The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 227: Angry (1,600 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 005: Angry

The army is in formation.

Vatican troops.

An army of vampires.

Formation, battle, war in the big square.

It's like preparing for something and welcoming something.

In the sky, a red figure landed, high and fast, like a cross.

The man in the red cloak spread his hands, holding two exaggerated pistols, which were lowered like a cross. His scarlet eyes and open fangs all revealed who he was.

From the sky, countless golden Bible verses fell like rain. Along with the golden verses, the majestic man fell.

He was like a bear, more than two meters tall, a middle-aged man with a cross necklace hanging on his chest, round glasses on his face, and a gun sword in his hand.

A storm suddenly swept over everyone. In the sky, a tall and burly silver-haired man fell with the storm. Wearing a German soldier's coat, he looked like a dead man crawling out of a World War II coffin.

"The Third German Reich, the Panzergrenadier combat unit, the last remaining group has 572 troops."

"The remaining troops of the Ninth Crusade of the Roman Catholic Vatican Vatican are 2,875."

"HELLSING, an institution of the Imperial Order of the British Empire, has three remaining troops."

"The actors have all appeared, it's time to reveal..."

Standing on the highest point of the airship, looking down at the burning earth, the fat blond major's eyes were swollen and reflected the firelight, but his voice stopped abruptly after seeing a man.

It was a man wearing silver armor, holding a sword, and slowly walked into the battlefield, into the battle formation, into the war.

The man with silver hair and silver armor in the whirlpool was so eye-catching. At this moment, all eyes in the battlefield of three thousand people were focused on that man.

"This is not... this is not... my eternal enemy, my lifelong rival..." The man in red showed a surprised expression on his face. He was happy, inspired, and happy. Ten thousand words cannot describe one of them. His excitement Such feelings, even the fat major in the sky can clearly feel the joy in it.

"My friend, Kelal Pan Dragon!" He opened his hands, laughed, and said loudly.

"Isn't this, isn't this... isn't this my loyal lackey of the Roman Emperor, the count of the Roman Empire, the Impaler, Dracula!!" Keilal laughed and walked over.


The vampire in red shot without hesitation.

The silver-haired man raised his sword, slashed forward, and stabbed forward. Dazzling sparks bloomed on his sword blade, and then the chopped bullets instantly carried greater kinetic energy and knocked down the vampires and crusaders on both sides. land.

The two men's bodies were torn apart by the rolling bullets in an instant, and a big hole appeared. Then the vampire was instantly wiped out, while the Crusader had half of his body broken, but he did not die immediately, wailing and shouting.

No one paid attention to these two people. Kelal saw them attacking civilians. No one standing here is innocent and no one deserves to die.

"Hahahaha, perfect! Perfect! Butler!" The long-haired man in red laughed and asked: "How is it, sage, what you invented is so easy to use, so great, the latest Model Gasl, Jackal! Total length 39cm, weight 16kg, loaded with 6 rounds, caliber 13mm, the cartridge case is made of pure silver special alloy, filled with Mabells chemical cartridge NNA9, equipped with a baptismal mercury warhead, look at this Power, look at the killing efficiency."

"How about it, sage, do you regret it, do you regret making this thing?"

Kailar's hand was trembling slightly. The shot just now was too powerful. Even if the attack distance of a 13mm pistol was only fifty meters, it was still like a small cannon. Even if it was him, even if it was added It is definitely very difficult to cut through something like that with a mithril sword.

But I didn’t know why at the time, but Kelal just did it.

He has too little magic power, so he must use it carefully and sparingly.

"Regret?" The man with silver hair and light armor laughed.

"Why do you regret it? I relied on this to defeat the arrogant Romans. Oh, by the way, it's you. It seems that your army was also defeated by me, right?" Keilal raised his hand. He came with only one hand and said with a very unbeatable expression.

"Tsk... Sage..."

"Excuse me." In the sky, the huge airship slowly approached, and the man with an annoying tone asked in a polite voice.

"Who are you?" The little boy standing next to the fat major looked at the major with a surprised expression, who had never shown such an angry expression before, and his whole body was trembling.

How to allow, how to allow, how to allow! How could one allow someone to rush in and interrupt the opera at the most perfect moment!

Who is this person, where does this person come from, why is this person here! Why did he know Alcatel and call him by his real name?

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha..." The man in red covered his face and laughed.

"Major, Major, Major, haven't you discovered who he is? Even if I say so much, even if his equipment is so conspicuous, even if his legend has been sung for thousands of years, even if he is the old enemy of your Vikings, Even if he once conquered the entire Rome, even if he conquered the entire continent, do you still not know who he is?"

"Hahahahaha, hahahaha, sage, sage, sage, look, your name has been forgotten!!" The man laughed so hard that he burst into tears. His words were like lightning, Split the darkness, like a candle, lighting up the room of wisdom.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, you are, you are... why are you here, why are you, why are you not dead yet..." the major yelled in a crazy, roaring, completely irrational voice.

"Haha, death is not scary to me." The silver-haired man's hand gently brushed the blade. He raised his head and looked around: "It's just that the world..."

"The dead walk openly on the earth, the Crusaders whom I killed even gods visit my land openly, the Roman commander is arrogant and domineering and has no one in England. This world..."

He took a slight breath.

"It really made me come back to life from the coffin!"

PS: So, let’s continue. Drifting Samurai is so beautiful. I want to write a book like this in the future...

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