Chapter 013 1:200

"Don't worry, there are about 200 enemies." Keilal's words made Fesilia and Wamiya Riwang unable to help but despair, and even Noeru couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart.

Can the artillery shells sustain a battle of two hundred against one for that long?

You know, her ammunition reserve is only two base numbers, which is only seventy-two rounds.

It is simply a fantasy to have this level of ammunition to compete with the opponent's Knightmare of more than 200 people.

"Haha, don't be afraid. Although the opponent's numbers are large, they are not impossible to defeat."

"And we need to adjust our mentality. Instead of thinking about completely annihilating each other, we should think about delaying time. In this way, the residents of Sezi can evacuate calmly."

Keilal's purpose was not actually this, but he didn't know how much fighting experience Noeryu, Liwang, and Fesilia had, and he didn't know how determined they were to fight in their hearts. Keilal just After giving them some mental foreshadowing, they can then act more calmly.

"Then let's hear my battle plan."

"The combat plan is actually very simple. You just need to use the terrain to annihilate the opponent one by one."

Keilar's words made the three of them sound stunned. Is such a simple battle plan really useful?

But they are just new recruits on the battlefield, and they have no idea that this is completely the truth on the battlefield. On the battlefield, plans are always not as fast as changes. Extremely fast changes will always make the established tactics come to naught. I know how many times I have encountered this situation, so it is good to formulate a rough tactic tactically, and let the people below act according to the circumstances when implementing it, but the strategy requires a very big strategy.

But Keilar now has no soldiers, no generals, and no base. There is no need to consider grand strategy at all. He only needs three girls to follow his tactics.

"They are walking in a skirmish line. It seems that the aircraft is restricted by the terrain and is afraid of mines, so the speed of movement is completely incomparable with you. You only need to do this... to complete the tactics. Don't be afraid. In terms of speed, we Occupy an absolute advantage..."

In fact, Keilar is not very confident. First, he does not know the enemy's armor level. It would be ridiculous if the 115mm gun cannot penetrate armor.

Second, he did not know the enemy's weapons and equipment.

If everyone is holding a 30mm Gatling Vulcan cannon, then no matter how fast the spider mecha is, it will be meaningless.

These two points exist objectively, but the real situation cannot be known until you fight it.

Judging from the existing intelligence, EU, which has been entangled with the Bunitalia Empire for so long, will not be able to break through the Bunitalia Empire's Knightmare defense.

Just as Keilal and Fesilia were describing their tactics, more than two hundred Knightmare units lined up in two rows, with a distance of more than ten meters, slowly advanced, pushing the defense line to the huge rock where Fesilia and the others were. the front.

I watched two Bunitaglia Knightmares walking past the rocks and slowly walked forward, because the roads here were all filled with bumpy stones and even moss, turf and dirt, so I would slip if I wasn't careful. But slipping is worse than before. If I had slipped before, I might have gone into the abyss.

It is precisely because of this environment that neither the minion flying swallow nor the wheeled acceleration device is of much use, and it still depends on walking.

Because they had to prevent parts from being damaged and were about to encounter an enemy, these Knightmare moved very slowly, and everyone was preparing for possible enemies next.

Judging from this detail, they are worthy of being the most elite troops of the Bunitalia Empire. They clearly know that this is the most borderland between the two countries. It is impossible to mobilize troops here with the EU's reaction speed. , but after seeing the sentry tower, they still set up a battle formation.

Theoretically there is no problem at all.

But their three-three battle formation unfortunately has no effect in such a rugged place.

For example, the last Knightmare that was supposed to be covering behind them was blocked from view by the boulder where Feicilia and the others were, and was completely useless as a cover.

"Now, go ahead and attack immediately after defeating them. The opponent only has two columns. If you break into the rear, the opponent will definitely turn around to encircle and suppress them. By then, it will be your chance to win."

Keilal's words were very simple, but Fesilia and Liwang had no time to ask why Keilal could see it.

Soon, the Thor's 115mm cannon roared.

There is no doubt that Knightmare cannot withstand direct fire.

But as long as they were not hit directly, ordinary artillery fire splashes and shocks could not hurt them.

But this time, it was a direct hit.

The Knightmare on the right was instantly crushed by an unrivaled sledgehammer when the cannon roared.

The entire body of the mecha was destroyed into metal fragments by the huge power of the artillery in an instant. The blasted metal pieces were smashed into fan-shaped pieces like shotguns, and there were blood, lubricants, parts, and other things. Everything was completely smashed into tiny pieces.

Even so, the kinetic energy of the 115mm artillery was still not exerted. The shells hit the ground condescendingly, splashing large pieces of gravel, and the sound was amazing.

These knights are experienced and can already judge the direction of the attack just the moment they see the fragments walking.

"Behind?!" The knight on the left turned around Knightmare in surprise. Knightmare only has a display and radar on his head. Most of the radar's detection is fan-shaped. If you don't turn around, you can't see behind you at all. situation.

When he turned his head, he just saw a 115mm shell thrown out from behind the Thor, and another 115mm shell was loaded into the barrel.

Whether it was an illusion or not, he could clearly see the cannonball being fired out of the barrel and heading straight towards him with flames burning.

"Your Highness Princess!!" He screamed miserably.

Then in just a moment, the fire engulfed him, completely destroying the upper half of his Knightmare body.

"Riddle! Besta!" Cornelia's eyes were filled with tears. The two elites who had finally survived the most difficult barren rocky plain fell at the last moment!

This is simply the greatest mockery of these two warriors!

"Very good, very good. Let's deal with the two machines. Now, let's move forward, Noeliu!" Keilal said in the communication with a smile.

But... it's too powerful... If it's an 88mm gun, it should be able to stuff more shells... Keilar thought secretly in his heart.

PS: I have had a headache for a day, but I still have to work hard to code.

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