The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 179 Weiyuan Substance (510 monthly votes)

Chapter 067 Unfinished Matter

Just when Mugino Shenli and the others were having a smooth journey, there were some small problems on Keilar's side.

The problem is that Kelal can neither rush up and bombard like Mugino Shimori, nor can he destroy anything casually.

It is precisely because of this that Mugino Shimari's violence against the research institute there cannot be turned into Keilal's method.

Of course, Keilal didn't know that Mugino Shenli would be so messy, but when he flew into the research institute with his sister No. 00002, sister No. 00002 already recognized this place.

"This is where we lived before, Misaka Misaka said to Sir Keilal very excitedly." She told Keilal with an expressionless voice.

"Is it here? I understand." Kelar was about to fold his wings when a voice suddenly came from above his head.

"You guys can fly too." He said in a strange tone: "Then you were the one fighting in the sky a few days ago, right?"

His voice is frivolous, his hair looks like dyed brown hair, his face is full of fascinating confidence, his reserved and proud smile, arrogant and proud, his eyes are sinister, he looks very annoying, but his whole person He still looks handsome and young, but a bit gloomy ruins his overall temperament.

He was wearing a purple school uniform. The buttons of the uniform were all open, and the dark red shirt could be seen underneath. With his hands in his pockets, he looked very arrogant. With his expression, he had the ability to anger someone in an instant.

Looking at him Keilal thought of another person.

One way.

These two people really look alike!

It feels like the attitudes and temperaments of the two of them are so similar - of course it was Accelerator before he worked at Kelal's convenience store. I feel like both of them owe him millions, and neither of them wants to be fucked by or deal with. Looks like the best in the world.

The temperament is exactly the same.

It would be nice if one party was here.

Keilar couldn't help but think in his heart that if one party were here, the two of them would definitely be beaten out of their wits.

He was right. If he hadn't been there, Accelerator would have beaten this guy's brains out.

Suddenly two swords were stuck at Kelal's feet.

"Hey, you guy, do you dare to be distracted in front of me?" He asked in a very arrogant tone.

The six white wings behind him danced gently with the breeze, and their light and shadow effects were even more handsome than Kelar's wings.

Keilar stared at the two swords in front of him slightly.

One of the two swords is completely black, and you can't tell what material it is made of, but it is extremely sharp. It can be easily inserted into the ground of the concrete structure, while the other one is also completely white, and it looks like Jade, but it is more solid and whiter than jade, which is really interesting.

One is black and cannot reflect light, while the other is completely white. It is simply interesting.

"Hey, don't ignore me, answer me." A frivolous voice came from above the head, and the man jumped downstairs, waving his six wings gently, and slowly landed on the ground.

"Yes, it's me." Keilar pulled out the white sword, raised it, and looked at the blade and edge of the sword in a slightly mesmerized way under the light of the street lamp.

Well, it's a good sword. He hasn't seen such a good sword in a long time.

"Hey, you guys are really interesting. You have the same white wings as me." He saw Keilal observing his sword, and he suddenly felt happy: "How about the sword I made, isn't it good?"

"Well, it's very good, very beautiful. Whether it's shape, sharpness, hardness, or toughness, it's all top-notch. I've never seen this kind of material."

Keilal praised without any concealment at all.

His compliment made the proud brown-haired man in student attire opposite him suddenly become happy: "Right? Right?"

"Are you a non-material person?"

Kelal raised his head and asked.

"It's me." He raised his head proudly and said.

"Why are you in a place like this?" Keilal looked very strange. If this group of scientific researchers could invite Wei Yuan matter, why would they still study Misaka Mikoto's superpowers? You know, even with the diversity and panoramic abilities Practically speaking, non-element matter is much stronger than the electromagnetic force.

"Of course I'm hired... No, I'm obviously asking you!" Emperor Weiyuan Material Yuan Gen became furious for no apparent reason and shouted.

"Calm down, little brother." Keilar laughed helplessly. This is the result of having power but not a matching mind. Whether it is him, Accelerator, or Mugino Shenri, these people are all He is a very powerful person who will kill someone if he disagrees with you.

They seemed to have no idea what human life meant to them.

The weak mind makes them have no self-restraint. When the wind is going smoothly, they are unstoppable and unstoppable. However, if they face difficult situations or are beaten head-on, they will immediately become discouraged and then become even more decadent. .

In the final analysis, superpowers are not their own power, but how much of the power that comes from [science] belongs to them.

This is really doubtful.

So what if this inexplicable power disappears inexplicably one day?

Do these level 5 ability users also have this kind of doubt or uneasiness in their hearts?

Is this insecurity to cover up this uneasiness? Is it because of this uneasiness that proves one's strength?

Entering the inner world of a level 5 ability user is...

Well, let’s not go further. Keilar has no fluctuations in the inner world of level 5 ability users, and he doesn’t want to understand. The reason why these children have become level 5 ability users, Keilar thinks, is only three words.

It's easy to fool, or to be easy to control.

In short, both of them are relatively young. In the words of the elders, they are...too...too...

So what if each of their group of level 5 ability users is stronger than the last? They are immature, easy to deceive, and easy to deceive!

Misaka Mikoto gave away her genes without any thought, Accelerator was tricked into the Absolute Abilities Project without any hesitation, and Emperor Kakine is now guarding the door for others. Aren't these proofs?

As for Mugino Shenli... with her bad temper and the situation of collecting money, others are too lazy to fool her and just give her money to do things.

"I said, answer my question!!" Looking at Keilal who was distracted again, Emperor Kakone yelled word by word.

Countless white rays of light emerged from his body, like rain, shooting towards Keilar.

PS: Damn it, my roommate is here and I don’t feel it at all. I’ll update it at five tomorrow. I can’t finish writing today and I don’t want to stay up late.

PS1: There are no recommendations next week. Please take pity on me and give me some recommendation votes and monthly passes.

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