressionlessly.

Ever since she saw him and Index fighting that day, Misaka Mikoto embarked on the path of seeking the truth without hesitation, running over to pester Keilal every day.

If her mother had not naturally recognized Index as her adopted daughter, registered her household registration, and sent Index to Tokiwadai Women's College, which was not a difficult place to get into, and the tuition was definitely not low, the Misaka family would have obviously It's not that much money short, plus Misaka Mikoto's level 5 ability user's subsidy, it's more than enough to support an Index in school.

However, she was afraid that other magicians would come to hunt Index or harm her, so she still wore the mobile church. As a level 5 ability user, Index still had this right, plus the above The order was actually sent, and there was no further obstruction.

Although there are two level 5 superpowers in Tokiwadai Middle School, Misaka Mikoto will never underestimate the power of the magician after watching the battle between Kelal and Index.

This is of course wrong. In fact, most magicians cannot compete with level 5 ability users. Only the top group can fight against level 5 ability users.

The age of this Academy City is not even 20 years old. This young city has obviously only developed in the past few decades, and it is even specially designed to create beings that fight magicians.

So if she had seen Accelerator and Kakine Teito, she should know that superpowers are actually not inferior to magicians, and the top two and the top magicians will never fall behind.

To be honest, Academy City has dragged NO1 and NO2 into darkness, and NO4 is also in darkness. It is difficult for Kelar not to think about [war].

Why are they trying so hard to cultivate superpowers? Is it really for what they say [reaching the realm of gods in a human body]?

He is God, God is here, God is on the earth, how can there be any realm of God?

This is a lie from beginning to end.

So, are NO5, NO6, and even NO.13 that Kailar has never seen before, all preparing for war?

And Misaka Mikoto is just a special case. Her existence is most likely an artificial creation [peaceful environment level 5 ability user simulation], which is to simulate how far a level 5 ability user will grow in a peaceful and stable environment. Is it possible? Breaking through the boundaries of level 6 ability users, or guessing from the most evil angle, she already has a clone sister No. 00001. Will there be a 000002? 000003 in the future? Although her ability is not as strong as Accelerator's, her versatility is higher than Accelerator's vector manipulation.

For example, the destruction of power systems, hacking of electronic systems, the application of electromagnetic capabilities, etc...

If they want to produce Misaka Sisters in large quantities, they must have a healthy and fresh maternal sample, and Misaka Mikoto is very likely to be this sample...

This world is so dark, cruel, and breathless that Keilal can no longer pull her into deeper darkness.

So Keilar rejected Misaka Mikoto right away. Sometimes ignorance is also a kind of protection. People who don't know anything can live happily.

But how could Misaka Mikoto give up like that? She was the kind of person who would waste a few minutes teaching a young gangster when she met him. She would be so happy when someone could withstand her electric shock that she would pursue them relentlessly.

Now that a broad road is in front of her, how could she give up?

She puffed up her mouth and said: "You're lying. You can even heal Index's injuries easily. Even if you have super powers, you should have a way to treat them. At worst, I'll give up my super powers and turn around." And learn magic.”

Keilal smiled bitterly inwardly, what a smart little girl!

So many things can be judged from his previous series of actions.

Yes, even if it were true, if he learned magic and super powers at the same time, he would die, and he could still protect his life, not to mention...

PS: The first update with guarantee.

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