The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 211 The highest stage

Chapter 099 The highest stage

"Is it really okay for you to just sit back and watch here now?" Kailar lowered his head and looked down at the group of superpowers.

In other words, it's the three level 5 ability users.

Misaka Mikoto, Sogiita Gunba, and Midoriya Izuku.

The three people had shaken looks on their faces at the same time. Although Keilar did not broadcast these things, it was obvious that there was smoke everywhere in Academy City, not just Yanis' team, but also all kinds of other people. The magicians are attacking Academy City.

To use a sentence from a martial arts novel to describe it, the Roman Orthodox Church, which occupies the center of the continent, has an unparalleled banner of the King of Justice, and it is easier to recruit people than the Puritan Church or the Chengcheng Church.

Except for the wind in front, the land on the left, the water on the rear, and the fire on the right were all recruited to become the [God's Right Seat]. In other words, they themselves were not members of the orthodox religion, but were just recruited. They're just recruiting guys.

Because of this, they have no loyalty to the Orthodox Church. They also regard Lidovia as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. As for the "god" Kelal, they have no respect at all.

And there are many such people. As the Roman Orthodox Church is the mainland orthodox, there will never be a shortage of mercenaries of such magicians.

Magicians can possess the righteousness of the Roman Orthodox Church as long as they are entrusted with it, and the Roman Orthodox Church can have the combat power of a magician who does not need to be cultivated by itself. Based on this, the development and growth of the Roman Orthodox Church is basically inevitable.

But at the same time, the Roman Orthodox Church is also getting out of control. For example, the four right-hand seats of God with the highest combat power, although they all use Roman Orthodox magic, are actually independent individuals. Led by the fire, the Roman Orthodox Church was slowly being emptied out.

For example, in such a big operation this time, almost all the people came out, but they actually lacked the rear water and the pope himself. This alone can show that neither party has the same mind.

Other magicians, the Knights of the Papal State, and the hymn choir all launched attacks one after another.

Encountered resistance? It doesn't matter, as long as the magic spells are arranged and the entire venue is destroyed.

The battle throughout Academy City was filled with huge explosions and roars from all directions.

If today's Daihasei Festival hadn't brought everyone to this grand venue, and most of Academy City was filled with schools, there would have been many casualties.

Keilal's words hit Misaka Mikoto and Soita Gunha in their hearts. Is it really okay for them to be entangled with Keilal here when their friends are all fighting?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if they plan to kill Kelal, can they really do it?

Misaka Mikoto and the others looked at each other, no longer hesitated, turned around and ran outside.

Many people stood up and looked worriedly at their sons and daughters rushing to the battlefield. Only then did they realize that Keilal was right. Academy City was talking about the development of super powers, but in the end, the development of super powers What is the purpose?

It’s like everyone says: You want to study, find a good school, and learn skills, but what is the ultimate goal? Of course, find a good job.

And Academy City has been saying: To develop superpowers, you must develop a good superpower. Superpowers are the best, but what is the ultimate goal after developing superpowers?

It's a battle, it's a war, it's a soldier, it's a warrior, it's a weapon...

Is this the truth about Academy City?

All the viewers felt a sense of enlightenment in their hearts.

The man in the glass bottle sighed softly and produced a series of bubbles.

He knew that Academy City was over. In less than ten years after this incident, Academy City would not be able to find a single source of students. No parent would be willing to send their children to be used as weapons, not to mention that there are problems in weapons development. How much darkness there is, how much sloppiness there is in the development of superpowers, adults can tell by thinking about it with their little fingers. It is absolutely impossible for them to let their children study in Academy City, and they will not let their children come to study. Study in Garden City and develop super powers.

The flag that Academy City has always been proud of, the King's Flag, was destroyed by Kelar with just one word and fell into the dust, which was heartbreaking.

This guy is really a monster.

Never before has a man been able to destroy everything with such brilliant, quick and simple means.

This man simply does not look like a human being. It seems that everything is discerned by him. Has he really only been in this world for two months?

If Aleister hadn't really seen Kelal's appearance, then he would really doubt whether Kelal was a man-made weapon of some religion.

"Okay, the troublesome children are gone, so why don't you plan to reveal your purpose?" Kailar raised his head, looked at the sky, and asked loudly.

Everyone was filled with questions. No one knew who Keilal was asking, and no one knew who would respond to Keilal.

"You brought Puritanism and Orthodoxy into the situation, and in the end, wasn't it just for this scene?"

"Your superpowers blocked the Orthodox Church. The Puritans were almost defeated by me. No one can stop us two kings from fighting each other anymore, and no one can stop us anymore."

"Come on, this is the best opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, when the superpowers from Academy City or the orthodox magicians come back, you will be under siege, or you are planning to let Will they weaken me once and challenge me again?"

In the silent venue, everyone held their breath. Who was Keilar talking to? Is he talking nonsense? Or is it really as he said, in this world, in this Academy City, there really is a master who controls every move in Academy City?

Nowadays, everything is big news to ordinary people, a new world they have never heard of, but the amount of information about everything is bombarding their brains, and every piece of information is torturing their minds. Logic, what's even more frightening is that there are still new things coming out in an endless stream, making them dizzying.

The center of the conference venue.

With a buzzing sound, a man in white clothes and silver hair hanging upside down appeared in the sky, and his voice was clearly conveyed to everyone's ears.

"Hello, Your Highness Kelal."

"My name is Aleister Crowley, and I am a loyal fan of yours. Please forgive me for being rude. I can't meet you yet."

He nodded slightly in greeting, full of etiquette.

The two people's eyes met in mid-air, and they smiled at the same time.

PS: Subscription is not effective! Old fans who watch Theft... hurry up and bring your money to to subscribe. I have already written 8,000 words for you in the AP series. Why don't you join the group to read it? !

PS: Ask for that author’s orb! Please support! Please vote for recommendation! Anyway, I want everything! I'm going to write the second update.

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