The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 226 The smell of war

Chapter 004 The smell of war

"That's..." The silver-haired man raised his head, looked at the countless helicopters appearing in the sky, and nodded happily: "Isn't that coming!"

"Are there any living people here?" The vampire in Japanese military uniform looked at the silver-haired man standing on the slope looking up to the sky. He rushed up with a 98k rifle and tried to stab the man with a bayonet.

"**Vampire..." Kelal sighed, moved his steps gently, and waved the sword gently.

"You..." The speed of the vampire in mid-air is by no means slow. It is twice as fast as the fastest human. He can jump higher than the highest jump human, and his reaction speed is faster than the fastest human. Humans are even faster, but they are so simple and easy... cut in half.

The phrase "Who are you?" just uttered one word, and it had already ended its life.

The long sword mixed with mithril slid past him, and his body that was cut in half began to smoke, and then instantly turned into ashes.

"What an interesting species." Kelar instantly distinguished it from vampires, and immediately understood that it was completely different from previous vampires.

A vampire with a thermal weapon can surpass human reaction speed. This is a killing machine. In street fighting, one such vampire can kill a large group of soldiers. If several vampires can form a small team, then in the city It's almost invincible.

How many such soldiers are there?

Well-trained policemen, coupled with vampires with amazing physical fitness...

Whoever made this soldier was a genius.

As the commander-in-chief, Kelal undoubtedly recognized the other party's genius and creativity, but from a personal perspective, he undoubtedly opposed this inhumane approach.

This approach is absolutely stupid.

Kelal, who has seen how far human potential can reach, and Kelal, who has the Great Sword Guards, hates all methods of human body modification. They may be able to win now, but what will happen after victory? It is the loss of the source of human progress.

Vampires have gained the world. It is only the world of vampires, not the world of humans. Creatures that have been transformed by humans have lost the possibility of further progress.

He could see clearly how much potential humanity had in the future and how far it could go. This kind of vampire empire... would never be allowed to exist.

Keilar had just taken a step forward when he saw the plane in the sky emitting countless induction bombs, just like an angel landing on earth. The induction bombs looked like two pairs of wings stretched out by the plane, which was extremely cool. .

"Why launch induced bombs..." Kelar is not a person without military knowledge. In his first life, he is extremely proficient in military knowledge. What is the point of launching induced bombs when there are no enemies in the sky? ?

Only a huge loudspeaker with a distorted voice appeared over the burning London.

"We are the earthly representatives of the Angel of Death! Now is the time of judgment!"

"Defendant: Great Britain!"

"Defendant: Monster!"

"Verdict: Death penalty!!"

"Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty!!"

"I'm sorry about this, dear sinners, but your sins will never be forgiven. Die like a withered flower!! Fly like a butterfly and die like a bee!"

Crazy laughter swept the entire London...

"Crazy..." Keilar was finally able to see the huge national emblem of the Papal State on the approaching helicopter. He murmured: "This city is crazy... this country is crazy... this era is crazy. …”

It is an era full of madness and madness, where madness and madness coexist, and everyone begins to become crazy under the influence of these atmospheres.

The Crusaders of the Holy See are crazy, the Third Reich is killing vampires crazily, and London is no longer able to survive or die, and has turned into purgatory...

It's time to stop this.

Keilar took a step forward. Suddenly, as if he was struck by lightning, a tremor suddenly flowed through his body. He subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the west.

No, it wasn't just him, everyone stopped what they were doing, raised their heads, and looked in that direction. Something was coming from that direction.

Something unparalleled, terrifying, and menacing—a natural enemy is coming!

The natural enemy of humans, the natural enemy of vampires, the natural enemy of the Vatican, the natural enemy of all living things...

Death... is coming.

But among the deaths, there is also a familiar aura.

Suddenly, all the vampires began to evacuate quickly as if they had received some order.

The uniform and gentle roofs of London give them the best conditions for movement. It is always better to move in a straight line at high altitude than to be trapped by traffic roads on the ground, not to mention that vampires with better physical conditions have better physical conditions than those who have experienced a long time. Trained parkourers have better skills.

Moving very the same direction...possessing the means and communications to mobilize troops...the enemy is a well-trained it really a **...what time is it here? World War II? It doesn’t look like a helicopter, tsk, I forgot to ask the year...

Kelal followed the vampires who didn't even look down the streets of the city.

He arrived too quickly, with too little information. Can he only take one step at a time now?

Holding the two-handed cross sword upside down in one hand, Keilal felt extremely calm. No matter what, the enemy just needed to be concentrated. If they were concentrated, they would have a chance to annihilate them all.

Ordinary bullets are not lethal enough against vampires. Even in ancient times, when facing enemies such as vampires and demons, the best choice was to form an array, number of people, and military strength, and then cut the corpses into pieces and gild them.

As for now, Keilal has to rely on his own power to annihilate these vampires, which exceed a thousand people. There is only a little magic left. Large-scale magic is absolutely impossible. The air is full of the smell of gunpowder smoke and the stench of vampires. The breath, the stench of blood, even if Kelal wanted to absorb the light, he couldn't.

However, the greatest strength of human beings does not lie in a strong body or a powerful physique, but in a brain that is larger than most animals, a developed cerebellum, and a pair of dexterous hands.

Follow up. If you follow up, you will definitely have a chance.

The terrifying aura was getting closer and closer, and the smell of the battlefield was getting stronger and stronger.

He smelled it.

The smell of war.

PS: My waist... hurts like crazy... there is one more update...

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