The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 253 Initiative (120,000 recommendations plus more updates)

Chapter 019 Initiative

After Keilal slowly drove the Knightmare closer, Fesilia and the other three, including Cornelia, couldn't help but have a little respect for Keilal. This man, in such a situation Was it so easy to learn how to operate Knightmare in such a short period of time?

"Let's go back first, and then slowly test the performance of this Knightmare." Kelal was not blindly confident, but said very calmly.

Noeliu nodded, and then realized that Keilal couldn't notice her nodding, and just drove the Thor and headed towards the fortress.

Keilar followed slowly, and then realized that it was not unreasonable for the Knightmare to be defeated by the Thor more than two hundred times.

On this kind of bumpy road, the Knightmare's passability is completely inferior to that of the Thor. If the road is slightly uneven, it will lose its balance. This alone makes it difficult to fight smoothly on this kind of road.

The Thor was just the opposite. With only so much hardware, Noeryu could only optimize the Thor's driver software as much as possible, so that the Thor would have better performance when facing roads with many problems such as rocks and potholes. Passability and good response.

The hardware level of Knightmare is incredible, especially the mecha in Kelal's hands, but the software level is very poor.

Just like now, Kelal has fallen down more than once. Facing this kind of road surface, although there is a balance gyroscope in the body, the software cannot react.

Although Kelal has the ability to write software, he cannot do so now.

He is still not sure whether this mecha will be sent to the EU or whether it will be owned by him. It depends on how Liwang and the others react, so Keilar will never strengthen this mecha. He is talking to Liwang and the others. before finishing.

By the time the group of people returned outside Seitz Fortress, the Knightmare driven by Kelal was already covered with dirt and grass green.

It's just that Cornelia didn't have time to feel sorry for her lover, and was just surprised that Keilal's level improved very quickly.

If Keilal was still wrestling like a beginner before this, after going through this journey, Keilal would be as good as her on this kind of surface.

No, maybe he is better than her, because this is the first time Keilal touches a Knightmare. Cornelia can't imagine that Keilal can do it if he has been seriously trained by Knightmare. To what extent?

Become an ACE? Or become a knight-level driver of the round table?

She no longer dares to imagine it, but obviously, some things are not for her as a prisoner to think about.

Keilar and Fesilia stopped the machine at the entrance of Seitz Fortress. The place was already deserted. All the people had gone to take refuge. When it was built, it was originally built according to the specifications of the fortress. Even the city The houses inside can be used as street battles for constant fighting.

But Keilar looked back at the seven or eight-meter-tall Knightmare, and he suddenly understood the meaninglessness of street fighting.

Knightmare has a large-caliber firearm in his hand. If he is equipped with a machine gun on his head or chest, he can clearly see the situation in a building with only combat power or half-crouching. With radar, he can easily Easily resolve street fights.

It can only be said that there is indeed a need for some weapons to be produced, and it is not something that some people just thought of.

More importantly, the Bunitalia Empire, which has so many ACE ace drivers, cannot use tanks to reflect the power of ACE drivers, but with Knightmare, it is possible to defeat one against a hundred.

For example, the former emperor's concubine, the most beloved Princess Mariana, was once the first knight of the Round Table. Her fighting prowess was astonishing. She single-handedly killed countless princes and princesses and put the current emperor on the throne. .

This kind of machine that can develop personal heroic combat power to the greatest extent is the most suitable for the national conditions of the Bunitalia Empire.

But...Kelar doesn't like this.

Kelal knows that heroes will eventually grow old, and a country that relies on heroes cannot last long.

Only the most basic laws, industry, and education are the foundation for a country's long-term stability.

He half-crouched the mecha, then extinguished the mecha, and stepped out of the mecha, while Feicilia and the other three were waiting for him below as if they were welcoming heroes.

There is no one here, everyone has taken refuge. In the EU's propaganda, they do not believe in the Bunitalia Empire.

But in fact, the Bunitalia Empire has very strange feelings towards the EU. They are both enemies and [hometown people] from a long time ago.

Such complex emotions will not allow the Bunitalia Empire to turn EU into a slave like Area 11.

But since the Bunitalia Empire has done such a thing, don't blame EU for taking advantage of it to create public opinion.

The people in the EU are undoubtedly more afraid of the Bunitalia Empire than tigers.

So now Cornelia, who is being carried forward by Keilal, Feicilia who is following her, Miyazawa Ou and Noeru are the only people here.

However, when the five people walked in, they found that Fukong Kanata and Suminoya Muyu were sitting in the yard, waiting uneasily.

After seeing them coming back, he immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Why are you still here! Didn't I tell you to retreat!" He Gongliwang was a little moved, but also a little angry, and reprimanded the two of them loudly.

"But we are also soldiers of the EU." The other side of the deep space put her legs together and shouted loudly. Although she was scared, she still came back. She wanted to meet the enemy with the others in the base, or be destroyed.

"Me too." Mu Yu is more determined than Bian Fang. She has been here longer than Bian Fang, and this place has long been her home.

"What a bunch of silly kids..." He Gongliwang was moved and hugged their two heads and buried them in his chest: "Just accept orders from now on."

"Okay, let's go in first." Kailar coughed and said.

Ever since he commanded Noeriru to defeat Bunitalia's Knightmare, he had completely cleared his identity as a "spy" and completely reversed the active-passive situation, taking absolute control.

Both Fesilia and Miyazaki are now extremely submissive to his words. This is because when a man proves his strength, women will naturally acquiesce in his dominance.

This is unavoidable in this world, and even in countless worlds.

The only difference is whether men are stronger than women.

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