The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 256 The whole world is shocked

Chapter 022 The whole world is shocked

Keilal smiled slightly.

"You seem to have some misunderstandings about me, the political strife within Bunitalia?" Keilar asked with a smile.

"If there is really a political conflict, how could they send only me and one machine to kill you?" Kelar's words instantly reminded Cornelia that, indeed, according to common sense, it is impossible. .

"Besides, how can a person like me surrender to Bunitalia?" Kelar smiled, and there was naturally a sense of pride in his words.

Cornelia had already recognized Keilal's status among the four of them before. Now it seems that Keilal is the biggest hero in commanding this battle, but she can't figure out how a person with such talent can do it. How could people be in such a small place?

"I know what you are thinking, but I can only tell you that I have no comment." Kelar shook his head gently; "I am in urgent need of your information in the Bunitalia Empire."

"First, let's start with your name." Keilar crossed her legs, looked at her, and smiled.

A piece of news, I don’t know when, began to circulate within the EU and spread throughout the EU.

Although the world's news is controlled by the media, in fact, the most primitive Internet still exists.

For example, the residents of Sez spread this fact on the Internet, and Feicilia and the others did not hide it. They reported it directly to Wakong Riwang's father, Grand Duke Ferland.

Although this Archduke Ferland is already over fifty years old, when he was young, he was a lover, showing mercy everywhere, and he also had a first wife.

It's just that the archduke's hit rate is really not very good. It took him a long time to tinker with it to create a daughter. However, when his eldest daughter accidentally died on the battlefield due to a stray bullet, this illegitimate daughter who suddenly appeared became a daughter. became his only heir.

But it is a pity that Wagong Liwang not only stubbornly bears her mother's surname, but also has conspicuous black hair. She is not willing to inherit his title and has no status. If she is allowed to directly become his heir, then He would be ridiculed by others, so with an ostrich mentality, he placed Liwang in Sezi Fortress, not only to avoid having a "stray bullet" to kill Liwang, but also because he was afraid that others would ridicule his illegitimate child. female.

But this time, he never expected that his illegitimate daughter could do such a big thing.

This is no longer a matter of military exploits, this is simply a miracle, simply a military miracle. His daughter brings out the incompetence of the entire EU circle. It is like a powerful slap on the face of all EU soldiers. face.

He immediately reported it to the leading leader of his faction, but was mercilessly ridiculed by the leader. Markal, the largest leader of the EU Democratic Party, sat behind his desk and mocked Archduke Ferland with an arrogant expression: " One mecha faced two hundred Bunitalia Knightmare? And defeated them all without any damage? Ferran, you are also 50 years old, are you still living in a dream?!"

The ridicule from the other side made Archduke Ferland look livid. The other side was right, but as a fifty-year-old man, he still had to listen to the ridicule of this guy. Isn't it just for his only daughter?

Hearing Markale's ridicule, Archduke Ferland bowed slightly, nodded, then turned around and opened the door and went out. Markale, who was still laughing, did not see that Archduke Ferland's face became extremely gloomy, and the whole person's ears rang. What my daughter said on the phone.

"If Mr. Markale doesn't value my father's words, then my father might as well go to the Socialist Party and have a look..." Liwang's words naturally benefited Kelal. Sometimes people don't cherish the resources they control. , until you lose it, or even see it in the hands of others, you will wake up.

It is inevitable that Archduke Ferland will not take him seriously, and this matter is also very outrageous, even more outrageous than the lie.

Therefore, Keilar does not expect the Democratic Party members to believe in them and strive to support them, but there is a big difference between some people supporting them and no one supporting them.

If no one praises them, this credit may be taken away by others, and it may even bring death to Liwang and the others. But if someone praises them, Liwang and the others can easily become heroes, reach the top, and live the best life. His mansion has become the most powerful ace, using EU's best machine, and will only appear on the battlefield at critical moments.

The difference in treatment is so huge that one is like heaven and the other is like hell.

Keilal must help them in this process, otherwise, with their ability, in this situation, they will almost die.

First of all, we must take advantage of the situation.

It is a pity that Grand Duke Felan's own power will not pay attention to him, just as Keilar guessed before, so Keilar asked Li Wang to remind Grand Duke Feilan so deliberately on the phone.

But in fact, even Liwang himself did not know whether Grand Duke Ferland would defect to the Socialist Party for Liwang.

It all depends on how much Archduke Fei Lan likes Liwang, his daughter.

Of course, the right time, place and people are very important for this kind of thing. For example, Liwang and Kelal could not have guessed that the ridicule of the arrogant Democratic leader Markal would completely push the wavering Archduke Ferland. Socialist Party.

After Archduke Ferland got in the car, he immediately asked the driver to go to the headquarters of the Socialist Party.

The Socialist Party is also very welcoming to Archduke Ferland, a powerful figure who sits on one side.

The Democratic Party, which was accustomed to the power of Archduke Ferland, did not care about Archduke Ferland, but for this unexpected power, the Socialist Party welcomed Archduke Ferland with a very grand attitude.


Everything was just as Keilar expected. It was originally just a spontaneous spread by the residents of Sezi Fortress. With the combined efforts of the Socialist Party and Archduke Ferland, in less than two days, this "rumor" had already spread throughout the world. Entire EU.

As everyone knows, a first-generation machine, the Thor, faced the surprise attack of the Bunitalia army and single-handedly annihilated hundreds of Bunitalia's Knightmare on the plains.

Of course, there are many things that add to the difficulty of the story. For example, the whole battle lasted for a whole month. The girls could only rely on their knowledge of the wild to survive. Without cannonballs, they could only use ramming, hand-to-hand combat and other legends... …

But people like this kind of legend full of stories, don’t they?

PS: First update.

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