The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 231 The Spoiled Alcatel (2 in 1)

Chapter 009 The spoiled Alcatel

Kelal stretched out his hand to catch the small scroll, opened it, and then slowly read the text on it. This was not a simple document. Although the fonts on the scroll were very small, the management There wasn't much written on it, and while it was by no means esoteric, it was obvious that what was on it was very rare.

After he glanced at it a few times and saw clearly what was on it, he instantly burned away all the content on it.

He raised his head and saw that several other people were staring at him. He smiled slightly and nodded to the phoenix on his shoulder: "Go to the side and wait for me."

The phoenix stared at Keilal's face for a long time, then nodded gently, then let out a soft cry and fell to the roof of the building over there.

"It's been a long wait, let's continue." Kailar smiled, raised his sword, and said.

Silver threads suddenly surrounded Keilar from all sides. If Keilar hadn't just received the secret order from the Phoenix, then he might have had to open his protective shield and be trapped in the threads.

But now, he just hummed softly and used very little magic power to disappear in an instant outside these steel wire guards made of unknown materials.

Ten meters away, Keilal suddenly appeared. Seeing that the dust in that place was cut into several pieces, his face slowly darkened.

"Alcatel is mine. I won't give it to anyone, and I won't give it to anyone. The only one who can kill him, defeat him, and get his head is me!" A young man appeared not far away. , his side reflected light from time to time, exposing threads, looking dangerous and indifferent, just like a god of death.

This young man with round eyes, a ponytail, and a handsome and cold face was wearing black trousers, a black and red shirt, a black suit vest, and gloves on his hands, showing his fingers. The half-gloves seemed to be the reason why there were so many threads around him.

"What a beautiful blow." Keilar's face was gloomy and he walked forward slowly. This time, his target was no longer Alcatel or the Impaler.

"If it wasn't me, someone else would be dead."

"If you die, just die." The young butler showed a cold smile.

"I have been waiting for this moment for decades. I will no longer tolerate anyone standing in my way. Be it vampires, crusaders, Section 13, or you. Anyone who stands in my way, I will stop." Kill him."

"Walter, is that you?!" shouted the blond woman who appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

This woman also wears glasses. She is very tall, about 1.8 meters tall. She is wearing a large robe. Indeed, in the previous night, although the whole of London was in flames, it was actually extremely cold at night. Vampires may not be anything. It feels like their blood is cold, but it is indeed a bit cold for humans.

But Keilal has absolutely no interest in their relationship.

The young butler opened his mouth and wanted to answer, but Kelal had already stepped forward, swung his sword, and slashed sideways.

This sword is so dazzling and perfect that it dazzled the warrior god Alcatel thousands of years ago and dazzled the blonde lady who wields the sword now.


The sword struck a spark on the wire.

Kelal seemed to have already known that this sword was ineffective. He immediately sheathed his sword and then slashed from the other side again.

He seems to have infinite strength and infinite combos. Even the black-clad butler has to retreat again and again. His steel wire does not have infinite strength and tenacity. Even if it is used for defense and attack, it has to be swung. It is done with the wrist, which means that if Kelar cuts like this, sooner or later all his power will be worn away, and the steel wire without inertia is just a steel wire.

He stepped back one after another, and Keilar continued to advance. Keilar could clearly see his wire. It was absolutely impossible to attack him with this kind of wire. If he hadn't surrounded Keilar by surprise just now, Keilal would not be so simple and surrounded by him so easily.

"You guy, you guy! Get out of here!" He danced with his hands, and countless threads rolled up, sweeping everything nearby in an instant.

Kelal's expression remained unchanged, his whole body was as calm as a rock, and his sword was as fast as lightning, and there was no way to shake him.

The threads on the opposite side look cool, but in fact there are only 10 threads, all of which rely on the hands to move. If he puts his hands behind his back, he can't see or detect them, but if he wields such a large-scale attack in front of him, If Keilal can't dodge anymore, then he has really lost all his sword training for so many years.

People of this era do not have the eyes to see his threads clearly, nor the keen sense of combat to detect the shaking of his wrists and fingers, nor the quick reaction speed and strength to block his threads. Even Alcatel, After so many years, he is no longer the experienced Roman legion commander. He is more dependent on his own river of blood, more dependent on his own river of death, dead apostle, and immortal body. He cannot avoid attacks at all. Damn, it doesn't make much sense at all.

Another old enemy, Captain Werewolf, was able to catch his wire with his bare hands and his strong physical condition.

But now, Keilar is actually doing the same thing. After chopping the thread to the limit, he only needs to remove all the power, and then the opponent's thread will be as useless.

Probably I have never encountered such a difficult enemy. Facing a guy who can see through his threads, hit his threads, and see through his principles of action, he also has agile skills, powerful strength, and sharp long spears. sword.

"How's it going? Do you feel regretful about provoking me?" Kailar sneered.

"Obviously you only need to attack Alcatel, and you only need to decide the outcome with him, but you insist on treating me as a chicken that kills chickens to scare other monkeys. Do you really think I have a good temper?" Keilar did not act slowly. On the contrary, his movements were extremely swift. After splitting the opponent's steel wire with his long sword, he could quickly hit him with a kick.

And his weakness is actually very obvious, he doesn't know physical skills!

Facing Keilal's side kicks and straight kicks, he would grin for a while every time he was kicked. As Keilal said in his heart, he actually regretted it, but he had no time. He bit Baring his teeth, he waved the wire with both hands and rushed towards Keilal, trying to surround Keilal in the wire.

