The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 233 Death Battle (30,000 collection plus updates)

Chapter 011 Death Fight

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" The fat major threw the table in a rare move.

Not only did he drop the table, but he also dropped everything, which made him so angry.

Kelal evaporated and purified the blood in the London Death Capital, so Alcatel could not suck blood. If Alcatel could not suck blood, he tried to let Warrant Officer Schrödinger enter Alcatel's body, and his plan to banish Alcatel permanently was over. Complete miscarriage in an instant.

Fifty years, a full fifty years of waiting before planning, plotting, planning this idea, and with three thousand crusaders, two thousand vampires, three hundred and twenty-five Iscariot priests, three hundred 710,000 British lives (it was mentioned at the end of Episode 10, but the subtitles at Station B said 3.91 million. I listened to it twice. It must be wrong. I am the right one. ), the big altar, the blood sacrifice, and the trap used to bury Alcatel were evaporated and buried.

"Failed! Failed again! Even if it was fifty years of planning, even if it was fifty years of waiting, it still failed!" The fat major smashed things crazily.

It is precisely because he knows that he has never had a better opportunity than this that he is so angry, because after this plan, no one can stop Alcatel.

Even if the 3.81 million British people were not absorbed, even if the final group of 2,000 soldiers were not absorbed, even if the 3,000 Crusaders were not absorbed, even if the 325 Iscariots of the 13th Division were not absorbed, But Alcatel still has thousands of years of accumulation, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of people?

Not all of his former Death Apostles had been wiped out, and even if there were thousands of them left, he would definitely be difficult to kill.

But Kelal doesn't think so.

Escapeist, defeatist, defeatist.

Negative thoughts are meaningless. When facing a person like Alcatel, you must strengthen your confidence, strengthen your heart, and then kill him without hesitation and in one go.

Even if it means swinging the sword a thousand times, ten thousand times, hundreds of thousands, or millions of times, it will kill him.

Everything else is evil and will only be absorbed by him, become his nourishment, become a part of him, become him.

Only by killing him again and again and using the most clumsy work to complete this great deed can it be possible to truly kill him.

Before, Keilal thought she had killed him, but unfortunately, she didn't.

He was dug out of the coffin by Van Helsing, an expert on vampires, and then worked with the alchemist to carve an inscription on his heart, turning him into a vampire that would be passed down from generation to generation in the Van Helsing family. Weapons against vampires, the true ancestor of the vampires, Count Dracula.

Then at some point, in order to hide his real name and to make him a member of the king's institution, his name became Alcatel.

"Come on, come on, come on." Keilal shouted, holding the sword in both hands and rushing towards Alcatel.

At this time, Alcatel had no way to use his double guns, because he had been cut off by Kelal just now.

He snorted coldly, wrapped himself in his cloak, and a second later, he appeared in front of Kelal wearing armor and holding a two-handed sword in his hand.

With a satisfied expression on Keilar's face, he looked at the long-haired man with a mustache and slashed with his sword.

The man held the sword in both hands and took the blow with great effort.

Since ancient times, he has not been known for his strength. He couldn't even take the full blow of the reformer Andreessen, let alone the full blow of Kelal, whose body had been transformed by dragon blood.

He was wearing black Roman armor, but he didn't wear that stupid broom head. He looked quite brave. He was knocked backwards by Keilal's top-down blow. He looked extremely tough. alert.

This is a good thing. It means that he has no life to waste. If it were Alcatel before, then he wouldn't bother to hide at all. Give me whatever you want. If you can kill me, you lose.

But now, Alcatel begins to dodge, resist, and become more humane, which means that he does not have much life left.

Keilar understood his movements and became even more excited. So far, he has killed countless Dead Apostles and fought countless enemies, but he still remains strong and vigorous. fighting spirit.

In his time, human beings had to fight against the sky, the earth, and people. If they did not maintain a strong fighting spirit for a long time, they would only die.

As a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles and has experienced three reincarnations, he knows this kind of thing very well.

The empty boat started to catch fire without knowing when, and it seemed that the battle inside was also very fierce.

But no one of the two men on the battlefield, one with black hair and one with silver hair, paid attention to it or noticed it. They just showed off their martial arts to their heart's content.

At the beginning, Alcatel would be unexpectedly killed by Kelal, but by the middle stage, he had begun to slowly recover, awakening his fighting instincts from thousands of years ago, and began to use the swordsmanship and combat experience of the Piercing Lord to fight with Kelal. Lal fights.

At this time, the battle fell into a stalemate without hesitation.

The sun in the sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the magic power consumed by Kelar is slowly being replenished, but at this time, whether there is magic power or not is no longer important.

This is already a battle between two men, two men. Using magic or anything else will only tarnish the glory of the Sage, the glory of Arthur, and the pride of Camelot.

Now, it's time to show real respect and strength to send Alcatel on its way.

This is the respect and tribute that a warrior should have.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, Alcatel, his hands and feet have become slower! His body has also become sluggish! His strength has become weaker!"

"How many lives are left? Thirty? Twenty? Or ten? Or less?"

"How many more times do I need to kill you? Five times? Three times? Or the next time?!"

"Alcatel! Alcatel! Alcatel!!" Keilal roared, attacking and advancing.

Alcatel had never seen such a sage, nor had he ever seen such Keilal, compared with Keilal who was so wise and wise at that time.

Such Kelal, such a sage, moved and shocked him even more.

Yes, that's it, that's what I'm after, what I crave, what I crave.

A hearty battle until the end!

PS: The first two pages are two-in-one, one chapter is for additional updates for 1800 monthly votes, and the other chapter is for additional updates for 290,000 collections.

PS1: I will tell you that there are three updates today, and there is an indescribable chapter...

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