The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 255 Interrogation (Additional update for Rodney’s explosive photos)

Chapter 021 Uproar

Fesilia was silent.

What Keilal said was more than reasonable, it simply made the filthiness of politics down to the core. Don’t say that this thing could happen, it was almost certain. Although Liwang was the illegitimate daughter of a certain congressman, and that congressman He is also the Duke of a principality in France, but in fact, it does not mean anything.

Democratic voting in a parliamentary system is not decided by one member, or even a few members, but by the struggle between two or even many political forces to reach a consensus. Although by then day lily It was all cool, but in the end a consensus was reached.

But this kind of selling out the interests of a congressman can obtain other interests, which is an even simpler choice. More importantly, it will not sell out one's own interests, but will get benefits for oneself.

"And..." Keilal tapped the teacup lightly, and his long fingers flicked on the teacup and made a crisp sound: "Once you give Knightmare and even that woman to me..."

"Without profit, you have only glory...there is nothing worth selling out to politicians." Keilal's understanding of politics is indeed beyond the imagination of Liwang and Feicilia.

He solved the matter in just a few simple words, which was almost a perfect solution.

Kelal gained the Knightmare and the prisoners, Riwang and the others got out of trouble and gained glory, and the entire EU suffered no loss, and even had merit and glory, which could boost their morale.

Now, it depends on whether Li Wang is willing to accept it.

Feicilia is naturally willing to accept it, but she cannot say such things because of her status, because Liwang is the daughter of a certain Grand Duke after all. If she disagrees, she will still be put on the stage of the EU Parliament in the end. It won't make any sense at that point.

Only if Liwang agrees can Feicilia have the prerequisites to agree.

"How is it?" Of course Keilal knew this, so he just stared at Liwang and asked.

"I agree." Noeliu raised her hand and said.

"Noeliu!" Liwang turned his head to look at Noeliu in surprise, but Noeliu looked at her with a cold face.

"I don't want to deal with those politicians... I just want to live here with you all the time... That's all." Noeliu's words made the other three laugh bitterly at the same time.

This kind of thing was no longer possible after they defeated more than two hundred Knightmare. If they could still enjoy tranquility before that, then after that, it was just a luxury.

But Noeru's words made Li Wang think clearly.

"Okay, I promise you, we will hand over the Knightmare and the captives to you as if they don't exist, but in exchange, I want your guarantee and protection."

It is clear that Keilal is alone and has no weapons, but he is like the master who controls everyone's lives. Human beings are intelligent creatures, and they have experienced it vividly at this moment. If Cornelia was here, I'm afraid You will be shocked and speechless.

Her fate was decided so easily, in just a few words from this man!

"Very good, then it's settled. You can send telegrams to the country now." Keilar looked at the three of them with a smile and said, "And I'm going to see our prisoners now."

Neither Feicilia nor Liwang realized the identity of this prisoner, because the EU's interior is almost isolated from Bunitalia. The EU will never promote Bunitalia's culture and clothing, and Bunitalia Thalia will also never promote the lives of EU people.

Except for the people at the top, this planet, which seems to have only a few countries, is actually very closed. Often, dozens or hundreds of people at the top easily determine the lives of tens or hundreds of millions of people.

This is of course extremely unfair, but in a state of war, this fairness is very limited. It can only be said that the people in power on both sides are using the war to intensify the exploitation of their own citizens, and blame the other side.

The price is that the people on both sides hate each other to the core, but the actual class enemies are ignored by them.

The advantage of Bunitalia is that its territory is large enough to bully the "numbered ones", the victims of the new era, the local indigenous people, while the EU can only stick to its homeland, and exploiting its own citizens can only make its own citizens I just hate the Bunitalia Empire even more.

But this kind of thing is good for them, and they are naturally happy to see strange things.

Keilal thought about the global situation in his mind and slowly walked towards Cornelia's room.

"Hello!" After Keilal pushed the door open, Bianfang and Mu Yu stood up and looked at Keilal nervously.

They already know that this battle was won with the help of Keilal. Although they don’t know how Keilal helped Liwang and the others, Kanata already had respect for Keilal, and Mu Yu also Become nervous.

"Oh, our matter has been resolved. Go over and talk to Liwang and the others. They seem to need you to cook. Just leave this prisoner to me." Keilal pointed at Cornelia and said. .

"Oh." The two children, who were worthy of being children, immediately believed what Keilal said. Regardless of what would happen if a woman was handed over to a man, they turned around and ran towards the living room.

Keilal pulled a wooden stool over and sat in front of Cornelia. He looked at her condescendingly and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

"I have nothing to say." Cornelia doesn't feel very good-looking now. Her purple-red clothes are covered with grass-green grass juice and mud. She is in a mess. The gorgeous clothes have been completely damaged during the dragging process. It's so embarrassing.

Her carefully taken care of her purple wavy hair was also messy, like a bird's nest, and was messed up during the fight.

"Hey, there's obviously a lot that can be said, are you really not going to say it?" Kelar leaned forward slightly, putting pressure on Cornelia and forcing her.

"For example, your identity, your status in the Bunitalia Empire, your machine, your legion number, origin, your purpose, your goal, what you want to do..."

Keilal looked at her, motionless. Although he did not open his eyes, his face was facing her and he stared at her, giving her the illusion of being stared at.

"For example, you are the commander-in-chief of a certain legion in the Bunitalia Empire? In fact, you can find out after a little research, but I can't check, because if I want to investigate, you will be exposed. This is not It’s a cost-effective idea.”

Keilal's words finally aroused Cornelia's reaction. She looked at Keilal and suddenly asked loudly: "You are not from the EU, who are you! Who sent you here to ambush me!"

She was not sure whether Kelal was from inside Bunitalia or from the east, so she could only shout loudly in her heart and vent her momentum.

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