Keilal sneered slightly, flipping up and down, as if dancing on the tightrope. Except for some of the corners of his clothes being cut off, not even a single hair fell out.

He dodged all the threads and then rushed in front of the housekeeper.

The long sword was held upside down, and the hilt slammed into his face. The cartilage suddenly shattered, and he flew backwards with blood from his nose and mouth.

Keilal took two steps back gently, looking at the butler in black who was covered in smoke and with a bleeding nose, with a slight sneer on his face.

"This is a crazy world. Everyone is crazy. It is precisely because of madness that human beings must maintain their sanity and become more like a human being. If a person gives up his sanity and these crazy beasts What should we do if we are together?" He looked down at the butler in black and said.

"What do you know! What do you know! What do you know!" The butler in black covered his face, his whole body was smoking, as if his body was shrinking.

"I see... In order to fight with him, have you been transformed? Have the consequences of the transformation come out now?" He looked at the butler in black, his eyes full of disdain: "That's really a pity, young man. Young people, old people, farewell then."

He turned around and strode away.

"Wait! Wait! I can still fight! I can still fight! Damn it! Move!" The butler in black, who had transformed from a young man into a handsome boy, was struggling on the ground like a bug, trying to stand. He got up, but unfortunately, Keilal's sword just caused a chain and his body was destroyed. He looked pitiful and pathetic, what a pitiful creature.

He who gave up all his dignity, everything, and loyalty was trampled to the ground.

"It feels really good to be a human being. I hope you will continue to be one in the next life." Kailar did not look back, waved his hand gently, and then ignored the defeated dog's screams.

When a person has completely abandoned his faith, honor, and loyalty, then this person has no value.

As it is now.

Not even worthy of one iota.

"Long wait." He stood opposite Alcatel and Dracula, holding a sword in one hand and leaning his elbow on the hilt, slowly moving forward.

The silver-haired man smiled, the black-haired man smiled.

The sage smiles, the vampire smiles.

Keilal smiled, Alcatel smiled.

Then the black-haired man raised his gun and fired.

The silver-haired man was like the wind, dodging and moving in a small area. Although the gun was powerful, it was meaningless if it failed to hit.

Even at such a close distance, Alcatel still couldn't hit Kelal. Thousands of years have passed, and his fighting sense has deteriorated. A person who relies on talent to fight will never be able to defeat someone who has worked hard to practice swordsmanship, magic, and possesses dragons. The blood body of Kelal.

Kelal believed in himself wholeheartedly and tried to defeat Alcatel with all his heart.

In his eyes, Alcatel, who had become aroused by everyone, was just a vampire spoiled by time. He had forgotten how to fight.

Does owning the best modern pistol mean that he has adapted to the modern combat rhythm? No, he just got two big, powerful toys.

In the end, he didn't need the help of the Sea of ​​Blood and Dead River, and he didn't need the help of countless Dead Apostles.

So besides quantity, where else does he have an advantage now?

If he has 100,000 lives, then Kelal is just swinging his sword a hundred thousand times. Any knight captain can do this, even Lancelot, even Beowulf, can do it. More.

If he had 200,000 lives, it would only be 200,000 swings of the sword.

If he had 300,000 lives, that would be 300,000 swings of the sword.

If the sword is swung for one second at a time, then three hundred thousand seconds is only five thousand minutes, which is only eighty-three point three hours, which is only six days.

Just six days of no sleep.

If combined with magic, this efficiency can continue to improve.

Although Alcatel still has the fighting instinct, that's all.

Kelal came to Alcatel and waved his sword.

Alcatel, whose entire waist was cut off, tried to aim his pistol at Keilal in mid-air, but Keilal split his hand and gun directly. He knew that if his weapon was not destroyed, it would I will continue to use my immortality to fight him.

Kelal knew the convenience of firearms very well, so it would be better to destroy his weapons.

The cross sword mixed with mithril easily cut through the 13 mm caliber pistol made of alloy and cut Alcatel's entire body in half horizontally.

Alcatel's body fell heavily to the ground, but he was not dead yet. He raised the white pistol in his left hand and was slashed by Keilal. At this time, Keilal was like an invincible God of War, no matter what was placed in front of him. Everything in front of you will be cut open by him and destroyed by him.

The slightly opened eyes are extremely terrifying, with silver pupils, long silver hair, silver eyebrows, and waving a two-handed sword, which reminds Alcatel of the big sword of the silver-haired Guards regiment that made people famous.

The great swordsmen of those days also had silver hair, silver eyebrows, silver pupils, and held silver long swords. They surrounded this man like this, using terrifying skills and powerful power to slice through his knights, almost killing him. He is completely destroyed.

However, they are just modified objects, no different from the previous Butler Butler, but now, this is a human being, a thorough and genuine human being.

He closed his eyes slightly on his face in mid-air. If it were you, you might be able to kill me...

He suddenly opened his red eyes: But allow me to resist a little!

The blood curtain rose, and a giant dog emerged from the blood curtain, then opened its bloody mouth and bit Kelal.

Swing a sword, just swing a sword.

With one sword and two swords, nothing can resist him.

The giant dogs separated, and the silver-haired man opened his eyes completely and opened his hands.

"Come, Count, and die."

"Haha, is it true that you are the only one who can kill me?" The man's body stood up, but the severed upper body was wrapped in the chaos of the sea of ​​blood. The eyes and mouth inside were placed in disorder, but Made the sound he wanted.

changed. I will skip class for a day tomorrow and code words for everyone.

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