The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 177 Data Analysis

Chapter 065 Data Analysis

By the time Gun Narcissus arrived on the battlefield, it no longer looked like a Japanese residential area.

The walls, street lights, roads and greenery destroyed by RPG made this place look like a battlefield in Afghanistan.

But there is only one RPG left here and that's it. As for the attacker and the attacked, they have already left the battlefield.

Gun Narcissus can no longer see anything.


Keilar returned to his home holding No. 00003, and saw two porcelain dolls, 00001 and 00002, sitting on the mat in a kneeling posture. They looked like two mascots and They are like two door gods.

Faced with this situation, Keilal could only sigh softly.

"The number of people has increased again..."

He sighed, and then put No. 00003 on the quilt. However, because Misaka Mikoto is not big, there is no problem even if the three sisters sleep on the same bed. You must know that Mugino Shenri and the others were four people squeezed into one bed. There's a bed.

"It seems that we can't deal with them as soon as possible." Keilar looked at his peacefully sleeping sister No. 00003 with some distress, and shook his head. He couldn't afford to support her if this continued.

Of course, the affordability here is a joke. The food for the sisters is not bad, but their appetites are not high. Even if there are three people, it is not to the point where Keilar cannot afford to feed them.

But the problem is that the place here has its limits. It's already very cramped for three people. After four, five, or six people, plus the big man Keilal, there will be no way to move. .

Kelal is not just a place to restrain them, but also a place to protect them.

As long as they don't go out, there won't be any safety issues, they won't be captured again, they won't be used for experiments, and they won't be ordered to attack Kelal again.

This is their sanctuary, their ideal home, their... home.

The two girls were extremely quiet, watching Keilal put their sister into bed.

In fact, they are sisters, but they have no biological relationship or affection. They only share feelings, memories, and knowledge.

They are like personal computers. Although humans refer to their relationship as sisters, in fact they are more like computers and humanoid terminals.

What we see now is just another humanoid terminal being rescued.

Of course, when they saw a girl with the same face as themselves being saved, they actually felt a faint warmth surge in their hearts.

Of course, they still don't know what feelings this hot current represents, but their feelings are mutual, so when one person has such emotions, the other person will of course know it, and the third person will also know it. .

This is very interesting, which means that as long as he completes the strategy for one Misaka sister, he will be able to get most of the Misaka sisters...

But Keilal has no such idea. The main question now is, what will happen if the fourth Misaka sister appears?

The fifth, the sixth, the seventh...

Keilal has her hands full.

He opened his laptop, sat down at the dining table, and began to search for things on the Internet with flying hands.

The two Misaka sisters were sitting behind him, one on the left and the other on the right. Their sitting postures were very upright. Of course, some people said that this posture could easily lead to bowed legs. I don't know if there is any scientific basis for this.

Kelal relied on his own mind and intelligence analysis.

He first asked the two sisters to point out the location where they woke up. Even if the sisters had any genetic defects, they still had brains and memories, and they wouldn't even be able to remember the way they came.

Unfortunately, this kind of cloning plan for the sisters must not be completed by one institution. It must be completed by several institutions. First, the institution will specially maintain and cultivate the embryos, and then another institution will adjust the genes. There will even be several other, more than a dozen subordinate institutions working specifically for this plan. As subordinate branches, they will specialize in one branch of research, such as adjusting a sister's electromagnetic ability, such as adjusting a sister's network hacking ability. Entering the ability, such as trying to upgrade a sister's level to level 5...

These things all require subordinate research institutions to develop, because the energy of a research institution is limited, and modern research requires a dozen or dozens of people to form a large team to tackle a topic, and this topic , maybe it’s just “how to keep my sisters’ toes from getting crooked”.

Yes, cruel and terrifying science has actually been divided into very fine details, and every topic has countless scientists working on it, making it an absolutely cruel battlefield.

Among them, there must be several specialized and key research institutions, which are used to store sisters, study sisters, and then order sisters.

As long as all these institutions are removed, then they can be liberated and free.

Of course, it would be even better if we could directly rob some funds.

"Well, there are really many subordinate branches that are in contact with this organization, and there are also many friendly organizations. It is really a big project to exclude these organizations from so many organizations..." Keilar stretched out his hands to pull He stretched out the bones of his hands, and then the air between the joints crackled. He took out a notebook and a pen, and then typed quickly on the laptop with his other hand. The other hand is writing and drawing in a notebook. The so-called data analysis is to eliminate one correct answer among all the answers.

Or find many correct answers.

"These places are quite interesting."

Keilal looked at those seven or eight places and slowly began to think deeply.

He turned on his cell phone, dialed a number, and then started talking to the other end of the phone.

After finishing the call, he turned to look at Sister No. 1 and Sister No. 2 and said, "You two, are you willing to help me rescue the other sisters?"

The two of them looked at each other, then looked at Keilal and nodded slightly.

"Misaka Misaka thinks that No. 3 will also be happy." I don't know if it was No. 1 or No. 2, but sister suddenly said.

"Why do you think so?" Keilar was very surprised. He just defeated Sister No. 3 today. Will the other party betray her so quickly?

PS: The first update with guarantee.

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