The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 254 The only hope?

Chapter 020 The only hope?

Trial by three courts? No.

Cornelia was thrown into the small house at the beginning, and two girls, Fukong Kanata and Kureha looked at her. In order to prevent her from becoming violent, they did not equip the two girls with firearms, they just looked at Cornelia.

Cornelia was very frustrated that until now, they still had no intention of asking her name.

It seems that to Kelal and the others, her Knightmare is the most valuable thing. She is not as fond of the Knightmare at all, which hurts her pride and self-esteem.

This is also the reason why Keilal did this deliberately. The other party looked like a boss at first glance. Whether it was identity, status or self-esteem, it was very strong. It was precisely because of this that it was best for Keilal to leave her alone. The method is to get rid of her self-esteem and pride.

That's the best time.

Keilal has enough time and there is no burden at all.

On the contrary, it was Feicilia, Wamiya Riwang, and Noeru who sat opposite Keilal, posing as if they were interrogating the three courts. Keilal himself was not very nervous, and just sat leisurely in his seat. Go up, there is a cup of tea in front of you.

Fesilia, Miyazawa, and Noeru all stared at Keilal, looking him up and down.

He still has the soft silver hair that makes all women envious, the skin that makes women covet, and the face that all women admire...

But after he single-handedly commanded the Thor and defeated about two hundred Knightmare, this person was different.

When everyone looks at a person, they probably only look at their appearance at the first time, but when the person's inner self is revealed and he is extremely talented, everyone's sense of this person will be completely new.

Just like it is now.

"Who are you, why are you here, and why do you have that incredible ability..." He Gongliwang put his hands on the table and asked loudly as the vanguard of the attack.

"Why, now that you have won the battle, do you still want to come here to plead guilty?" Keilar picked up the tea cup and looked at her with a half-smile.

It was now post-war time, and they had plenty of time to deal with the aftermath, but it was difficult for Keilal to convince Liwang and Feicilia to be accomplices.

For example, now, Miyazaki and Miyazaki have been doubting Keilal's identity right after the war. It's not that they suspect that he is a spy, but Keilal's abilities are too terrifying. They can't imagine if Keilal turns his gun. If he is an enemy of EU, what price will EU have to pay to eliminate him.

The uneasiness about being powerful turned into the current situation.

Although they rationally believed that Keilal would not be their enemy, emotionally they couldn't help but ask about this matter.

Hearing Keilal's rhetorical question, Liwang's momentum froze, and he could no longer maintain his aggressive look.

Keilal was right. After the battle, the momentum of both sides was actually completely eaten up by Keilal. Looking at Liwang whose momentum was exhausted, Keilal smiled slightly. .

"I'm not from the EU, but I'm investigating the EU." Keilal's words made Liwang and Feicilia look at each other.

"What does inspection mean?" Fesilia pushed up her glasses and asked.

"Inspect EU qualifications." Keilar smiled and took a sip of tea.

"What qualifications?"

"Qualification to destroy the Bunitalia Empire." He put down the tea and looked at the two people.

"Next, I suggest you use this captured Knightmare as a commission for winning this battle. How about that?" Kelar's words made Feicilia and I scream in surprise.

"How can it be!"


They both shouted at the same time.

Keilal smiled slightly and leaned back, then crossed his hands on his knees and looked at the two people's excitement.

Seeing him like this, the two girls felt a little embarrassed.

They are not ungrateful people, and they have a very clear understanding of this battle. If it were not for Keilal, there would be absolutely no chance of their survival this time.

And he also captured a Knightmare. With such a record, let alone the ace in the EU, it is not certain whether even the first Knight of the Round Table, who is recognized as the strongest driver, can achieve this.

It can be said that they created a miracle.


"Do you have the strong shoulders to shoulder this miracle?" Keilal looked at them and said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" He Gongliwang frowned and looked at Keilal, not knowing what Keilal meant by saying these words suddenly.

"To put it simply, you have created a miracle. Next, whether it is the EU, the Bunitalia Empire, or even the whole world, they will focus on you. You will bear unimaginable pressure. In this kind of Can you bear the heavy pressure?"

Keilal's words made their expressions change, and they finally began to think about this issue.

In fact, the enemy is not terrible. What is terrible is the internal political strife.

For example, the Bunitalia Empire is a centralized monarchy, and the majesty of the monarch is supreme. This leads to the fact that no matter how fierce the political strife is, it can be easily resolved with just a word from the emperor.

But the EU is different. The EU is more tragic. What's even more sad is that no one in the EU has the right to make a single decision. This leads to a conflict that must last until one side falls. This is very scary.

And small soldiers like them, not to mention political strife, can't even stand on the stage, and can only be used as bargaining chips and cannon fodder in the competition.

Keilar's words reminded the two of the current situation in EU. Obviously, it is not a good situation now.

"Let's get straight to the point." Keilar straightened his legs from the cross-legged position, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Wamiya Riwang. "I know that you should be the illegitimate daughter of a powerful person, but in the face of political interests, this status is nothing."

"Believe me, I know better than you, and even better than those EU executives, what politics is." Keilar smiled contemptuously, with a hint of arrogance, like a solitary eagle.

He is a political cunning fox, a strategic eagle, a white wolf on the battlefield, and a tactical lion. His understanding of human society is several levels higher than that of people in this modern era. He spreads out a Hand Lai: "Just like what I said, you can completely believe the politicians in your country. You are soldiers after all. It is natural to have such naive illusions..."

"But." Keilar clenched his fists: "If you secretly captured a Knightmare, that's when the time comes."

"I'm afraid your only hope is me."

PS: The first update with guarantee.

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