The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 170 00002 (360 monthly votes)

Chapter 05800002

What's more, Keilal had doubts about the superpowers of superpowers from the beginning.

This suspicion was groundless, but he still suspected it. If we talk about the details, it was that when his forbidden magic field was used on the prop team for the first time, none of the prop team's abilities could be used.

If we go into more detail, Mugino Shenli, who was trapped by the Lock of Light, did not use any abilities when he was tied up.

Her ability is atom disintegration, which is essentially just a part of the electrical system.

Electricity is an element that has long been at the top of the elements. When it leaves the atmosphere, it becomes the element of light. When it enters the atmosphere and the elements inside the atmosphere undergo elemental reactions, it becomes electricity. When it lands on the earth, it will explode with huge power and destructive power. Come.

Therefore, for a long time, electricity has always been aloof and not controlled by humans.

Human beings also respectfully call the person who controls thunder and lightning the King of Gods.

However, that is the past. Electricity has already entered thousands of households and has entered the era of popularization. The existence of transformers has caused electricity to lose its thundering power and its deterrence.

For example, now, humans use electricity as power, communication, and dissemination. Everything develops around electricity.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand why they used Misaka Mikoto as a blueprint to make the Misaka sisters.

Keilal has tested Misaka's sister's ability, which is about level 2 to 3. However, it is more than enough to affect the electricity of a building. In other words, with the current level of technology, a Misaka sister can easily break through a building. What's the point of having a backup power supply in the building? The backup power behind the jamming transformer is nothing more than a small bomb.

That is to say, it is possible for her to break into any military base alone. Don't those military bases rely on generators for power?

Moreover, the development of automation in this world is even more outrageous than modern times. It is close to full automation. The advantage of this kind of fully automated defense network is that the manpower required is greatly reduced. What are the disadvantages...

A Misaka sister can do it!

Who doesn’t like such a cost-effective weapon?

Even if Sister Misaka can only live for one year or two years, so what?

They can give birth to a batch in a few months. If they can adjust the genetic defects to make them more perfect and reach the level of level 3 ability users, or even level 4 ability users, such a group of Misaka sisters will The army is scary to think about.

Simply put, Misaka sisters are very cost-effective weapons.

There is no difference with AK47. Their combat effectiveness is stronger than AK47, and their cost performance is higher than AK47. It can be said to be an excellent thing.

Now they only do one thing. If they make it in batches in the future, they can use it themselves or sell it to other countries.

This is not an impossible thing to happen.

Keilar has a deeper suspicion about superpowers, but he hasn't told anyone yet.

If he spoke out, the world would probably be in chaos.

With a straight face, he said, "You're blocking my business."

Misaka Mikoto turned back to look at the office workers who were queuing up and looked at her with strange eyes, and immediately ran away. She had also used these eyes to look at those who claimed to be magicians, but now, she was overturned He has developed his own materialism and highly admires mysticism.

It is never painful to betray one's own class. Keilar silently looked at Misaka Mikoto who fled, and then called into the employee lounge: "Come out to pick up the guests!"

Mugino Shenli and Frenda wearing aprons walked out of it.

"That little girl is gone?" The two of them seemed to know each other very well. They stood behind two other cash registers and started to help customers pay. Mugino and Shenli didn't want Misaka Mikoto to see her like this, so she never came out. Now that she came out, she started to laugh at Misaka Mikoto.

"Well, let's go." Keilal rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Knowing that Mugino Shenri had not seen his battle that day, he looked down upon Misaka Mikoto's mentality. However, Keilal's ability to hire Accelerator made her She was a little frightened. After all, she had already weighed Accelerator and knew how big the gap between them was.

"I'll save the change while you guys watch the store here." After a few days of training, Flanda and Mugino Shenri no longer have any problems. As level 4 and 5 ability users, they can't even remember these things. If they live there, then they should retire early.

Accelerator only came in the afternoon, and Keilal was relieved to hand over the store to Flanders. As for Mugino Shiri's bad temper, if Keilal hadn't suppressed her, she could have demolished the shop.

"Hey!" Franda raised her hand in a cute way: "Leave it to me."

The business of Kelal's convenience store is obviously much better than before. This is the powerful effect of beauties.

Generally, Japanese beauties don't work as shop assistants. Japan's developed commerce allows beauties to have many convenient places to make money, but nothing is absolute. It is impossible to have a nest in an academy city like Academy City. Damn it, places like Kabukicho exist precisely because of this, so occasionally you can still see beautiful employees in convenience stores.

However, it is rare to see four beautiful employees at a store like Kailar. It is rare to see many office workers who would rather walk two extra steps to come to this convenience store to take a look at the beauties.

To be honest, Mugino Shenli, Frenda and others each have their own charms, and they can indeed be regarded as rare beauties.

In addition, the frequent appearances of Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko have added to the beauty of the store, so the business in the store is getting better day by day, which can be considered an unexpected blessing.

Keilal actually had the physique of a red dragon and could carry more than two bags of change, but considering the shocking eyes, he still carried the money in his hands and walked slowly to the bank.

I met a bank robber last time, so I won't be so unlucky this time, right?

Keilal walked through the alley last time, thinking very relaxedly.

Suddenly two grenades fell from the sky, and it was only after the explosion that Kelal discovered they were shock grenades and smoke grenades.

Shock bombs can instantly damage the human body's hearing and vision. As for smoke bombs, they can even pose a threat to the mouth and nose. Incessant tears and constant coughing are the effects of smoke bombs.

Keilal was always covered with protection and was not affected at all by the shock bombs. When the smoke from the smoke bombs was still filling the air, he raised his head and looked at the rooftop. He could see Cha wearing tactical glasses and Tokiwadai clothes. hair girl.

"No. 00002?" Keilar was silent for a moment. He thought of a lot at this moment.

PS: 360 monthly tickets will be added to the update, and we will continue to work hard.

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