The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 246: One against a hundred (110,000 recommended plus more updates)

Chapter 012 One against a hundred

Mu Yu pulled Fang Fang towards the town. At this time, the two of them had a very important mission.

They had to first gather the people in the entire town and then let them take refuge. Before that, they had already called the country.

Of course, the country does not believe them at all.

However, Wamiya Rashi, Feicilia, and Noeru knew that the sentry towers in those ruins were used to detect cherry stones, and once the cherry stone energy approached them, they would shine.

They had tried it with the Thor before, and it was very sensitive. However, the light beam of the Thor was only the size of a fist, which was completely different from the situation where the entire light beam was glowing.

This means that there are enemies coming, and there is more than one enemy. There are many enemies. Too many cherry stones will cause these light pillars to be huge.

They looked solemn, but in fact they had already prepared for the worst.

Keilal carried a mobile radio on his back and slowly climbed up the mountain.

Keilal, who had been here for nearly a week, did not do anything, but worked hard to practice his meditation.

If there is no magic in the air, then make it yourself.

Keilal didn’t know why, but the magic power in this world seemed to be gone. This caused him to slowly start practicing hard again. This is the basic skill among the basic skills. When the magic elements were full, Keilal’s talent was directly I just drew it from the air, and now I am starting to meditate and accumulate, it can only be said to be tit for tat.

Thanks to this week of meditation, Kelal can already see very far distances, and his sight is even farther than ordinary people holding telescopes.

From here, he could see the residents of the town slowly gathering with the sound of horns from the other side, and Mu Yu had a picture of saying something among the crowd.

He could also see the Thor slowly driving out of the warehouse and starting to run towards the wasteland before.

He saw a lot of things.

He was still slowly climbing up with the radio on his back, but the residents had already begun to evacuate.

I don’t know whether they had experienced war or believed in the female soldiers of Seitz Fortress. They evacuated without any hesitation, and the Thor gradually began to speed up and ran towards the battlefield. Soon the six-legged spider robot increased its speed to Forty kilometers per hour.

You must know that this is a wasteland with rugged rocks, and this robot has no intention of slowing down.

It seems that Noeru has trained this robot really well. There are many places where humans cannot handle it if it is too fast. However, if the program is set in advance, this kind of thing can be done to a certain extent.

For example, jump up when encountering large rocks, or avoid small rocks when encountering them.

Because it has six legs, theoretically it only needs two legs to move forward. Three legs are already very balanced when moving, and the other three legs can be used to avoid obstacles.

Theoretically speaking, there are absolutely no obstacles that can stump it.

Standing on a high rock, Kelar could clearly see the entire wilderness plain.

There are strange rocks everywhere on these wasteland plains, which can easily block the sight. Although this is extremely inconvenient for combat, it makes Kelal couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, I felt this way when I was in the wilderness before, and now that I look at it like this, that feeling is even stronger.

If there is such a favorable can be done!

In the farthest place of the wasteland, you can vaguely see countless small dots slowly advancing. These small dots are all large robots that are several meters tall and weigh 7.75 tons. If they are of ordinary people's stature, they may not even be small. None can be seen.


Keilal looked at the advancing Thor, adjusted the radio to Thor's channel, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"

"Kay! How could you do that!" As a trumpeter and communications soldier, Wamiya Riwang was undoubtedly sitting in the communications position. She was wearing headphones and a headset, and also served as an observer.

"Okay, don't worry about why I'm here. Noeliu, can you hear me?" Keilal's words rang throughout the channel. Obviously, during the noisy march, this Spider The inside of the mecha is extremely noisy, and it's impossible to talk without headphones, just like inside a real tank or helicopter.

"Can you see the huge rock in front of you? Noeliu." Keilal's words made Noeliu consciously look ahead. More than 500 meters in front, there happened to be a huge sloping boulder. The stone was so huge that it even tilted at forty degrees and extended hundreds of meters, looking like a protruding cliff.

"Go up, then stop, and wait quietly." Keilal's words surprised Naeiri.

But under the premise of trusting Keilal, she drove the Thor up at once, and then suddenly fell down. From extreme movement to extreme silence, both Liwang and Feicilia were very uncomfortable.

But Keilal was satisfied. "very good."

He spoke very quickly. "Now stop for a moment and listen to me."

Noeru quickly silenced the entire machine. The entire cab was so quiet that the breathing of Fesilia and Riwang could be heard clearly.

The two of them were very uncomfortable and awkward, but they didn't know what to say.

They do not lack the courage to go to the battlefield, but they lack the experience to go to the battlefield.

"How many rounds per minute can the Thor's rate of fire reach?" Kelal's question was completely about the specifications of the Thor. But now in this situation where one is against many, do you know that this kind of data no longer exists? It makes sense.

"Auto-loading, 115 mm caliber smoothbore cannon, one round every two seconds." Noeryu was already familiar with the actual data of this Thor.

"Very beautiful data," Keilal praised: "So girls, do you want to die here today?"

Liwang and Feicilia looked at each other. Although they had the consciousness to die here, they were not the ones who wanted to die.

"Very well, I heard what you are saying. If that's the case, come and listen to what I have to say."

Kelal opened his eyes slightly on the high mountain, his golden pupils flashed with excitement and excitement, and cold murderous intent shone in his pupils.

Ah, the smell of war.

What an intoxicating taste.

Soldiers opposite, do you smell the smell of war and killing?

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