The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 225 Incompetent Person

Chapter 003 Incompetent Person

"Ah, such a familiar smell." The silver-haired man raised his head gently. The air was filled with the smell of smoke, war, and death.

He had smelled, touched, and tasted this smell countless times.

A taste that is intoxicating, intoxicating, and disgusting.

First, it should be weapons.

He turned and glanced at the rifles in the hands of the soldiers.

The rifle is indeed very powerful, and he has also made the simplest flintlock rifle, but unfortunately these guns will limit the performance of the strong.

He turned his head and looked at the deep tunnel. This place looked so familiar and nostalgic, if he guessed correctly.

The silver-haired man walked out of the door, and then came outside. In the deep corridor, he gently hammered a stone slab next to him.

Suddenly the stone slab dented.

Then slowly, after a slow and clumsy sound, the two secret doors suddenly turned around.

Kelar showed a satisfied smile. Since he accompanied Artoria to pacify the entire British Peninsula, he moved the capital to London. There is no doubt that although he will be often harassed by the Vikings, he will not be afraid of it. After Camelot becomes stronger, London, the outlet of the Thames River, will be the largest port to attack the ocean, attack the mainland, and monopolize trade.

Of course, there are many ports, but this is indeed the most suitable place to become the capital.

Of course he built this road.

The specific reason for the construction has been forgotten. It seems to be to store some things. But now, those things have been transported away, and he does not know why he is sleeping in this place, as if he has slept for a thousand years. Looking at their clothes and The weapons are completely different from those of the same era.

It looks more like the weapon style of people from the 1980s to 1990s...

Keilar shook his head and came to the secret door, or secret compartment, on the left.

There was a pair of armor in the dark space. The light armor exuded a cold and shining light. Even if thousands of years had passed, it was still as majestic and unbreakable as ever.

This is light armor made of mithril from Gensokyo. Although it only protects the chest, abdomen, knees and other key areas, its defense is very high. Especially when it is worn on the body, it cannot be felt at all. In terms of weight, it has good defense against arrows and sharp weapons. Of course, things like maces are another matter.

Keilar looked at the robe on his body, rolled up the sleeves, tied a knot, and then tied two knots on the legs, so that the robe became easier to move.

This simple wisdom is absolutely essential in ancient robe-like clothing, and this little trick is something almost everyone knows.

He picked up the armor and began to put it on himself.

Most of the ancient armors required the help of servants to equip them, but Kelal would not be stupid enough to make this mithril light armor into that style. One person, or even one hand, could easily equip it.

Keilar quickly passed on the armor, including the chest, abdomen, elbows, knees, and legs. If it was heavy armor, the legs should be two pairs of heavy iron boots.

He turned around and came to the right. There was no doubt a hidden compartment on the right. In the hidden compartment was a long sword about 1.5 meters long. The blade was 1.2 meters long. It shone with cold light. The handle was like a cross. It looked like a sword. A cross sword with a long handle. This kind of cross-sword style Western hand sword has a handle customized according to the length of Kelal's palm. The blade is customized according to Kelal's usage habits. Kelal holds it in his hand. , a familiar feeling came to my heart.

"Sword... I haven't used a sword for a long time..." Kelar shook his head and waved the sword twice.

The end of the sword is inlaid with sapphire, which is also an excellent casting material. This is also something that was designed from the beginning.

The group of soldiers behind him were already dumbfounded. What is this man going to do? Do you want to go out and fight for your life?

"Wait a minute, this...sir!" The captain struggled to say a title and stopped Kelal: "There are all immortal monsters outside. Are you going to go out like this?"

"Immortal monsters? Do you mean vampires? Or werewolves? Or zombies? Ghouls? Ghosts?" Kelar held a cross sword in one hand, turned to look at the team leader and smiled: "Those things, In our time, it was a very common thing.”

"Don't worry, leave it to him, John." Her Majesty the Queen said softly as she looked at the silver-haired man who turned around and gradually disappeared into the tunnel.

"He is, after all, His Majesty's husband. After all, he is the man who pacified the whole of Europe..."

She watched the figure finally disappear at the end of the tunnel and sighed softly.

"If the trump card of the Hellsing Agency is that monster, then I believe that the trump card left by the late king is the only one who can deal with that monster, but..." But the monster has always been obedient. Integra has always been obedient, so there is no need to activate him.

But now, new vampires, more terrifying, more disgusting, and more terrifying vampires than that monster, have appeared. They are killing the British people cruelly and senselessly. She can no longer wait for the action of the HELLSING agency.

She has to make her own move.

She turned her head, knelt down in front of the light, held the cross in both hands, and began to recite the Bible.

"God, please bless us..."

Kelal held the sword in one hand and walked forward. He had an amazing sense of the road. Without any setbacks along the way, he walked out of the secret room, walked out of the basement, walked out of the corridor, walked out of Buckingham Palace, and then walked out On to the street.

"Hey, hey, hey..." It looked like the whole city was burning, the clouds were dyed red by the flames, and the soldiers wearing World War II German military uniforms bared their sharp and ferocious teeth and pounced on the fleeing people. Ordinary people, watching war, nay, carnage, sweep across London, he smiled.

He laughed angrily, laughed angrily. He had never seen these non-mainstream species hidden in the corner of the world being so unbridled. In humans, when he was in power and made the decision, even though there would be casualties in clearing these alien species, , but in the face of tight military formations, powerful troops, and strict discipline, humans with cold weapons can easily wipe out these aliens.

But now, humans have entered the gunpowder age, humans have telephones, computers, optical fibers, and optical cables.

Humans with rifles, cannons, missiles, and nuclear bombs.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the second largest country in the world and the head of the British Commonwealth, the largest country in the world, was invaded by these things and slaughtered wantonly...

Keilal's body was shaking with anger.

Are the descendants of him and Artoria such incompetent things?

PS: I'm not in good condition today, so I only have one update.

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