The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 175 Fantasy Controller

Chapter 063 Fantasy Controller

"It seems like things are a bit big this time." Keilar looked at the metal man who was obviously a level 4 ability user with a serious look on his face.

This is no simple question.

If a person who has used that kind of thing can become powerful because he has a lot of potential that has been forcibly tapped out, then this kind of thing can be said to be a powerful medicine, but if this kind of thing can forcibly make a group of people People's abilities have skyrocketed. If you skip a level directly, then this thing will be poison.

Now look at the whole scene.

There are more than a dozen people whose superpowers have skyrocketed, exceeding one level of their original superpowers. This is completely unscientific, and what is hidden under this unscientific nature is probably very scary.

Keilal even felt that it was not impossible for them to suddenly die suddenly now.

"Gun Narcissus, watch him, I'll take care of the rest." In order to save people, sometimes he can't care so much.

Keilal waved his hand, and a chain of light locked the metal man, wrapping him tightly from top to bottom.

The metallic color on the metal man slowly faded away. He struggled desperately, but could not break free.

Narcissus looked at Kelal's chains with amazement.

She knew this metal man. When he was a third-level ability user, his ability to rely on metal and his short-hitting method of exerting power ranked at least in the top ten, second only to the superpowers who restrained him and the superpowers who were stronger than him. .

But after he entered the level 4 ability user, even the Spear Narcissus couldn't suppress him. This situation was indeed so rare that it was almost like a miracle.

There are dozens of people with the same "miracle" as him. It is obvious that they all took potions or other things that can stimulate their abilities.

In short, it is definitely not good for the body.

But even if he is a level 4 ability user, he still can't break free from Keilal's chain of light, and he can't even use his superpowers. Who is Keilal?

Is he really just an ordinary convenience store owner? Who is he?

It is very clear that there are no adults among the espers in Academy City.

Although the research on superpowers in Academy City began 20 years ago, and Academy City was established decades ago, it is only in the last 10 years that it really began to bear fruit.

It is precisely because of this that the largest level 5 ability users in Academy City are Mugino Shinri and Kakine Teitoku. Both of them seem to be college students, no more than 22 years old, while the other level 5 ability users are younger, Accelerator seems to be He is only 16, and Misaka Mikoto is only 14 (Hermione is also 14, what a fate). As for the others, Keilal has not met yet, but Soita Gunba and Midoriya Izuku are also sixteen or seventeen years old.

And now, the sudden appearance of a capable person in his twenties is simply terrifying, isn't it?

Who is he? Why does he have super powers? Why can he suppress even level 4 ability users? Is he a level 5 ability user? Academy City’s secret level 5 ability user?

A series of questions flashed through Gun Narcissus' mind, which made Gun Narcissus think about a lot of things.

But the reality is not that complicated.

If Kelal knew the reason for his superpowers, then the origin of his superpowers would suddenly become clear to him.

Now he is just looking at the flowers in the fog, and can only see dimly.

Keilal rushed into this group of students, like a tiger in a pack of wolves, invincible. The bento wolf who used his skills was completely unable to resist Keilal's skills. As for those who used super powers, the super The superpowers whose abilities have skyrocketed have been killed by Kelal's Locks of Light.

This guy is just like the nemesis of superpowers, and he can defeat ghosts and gods.

"Who is this uncle!"

The Sogiita military tyrant who was fighting hard looked at Keilal showing off his power and wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked.

Keilal suddenly turned to look at him, smiled and said a few words.

"Hear, I'm here...?" Gunba Soita was imitating Keilal's tone and saying these words, when he saw a chain appear under his feet, and then he suddenly lifted him up. , and then fell heavily to the ground.

Even Gun Narcissus felt pain at that moment, but why didn't Gunba Sogiita use his superpower to block this painful blow?

When the chains dragged Soita Gunba flying here, they discovered that Sogiita Gun Ba was bleeding heavily from his nose, but there was no sign of any superpowers.

What about Sogiita Gunba’s superpower? !

While everyone was questioning this matter, Gun Narcissus looked thoughtfully at the metal man bound by the lock of light, and had an idea about Kelal's ability.

What followed was more speculation about Kelar's identity. Is he a weapon specially used by Academy City to deal with people with super powers? Is it because superpowers are ineffective, so they are specifically used to hunt down and capture people with superpowers?

This outbreak of superpowers has attracted the attention of Academy City's top management, so they sent Keilal, the store owner lurking in the convenience store, to suppress them?

Sure enough, there are a lot of dramas about Sanwu's heart. While Keilal was beating up the bento wolf, so many settings were already made up in his head.

In less than a moment, the bento wolves were already lying on the ground.

Some of the super-powered rampages were tied up tightly by him, while most of the others were knocked unconscious on the ground.

Keilar's actions were very measured, and he would wake up after being knocked out for about half an hour, but those locked superpowers were dragged into the alley one by one by him.

Gun Narcissus couldn't help but follow in. A man with a secret like Keilar is actually very attractive. Just like now, even though she knew it was a bit dangerous, she still couldn't help but follow in. If only he were as handsome as Keilar If so, it would be even more dangerous.

After Keilal whipped them, they resorted to everything, including verbal whippings, of course.

Using words full of language traps, he "tortured" what he wanted.

Those young people were all gray, and they just wondered whether their lives had been lived by dogs. This kind of complete intellectual crushing was really disappointing.

And Keilal basically knew what this matter was.

This incident was originally caused by an MP3 file called "Fantasy Controller".

Originally there was nothing special about this thing, it was just a piece of music.

After listening to this piece of music, people suddenly discovered that their super power level was LevelUP!

And it's not just a little bit of UP, but one level after another.

That would be interesting.

In Academy City, how many people want to become superpowers but can't?

PS: The first update with guarantee.

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