The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 284 Special Countermeasures Room

Chapter 050 Special Countermeasures Room

Become Speaker.

Keilal's words immediately set Grand Duke Ferland on fire.

He turned around, looked at Keilal and asked, "Have you finished what you wanted to do these days?"

"Of course," Keilar smiled: "I wonder if His Excellency the Grand Duke is also ready to win over and compromise with those political interests?"

Of course, the two of them have been busy these days.

Although Archduke Ferland is already the only person who "theoretically" has the possibility to become the Speaker, remember, that is just theoretically. If Archduke Ferland does not become the Speaker for a day, then this kind of thing will never be said for a day.

And even if you become the Speaker, you may not necessarily be able to use your fists. For example, if the members of the two or three hundred seats can unite, they can still disobey orders.

Although these congressmen are not really "democratic", they represent the people in their own jurisdiction. If they resist, Archduke Ferland will probably have to do a lot of work, and in the past few days, Archduke Ferland has been A prime political time to make promises and win over allies.

And now you don't need too many profit chips to win over those ignorant chicks.

Kelal's time was not in vain, and so was Archduke Ferland.

"In that case, let's go." Archduke Ferland put the red wine on the table, then pushed the door open and walked out with Kelal.

Outside the door, countless people were already waiting there.

There were servants from the speaker's residence, police officers, and military officers. Everyone looked sideways, waiting for the new speaker to "enthrone."

The further they advanced, the more Archduke Ferland was able to understand how audacious and daring it was to kill all the members of Congress.

Now, no one can stop him.

He walked out the door with great satisfaction under the eyes of everyone.

Here, four Knightmare were parked around the luxury car to protect them, and a driver was already waiting here.

Archduke Ferland sat in without hesitation, and then waved to Kelal.

Keilal smiled and sat directly in.

"Where are Liwang and Feicilia now?" After entering the car, Keilal surprisingly did not say anything about politics, but unexpectedly mentioned Liwang and the others.

"They are safe in my mansion, what?" Archduke Ferland was very interested in this topic.

"After you become the Speaker, transfer them to the Speaker's Palace. They are trustworthy, and the annihilation of Cornelia's division should be treated as if it never happened." Keilar spoke lightly, and Ferran The Grand Duke understood immediately.

For him, there are still few people who are trustworthy. Even Keilal, the two of them only have a cooperative relationship.

But if it is Feicilia and Liwang, both Kelar and Archduke Ferland can trust them wholeheartedly.

And they are more likely to become the lubricant with Kelar and Archduke Ferland, allowing the two to cooperate more closely.

Moreover, as the Speaker, isn’t it the most normal thing to obtain benefits and a future for your daughter?

He nodded: "Is there anything else?"

"After this time, you should set up a special [Special Countermeasures Room]." Keilar said with a smile.

"What is it used for?" Archduke Ferland asked.

"To control the entire EU." Keilar smiled.

"Just use such a small special countermeasures room?" Archduke Ferland asked strangely.

"A small thing can have great power. It all depends on your gift, Grand Duke, no, Your Excellency Speaker." In the EU, no one can be called His Royal Highness, Your Majesty. This fact has to be said to be a bit regretful. , but more importantly, it is the pleasure of power.

"Oh? How many rights do you want?" Archduke Ferland raised his head and looked at Kelal and asked lightly.

"Everything." Keilar crossed his hands slightly and placed them on his knees: "I need all the power."

"That's too much." Archduke Ferland said noncommittally.

Even if he and Kelal reached a verbal agreement, there was a lot of room for implementation.

"We don't have much time, Grand Duke." Kelal smiled slightly, not caring that the Grand Duke changed his mind. If he were the Grand Duke, he would definitely be more thorough, and he would even kill Kelal. .


"The Bunitalia Empire has captured the Suez Canal, and I put Cornelia back," Kelal raised a hand and smiled.

"Whether it is for the benefit of Bunitalia or to wash away her own humiliation, she will come back." Kelar raised a finger and drew a circle, so this group of EU people really It’s very difficult. Their eyes are only focused on the EU. Bunitalia has already captured the Suez Canal. What does this mean?

This means that the connection between Europe and Asia has been cut off. In the future, if they want to unite with the Chinese Federation in Asia, they will have to go by land.

In other words, the connection between Europe and Asia was cut off.

At this time, they can attack India, Africa, Asia, or Europe at any time.

The Europeans actually think that it has nothing to do with it and is just an "overseas colony".

That's a choke point!

Keilar shook his head. Judging from EU's performance, the one that can be better solved is probably EU. Bunitalia will not change his strategy and solve the problem with the best one.

"There is not much time left for the EU, Grand Duke." Keilar said seriously: "The only one who can save the EU is me, and the only one is the Special Countermeasures Room."

"It's just family talk." Archduke Ferland didn't particularly believe what Kelal said, but...

"You should at least give me a chance to save you." Keilar said with a smile: "If there is such a thing... How long do you think the current EU army can resist it?"

"We are as solid as a rock." Archduke Ferland said noncommittally.

"Really?" Keilar said with a smile: "The information I have found in the past three days shows that out of the 1.2 million people in the EU army, only 800,000 people exist, and the remaining 400,000 people do not exist. .”

"What do you mean?" Archduke Ferland turned his head and looked at Kelal and asked.

"You are also a lord, so you should know that in order to defraud the parliament of funds, you will falsely report how many people came forward, right?" Keilal smiled and was not angry, but said.

That's right, Archduke Ferland has done this kind of thing before and was able to defraud more money.

But unfortunately, now that he is the Speaker, it is his turn to clean up this mess.

"As for the 800,000 people, the elderly account for about 30%, and the people who can fight are only 70%, which is about 560,000 people. And among the 560,000 people, There are only 16,000 Knightmare units..."

"Coupled with the differences in command and aircraft with the Bunitalia Empire..."

"Bunitalia only needs three thousand Knightmare to penetrate the entire Marseille defense line and reach Paris within fifteen days."

Keilar raised Erlang's legs slightly: "Up to now, do you still think I am alarmist?"

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