The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 210 Reinforcements (1100 additional updates)

Chapter 098 Reinforcements

"How could it be, how could I be suppressed like this..." The battlefield of Qianfeng Zhifeng and Mugino Shenli was completely in ruins, as if hundreds of people had bombarded them with heavy firepower.

There is no one here at all, only three women on the battlefield.

These three women are three of the strongest women on the planet. Takitsubo Rikou's movement reading, Mugino Shinri's atomic collapse, and the wind in front of the scourge have been inducing the two of them, but they were just in advance. After getting the information and observing her all the time, Mugino Shenli never took the bait. Although they were fighting, the two women were as calm as ice, sticking to their hearts and letting the wind in front kill them instantly. The enemy's divine punishment spells were of no use to either of them.

At this time, the only killing technique that the front wind has is the air blunt weapon.

The air blunt weapon was a slash created by the iron cross hammer in her hand. The slash was extremely powerful. Even Mugino Shinri and Takitsubo Riko would be seriously injured after one hit. She herself could not see those slashes. But he can use the metal cross pendant on his tongue to correct those slashes and achieve a precise killing effect.

However, this kind of invincible attack also met its nemesis when facing Takitsubo Rikou. Takitsubo Rikou could not only read her movements and spells, but could even see her slashes.

After Takitsubo Rikou prompted her, her attack was basically demolition, which was of no use to Mugino Shimari. However, for Mugino Shimari, as long as she attacked at the place prompted by Takitsubo Rikou, she would be able to obtain unexpected results. As a result, she was completely relaxed now. If she just launched the Atomic Collapse without any purpose, the wind in front of her would be completely suppressed and hit, and she even suffered several injuries due to scratches.

If it were Mugino Shinri in a normal state, several Mugino Shinri would have been beaten to pieces by the wind in front of them. However, with the support of Takitsubo Rigo, they were able to fight evenly and even overwhelm Mugino Shinri. The force is blowing, but the wind in front of him is getting more and more suffocating, and the whole person feels like a volcano is about to erupt.

But accidentally, when I looked up, I found that the land on the left had completely suppressed Emperor Yuangen, and Emperor Yuangen was as embarrassed as a drowned dog.

His previous abilities were very similar to Keilal's. Keilal relied entirely on all-round crushing to suppress him, but now Zuo Fang's ability to crush Kakine Teito was entirely dependent on the characteristics of magic.

Magic, a mysterious and profound thing, was unleashed by the Zuofang Land. Emperor Kakine could not escape from the Zuofang Land no matter what. After the so-called non-yuan matter was created, it had a shape after all, and this shape was used by the Zuofang Land. You can completely avoid being attacked if you see it.

Coupled with the red bottles on the left: wine, and wheat flour as a means of long-range attack, Emperor Kakine's body was all covered with fine scars made of wheat flour. He looked very embarrassed, and his defeat was just a matter of time.

Suddenly, a cold breath hit his face, and Emperor Kakine, who was surrounded by wheat flour, shuddered. Zuofang Land only needs to use "wheat flour on top, human body below" to easily turn wheat flour into an unparalleled hidden weapon, damaging When it comes to Kakine Teitu, Kakine Teitu's non-yuan substance can only resist part of the wheat flour.

But now, all the wheat flour has been frozen in the air, forming a sheet of crystal cold air, which looks very beautiful.

"Because you were too slow, so I came directly." Half of his body is like fire, and half of his body is like ice. He is a superpower with both fire and freezing abilities. He is the fifth level user in Academy City. Six people, Jiao Rong, Todoroki Jiao Rong, with a cold tone and indifferent attitude, appeared behind Emperor Gakone. He froze wheat flour, and then half of his body was wrapped in ice, like armor, and the other half was covered in flames. Sweeping across, as if ready to attack at any time.

"You're actually here too. How powerful is that uncle? Does it mean that he runs Academy City?"

Emperor Kakine couldn't help but smile bitterly. In the sky, Accelerator ranked first, and Mugino Shenli ranked fourth. Plus him, three of the top five were already here, but even so, there were still constant Level 5 ability users are involved, such as Takitsubo Rihou and Todoroki Todoroki.

Or there will be more Level 5 ability users from Academy City entering the battlefield to fight for them.

So just like what he thought and said, that uncle is not really a god, right? Is this Academy City really his territory? Is he the big boss behind Academy City?

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Todoroki Todoroki's expression was cold. He had this kind of character himself. Faced with Emperor Kakine's complaints, he asked with the most basic logic: "This is Academy City, and the enemy has rushed in. , and for us level 5 ability users to fight against them and defend Academy City, do we need any other reason?"

Emperor Kakine took a deep look at Todoroki Todoroki. The difference in concepts between them was as great as heaven and earth. Does it have anything to do with him that Academy City was breached?

This was originally just a place where you could pay him to experiment, develop, and complete tasks.

Even if he loses this place, Emperor Kakine will not suffer any loss. With his skills, where can he go anywhere in the world?

If the wheat flour used in Zuofang Land hadn't prevented him from escaping unscathed, he might have retreated long ago. Although money is good, he has to live to get it.

But now the appearance of Hong Jiao Dong is different.

Mugino Shenli's two level 5 ability users can suppress the wind in front, so now Todoroki Jiaodong and him should also be able to suppress this place on the left.

The land on the left reads: "The wheat is above, the ice is below."

I saw that the frozen wheat flour began to slowly melt the ice, and with a flash of cold light, the flames suddenly swept through the entire space like a whirlpool, burning all the previously frozen wheat flour.

If flames had been used before, so much wheat flour would have likely caused a dust explosion. Kakine Teito should be fine, but he was not sure.

"Are you okay?" Although Todoroki Todoroki made a cool appearance, he also understood very calmly and clearly that the second-ranked Emperor Kakine was not his opponent's enemy, and he was not his opponent, so he kept delaying time for Emperor Kakine. .

And Emperor Kakine has his own set of special skills. His injuries have fully recovered, and his face is arrogant again: "Since you are here, let us kill him together."

PS: I really don’t know what Hippo is thinking. He should have been balancing the power between the technology side and the magic side before setting it up. As a result, he wrote the technology side so well, first and second. All four of them were cut by him. In the end, they were all one-man shows on the magic side. As long as the hippopotamus was happy.

PS1: Sorry for the delay, this is an additional update.

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