The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 178 Behind the Scenes Research Institute (480 monthly votes)

Chapter 066 Behind the Scenes Research Institute

"Really, why do we go to destroy some laboratory with such a brat?" Mugino Shenli said as he followed his sister 00001 with a look of displeasure.

She was already very unhappy with Misaka Mikoto, but now she had to go with her clone to save the Misaka sisters.

Not only her, but also the entire prop team came (do you know the embarrassment of trying to speak English and pretending to be cool but ended up being beaten into Steam?).

"Two level 5 ability users are overqualified for such a thing, okay?" She kept mumbling along the way, and Takitsubo had to comfort her: "Mugino, it's okay, just treat it as a holiday." She said So comforting.

In fact, the halo around their necks is emitting a faint light in the night. If they are unaware, they will think that it is a decoration for women.

Only the people in the props team know that this thing is a constraint and a guarantee.

It is also their collar to ensure that they are not harmed.

Just like now, all their labor is... free.

Of course, if you were working in a serious convenience store, Keilal would be well paid.

The person leading the way is No. 00001. She is leading them to a research center, while No. 00002 is taking Keilal to another place where they were born.

As for No. 00003, Keilal still didn't believe her and asked her to stay at home.

But so far, the Misaka sisters have not told Keilal about the Misaka Network.

Because there are only four people in the Misaka network now, there is nothing to say. Most of the other sisters are asleep and can only be regarded as receivers of information, not senders, so they are just ignored.

But after they came out of Keilal's apartment and started to connect to the Misaka network, all the Misaka sisters knew their purpose.

Even living in Keilal's room for a week was something they shared.

They were produced as weapons, and the cultivation tank required for 20,000 sisters would occupy a huge amount of space. Keilar had already eliminated the lack of space from the beginning.

First of all, this research institution must have a huge venue, like a science and technology park. In this way, more than a dozen research institutes that are not large enough are excluded.

And there are only a few places left.

Of these places, Kelal decided to deal with two first tonight.

A team consisting of prop crews goes to tackle one location, while Keilal tackles another.

Accelerator is working part-time, and Misaka Mikoto doesn't know about it, so the props team composed of two level 5 ability users, Mugino Shiri and Takitsubo Riko, should not lose to anyone.

No, there is another extremely mysterious NO.2, Weiyuan Substance, Emperor Gakone.

If this mysterious person, who is male or female, young or in his prime, is unknown, takes action, will he be able to compete with Mugino Shimori and Takitsubo Rigo?

Just in case, along with other level 5 ability users, Keilar decided to ask Mugino Shimori and Takitsubo Rikou to act together.

This aroused Mugino Shenli's great dissatisfaction.

This dissatisfaction made Mugino Shenli directly enter the target area and start firing ultimate moves randomly.

Green particle cannonballs flew around like real lasers and lasers. The walls and roofs were all blown away, the flammable gas was ignited, and then a sea of ​​​​fire became like hell.

It is common for researchers to study until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening. It is also very normal to live in a research institute. This is the case all over the world. Therefore, I did not expect that an attacker would come, and I immediately started to panic. Started running.

After all, they are researchers, not soldiers, police officers, disciplinary committee members, or security guards.

Faced with this kind of attack and the dark prop group, they had no ability to fight back.

Just Mugino Shenri, a level 5 ability user, could wipe out all of them.

It is precisely because of this that all the members of the props team, including sister No. 00001, were watching Mugino Shenli showing off his power. Countless shells rushed into those buildings, bombing them regardless of the indiscriminate bombardment, and one person seemed like An artillery piece is as terrifying as a cannon.

"Hey, aren't we here to find those cloned girls? Is this really okay?" Kinuhata asked, holding his head in his hands and eating bubble gum in his mouth.

She looked like she didn't care. The so-called worry was just that she was worried about whether Keilal would blame them, not about the comfort of her sisters.

After all, she was from ANBU, so how many people died had nothing to do with her.

"Don't worry, there are no more than 10,000 people inside, they are all ordinary people." Takitsubo glanced at sister No. 00001 who was watching quietly beside her without any expression, but she was a little scared.

Because this expressionless girl is much scarier than the expressive girl like Misaka Mikoto.

This means that she can fight, fight, massacre, be killed, or die together without any expression.

Is their role to produce these horrific weapons?

Thinking of this, Takitsubo Rikou couldn't help but feel that it was a bit excessive. However, this was still a weapon cultured from Misaka Mikoto's cells. If every level 5 ability user would extract cells like this, cultivate clones, and make weapons... …

It's a bit scary to think about it.

Takitsubo felt a chill in his heart after thinking about the physical examinations that Academy City has to conduct every year, or even every month. This is simply a big chess game!

Thinking of this, Takitsubo Rikou had no intention of stopping Mugino Shenli.

Make trouble, destroy it, the more the better. If Misaka Mikoto's copying plan is destroyed now, then they will be safe and will not be copied.

Until then, they can only gather the information of Misaka Mikoto's copy plan, but they will relax and feel much more relaxed about other level 5 ability users.

This is a theory of relativity.

So, come on, Mugino, completely destroy this place, and then we will be much easier.

Instructing Mukino to go to crowded and precious places and destroy them, Takitsubo's heart became deeper and deeper.

After she upgraded to a level 5 ability user, she was already on an equal footing with Mugino Shenri. Now she was truly the brains and commander of the prop team. With the blessing given to them by Keilal, Mugino could no longer hurt her. Therefore, the entire props team has embarked on a more comfortable path.

After all, compared to Mugino, who sometimes gives random directions, acts petty, and has a bad temper, Takitsubo Rikou's commanding, who is more rational, smarter, and has a bigger chest, saves everyone from the worry of losing their lives.

PS: I still owe Chapter 44... I can only say hard work, because as soon as the 1st passes, another large wave of monthly tickets is coming... I'm trembling.

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