The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 176 Dangerous Goods (450 monthly tickets)

Chapter 064 Dangerous Goods

The answer is countless people!

Among Academy City's 2.3 million superpower users, there are only 13 people with level 5 abilities, less than 50,000 people with level 4 abilities, about 250,000 people with level 3 abilities, and people with level 2 abilities and below. , they are all weaklings who can bend a spoon without bursting the blood vessels in their brains.

As we all know, only those who have become level 3 or above can use their "personality" to become a person who can use superpowers in Academy City or in daily life.

It is precisely because of this that things like Fantasy Controller, which can turn their daily fantasies into reality, can be detonated in an instant with just one introduction, spreading like a virus in Academy City.

This kind of proliferation is almost foreseeable, because the existence of incompetent people and people with weak abilities gave birth to this market, and this market has allowed many people to join in.

No one can resist the charm of the fantasy hand, not even these confident and self-reliant bento wolves.

No, it would be better to say that after seeing Gun Narcissus, Soita Gunba and others, their desire for the strong made them use Fantasy Tamer without hesitation.

When they looked at each other and realized that they were both users of the Fantasy Gauntlet, they suddenly looked at each other speechless.

They suddenly felt that it was very ironic and funny. After all of them used the Fantasy Controller and everyone leveled up, the problem came. People who were originally so strong were actually still so strong. When everyone improved by a base, this This kind of strength is not at a level that can crush other people. It is precisely because of this that their use of fantasy masters looks so ridiculous.

"False happiness will eventually be destroyed by falsehood." Keilal whispered, then turned around and started making phone calls.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Shirai Kuroko." Shirai Kuroko's cute and sharp voice came from over there.

"Hello, I am the manager of the convenience store, Keilal." Keilal said straightforwardly.

"Ah, it's you." Kuroko's attitude suddenly turned nasty. Compared with Misaka Mikoto's many admirers, Keilal was the one most likely to reach home base.

"Yes, it's me. Kuroko, do you know that you've been fantasizing about the hand lately?"

"Don't use such an intimate name!" Shirai Kuroko was furious, because in Japan, calling someone by their real name is a very affectionate way of calling someone, while a more polite and distant way of calling someone by their last name, such as Shirai-san.

After she exploded, she calmed down and said: "I know about this matter. Many people have been hospitalized because of this matter. Imagining the hand, an unknown object that can enhance people's superpowers, haha, if superpowers If it’s really that easy to improve, then what are the 2.3 million people in Academy City who live and live for superpowers and specialize in scientific research?”

Keilar nodded slightly, admiring Shirai Kuroko's logic very much. There were so many people here, but there was not a little girl who could think clearly.

"But you are wrong about one thing. The unknown object is actually a piece of audio. This audio can forcibly increase people's superpower levels, but I don't know the specific principle yet, but I have twelve people here who have used Fantasy Controllers. People, please come and take it in. I suspect that imagining the hand will cause damage to the brain. Please send them to the hospital in time."

Keilal's words made Kuroko Shirai pale in shock, "Hey, wait a minute, how do you know what the identity of Fantasy Master is? What damage will Fantasy Master do to the brain? Hey, hey..."

Keilal gave an address, then hung up the phone and nodded to Narcissus: "Okay, let's go."

"Hey, hey, wait, untie this for us." Those who were bound by the chains of light couldn't help but struggle.

"It will be untied when the disciplinary committee comes, don't worry," Keilal waved his hand, and then said loudly: "Thank you for coming to my store often, and you should come often in the future."

When he slowly walked out of the store, the group of people looked at each other in confusion.

"It seems, it seems, really, the owner of the store we often go to?"

Someone asked his companions in a low voice.

"But what the hell? Why is a convenience store owner so powerful?" Someone complained loudly.

"This is the Discipline Committee. You have been arrested... eh?" Shirai Kuroko, who teleported to the alley, grabbed his Discipline Committee armband and said loudly.

She would first show them the disciplinary committee's armband as a deterrent, and then use force, just like the police showing their badges to intimidate criminals.

But unexpectedly, everyone's light locks disappeared at the same time she appeared.

Everyone looked at each other, glanced at each other, and suddenly shouted in unison: "Run away!"

Then he rushed outside in all directions.

"Don't run!" Shirai Kuroko shouted loudly, almost furious, and then moved quickly to pursue them.

On the way back, Keilal's steps were cheerful and relaxed, but he was a little strange about the gun Narcissus following him.

"What's wrong with you?" Keilal looked at her strangely: "Why are you on the same path with me?"

"Yes." She nodded gently, her beautiful face was full of calmness, and her temperament was very good. "In front, separate."

She spoke the language simply, making Kelal smile and nod.

There was something she wanted to say in her heart, but she didn't think it was very good, so she swallowed it, and then walked silently with Keilal under the street lights until they reached the fork in the road.

"Then we'll part ways here." Keilal said, looking at her with a smile.

She nodded slightly, then opened her mouth: "Who are you?"

"Sa, I'm just a convenience store manager." Kailar smiled, then waved his hand, turned around and walked further and further down the other road.

"Convenience store's not bad either." Narcissus thought to himself after thinking about Kelal's food.

There was a loud bang, and everyone in the nearby blocks heard the violent explosion.

What's wrong? She raised her head, looked into the distance, and then her heart skipped a beat.

That direction is where Keilal just left!

She couldn't bear it any longer and started running wildly.

In the rumbling smoke, Keilal's whole body was glowing with a faint light, protecting him from the smoke and debris.

He raised his head and looked at Sister Misaka who was holding a rocket launcher and loading the second RPG into it fifty meters away, and suddenly laughed.

No. 00003...?

PS: Tomorrow starts the Golden Week holiday. There will be 4 updates every day. I probably won’t finish them all yet, but I will work hard!

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