The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 212 The Wind Cuts Binghua (1,200 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 100 The wind cuts Binghua

"Actually, I can probably guess some of your plans." Kelar's words made Aleister's eyes narrow for a moment, but he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, if it's you, even if it's only been 2 months, you can still see a lot of clues." He said seemingly very relaxedly.

"The entire Academy City is a large-scale art, right?" Keilar crossed her legs and looked at him.

"Superpowers are just a scam, right? They use magic from beginning to end."

"You just replaced magic with [science] and cultivated a large number of followers."

"No, I shouldn't limit these things with such narrow things." Kailar spread his hands and said in a peculiar tone: "You just gave them the method of using energy."

"You really are Prometheus."

he said.

According to legend, Prometheus stole fire from Mount Olympus and taught humans how to use fire. However, he was ordered by the furious God King to never be freed. He was tied to a cliff and was pecked by vultures every day. Eat your own internal organs.

This selfless act has been sung by mankind for millions of years.

But what is Aleister's purpose?

Kelal never believed it was for any noble purpose.

"The number one magician in the world, the writer of the most powerful magical calligraphy book, 20% of the magicians in the world are your disciples, and they switched to the technology side as the strongest magician." Keilar counted carefully. Looking at Aleister's battle record and achievements, it seems as if he is explaining it to ordinary people.

"Then what is your purpose?" Kelal looked at Aleister steadily and asked.

"My purpose?" Aleister smiled: "My purpose is very simple. I just want there to be no more gods in this world."

Keilar did not waver in any way. Although the other party issued a clear declaration of killing gods, in fact Keilal knew that this was just the other party's ultimate goal. He had only been here less than 2 months, and the other party's The goal was set twenty or thirty years ago, and this kind of goal would not defeat him no matter what.

"You are really smart. That's right, the purpose of this goal is not you at all." Aleister just looked at Keilal upside down and chatted with Keilal with a smile.

"My goal is to use the AIM position to complete the purification of the entire world, so that things like magic disappear completely from this world." His words made Laura and the Queen of England completely change their expressions, and they looked at Aleister with a bad look on his face. .

"Hahahaha, so you created such a situation?" Kailar suddenly laughed and asked.

"Yes." Aleister is neither humble nor arrogant. He is neither happy nor sad. He looks as calm as an iceberg, but smiles like a spring breeze. This is a man who looks like an old man and a child. Men are like saints to women.

His presence is legendary and he can cause tremendous pressure when he's there.

Just like Kelal, the shadow of the famous tree, Aleister's reputation also spread far and wide.

Even if Laura and the Queen of England already know that Aleister is here, they will still be under great pressure when they actually face Aleister.

"It seems you really don't understand me at all." Keilar shook his head gently.

A question mark appeared on Aleister's face: "Isn't it wrong?"

"As a vested person, as the number one mage in the past, of course I will safeguard the interests of magicians as you imagine, but unfortunately, most of my other identities in the past have been You have forgotten that all you remember is that I am a magician and a god in religion."

Kelal sighed softly.

His greatest achievement was to help King Arthur pacify the entire Northern Europe, and then pacify the entire continent, all the way west to Egypt, and unify the entire Europe.

It is precisely because of this that religions that regard him as a god are so widespread, growing like weeds without any enemies.

"My achievements, my brains, and my inventions have all been ignored by you. You only judge me by focusing on a religion that I did not create. To be honest, I am very sad."

Kelar spread his hands and shrugged: "And I actually agree with the purification of magic."

"I have seen many cases. I feel that today's magicians have completely deviated from their original path and have become creatures driven by power. They have no motivation at all to explore magic. Instead, they are interested in using magic to They are very interested in oppressing, bullying, and squeezing ordinary people. They use the name of religion to label other people as heretics, and then they can easily use this excuse to kill each other. There is no kindness and improvement in religion."

"Magic has gone out of control." Kelar's words summed it up perfectly. With the high-profile eyes of a wise man who has seen through the world, he said the cruelest thing in the world.

"Really, you think so too." Aleister looked at Keilar with relief. It was difficult for him to meet someone who understood him, but someone like Keilar who could think of going with him, It's like a lonely idealist meeting like-minded people.

He even wanted to go over, took Kelal's hand, and said with tears in his eyes: "Comrade, I finally found the organization."

"But, unfortunately, my self-esteem and pride do not allow you to pass by so easily after using me as a pawn." Keilar stood up, casually grabbing the staff and the Sword in the Stone in his hand.

The Throne of Light behind him instantly turned into huge wings of light and appeared behind him.

He leaned on his staff, pointed his sword at Aleister, and shouted: "I am Kelal Pan Dragon, King Arthur's man, the sage of Camelot, show me your last resort. Look."

"Come on! Let me see if you have the courage and strength to bear your pride and honor."

Aleister's eyes closed slightly: "Really? Sure enough, in the end we still have to rely on these things to speak. It's such a pity."

"Then, let me show you my last resort." Aleister's body slowly dissipated in mid-air, with endless brilliance in the sky, and a girl slowly fell from the clouds. .

She was like a real angel, with a halo on her head, wings appearing on her back, wearing the costume of a female high school student, and then she landed in the central sky of the conference venue with endless light.

"Artificial angel..." Kelar sighed softly. After so many years of science, even if it was just the pseudoscience of studying magic, they still allowed them to create such a thing.

Something that far exceeds the limit of human power, and with Academy City as the condition for activating the spell, it is even stronger than the current Kelar!

PS: Sorry, the update is a bit late due to writing today... You can press and hold to update again. I'm really sorry...

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