The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 232 The final battle

Chapter 010 The final battle

"Why, why, why every time, these people always come to disturb me in my plans." The fat major slowly crushed the red wine glass in his hand and said slowly.

"This is probably the reason why your purpose, Major, is too far-reaching and majestic." Standing behind him was a tall and thin man with glasses on his face, but the lenses of the glasses had six lenses, like a spider. The doctor with ordinary eyes smiled slightly and said.

"Haha, you are really good at talking, doctor." The fat major's eyes reflected the light, and he smiled with satisfaction. He took off his gloves that were wet with red wine, and then the doctor handed over the new gloves with a very wink.

The Fat Major put on the new gloves, and the metallic color inside flashed through.

"Then, let's land. The final battle is about to begin." The major waved his hand and said.

"Hi!" Everyone in the cabin raised their hands and shouted loudly.

In the battlefield, the butler Walter has completely lost his function, and only Kelal and Alcatel are left facing off.

The airship in the sky slowly fell down with a huge noise, and hit the buildings in London very roughly. It flattened the burned buildings with only their frames left, and slowly landed in London. landed in front of Kelal and Alcatel.

"Come on, Miss Integra Van Helsing! Come on, Silas Victoria!" Major Fatty's crazy voice filled the entire battlefield as the front cabin door of the airship opened. .

"Come on, let's end him, let's end this." He laughed.

The two women turned their heads at the same time and looked at Alcatel.

"Go, go, end all this, Integra, Silas Victoria, my master, my servant, here is the grudge and hatred that has lasted for thousands of years, here, This is my only war left.”

"I understand. I wish you good luck in martial arts." Integra Van Helsing glanced at Kelal solemnly. There was no hatred between them, but unfortunately, he was Alcatel's enemy. His old enemy, there is an inextricable hatred and fate between them. This knot can only be ended by the death of one party.

And now, she is going to kill the culprit in London, kill the last strength of these evil spirits, kill their seeds, and kill their last strength.

It's all coming to an end.

After taking a deep look at Keilal, Countess Integra turned around and walked to the airship with her dazzling blond hair.

By her side, she was accompanied by Alcatel's second-generation first supporter, Silas Victoria.

Kelar looked deeply at the two women, then turned his head.

"So, they are two good women, right?!" Alcatel stretched out his hand and shook it, with a smug expression on his face, showing off and being complacent.

"They are my things, my master, and my servant." He looked at Keilal with mocking eyes: "And you are alone now."

Since that era, he has been envious, envious, envious, crazily envious of Keilal's femininity.

No woman in that era could escape from the grasp of Keilard, neither King Arthur nor the Emperor Nero whom he longed for, nor Joan of Arc, the flower of France, could escape from his grasp.

This envy and jealousy was carried to the grave, until death, until resurrection, until thousands of years later, until now, until it comes to him.

Now, Keilal is alone, but there is a strong mistress beside him, a perfect servant. This contrast is too dazzling, and it satisfies his past resentment too much.

"Really, after I kill you, they will be mine." Keilal raised his eyebrows, stimulating Alcatel nonchalantly.

"You can't kill my sage! You can't kill me! I am no longer the person I was two thousand five hundred years ago!!"

He went crazy in an instant. The world was mad and violent. Keilar's calm heart clearly understood all of this. It was precisely because the world was crazy that he had to be more calm.

"In two thousand and five hundred years, apart from accumulating more lives, absorbing more humans, and then turning into a collection of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions, do you have anything else?" Kai Lal's sword tip drooped, his whole body smiled slightly, and he said in a tone full of contempt.

"You are no longer the brave and fearless Dracula, you are no longer the knight commander with superb martial arts, you are no longer the wise and cunning Roman iron wall, you are just a person in the long river of time. You're just a wretch, you're just a vampire cursed by time and lingering, you're just a wretch whose talents have been wiped out by time, you're just a...lost dog..."

Keilal's voice became deeper and deeper. What he said was right, and precisely because he was right, he became more and more pathetic, pathetic, lamentable, and deplorable.

What a cruel torture this is, what a cruel punishment this is...

"Earl, it's time to say goodbye," Kelar slowly raised his sword and said softly.

"Yes, I'm tired of this kind of thing..." The fair-skinned man said with a crazy smile on his face: "I'm tired of it too, but I'm also hungry. It's time to eat."

The dead river disappeared, but the sea of ​​blood surged up.

"Let me have a taste of this blood, this taste of life at the end." The man in red laughed crazily: "But how much life is there in this blood? One million? Or two million? How many times are you going to kill me? Three million? Or four million? O Caelal Pan Dragon! O Sage of Camelot! Come! Let us dance to the end!!"

He laughed.

Keilal looked at the surging sea of ​​blood and smiled softly.

"The last supper? I don't allow it." He took the sword backwards, held it with both hands, and then thrust it into the ground.

Light spread from the ground like a bright sun.

In the sky and on the ground, two huge magic arrays unfolded, and the light slowly sucked all the blood into the air, and then evaporated into nothingness.

"Okay, everything has been purified." Keilal looked at Alcatel relaxedly, and slowly pulled the sword in his hand from the ground.

"Now, I don't have much magic power left, and you don't have the blood to replenish it." He flicked the long sword in his hand and laughed cheerfully.

"Come on, Alcatel; come on, Dracula; come on, Lord Impaler; come on, recall how you fought two thousand five hundred years ago, recall you two thousand five hundred years ago, How brave!"

Kelal drew his sword and shouted.

PS; Guaranteed update.

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