The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 285 Before everything begins (Additional update from SSCBT elders)

Chapter 051 Before everything begins

Nothing is truer than data.

Archduke Ferland's back was covered with cold sweat at some point, soaking his beautiful shirt.

"This is just one of them. Do you want to hear more?" Keilar slightly opened his golden eyes and asked.

"Is there more?" Archduke Ferland just felt that his butt was getting hot, as if he was sitting on a fire and being roasted.

"For example, in terms of people's livelihood, it has been difficult to collect taxes in several other territories, especially in England. The tax revenue has been 0 for three years." Keilar shook his head gently: "As for technology, we have completely There has been no progress in ten years, and there is a big gap between generations and Bunitaglia.”

"Or something else..." Kelar's words made Archduke Ferland restless.

He looked up at Keilal and asked: "Is this the current situation in the EU?"

"This is the current situation of EU." Keilar nodded lightly.

"It has reached a very dangerous time. This Eiffel Tower built of cards only needs a slight touch..." Kelar opened his hand: "It will collapse all of a sudden."

"What I have to do now is to turn these playing cards into iron, and then slowly build up concrete and cement, and then turn it into a fortress, a fortress."

Keilar tapped the armrest with his fingers: "Are you going to become the EU's Speaker of Destruction within ten years, or are you just standing in front of the stage and becoming the hero who defeated Bunitalia?" Keilar asked.

"..." The long silence was suffocating.

Keilar just slowly took out a bottle of beer from the freezer, then opened the bottle cap and took a sip himself. To be honest, the beer didn't taste good. It always had a bitter taste. Compared with beer, he felt Prefer mead, the drink of heroes.

It wasn't until he was escorted by four Knightmares and stopped in front of the new Grand Council that Archduke Ferland turned to look at Kelal and asked: "If it were you, are you sure?"

"This requires your full support." Keilal said with a smile.

"Then, just do your best." Archduke Ferland opened the car door, got out of the car and turned around.

Keilar followed him out of the car with a smile, and then looked at the people, reporters, and congressmen who came to welcome him, knowing that his matter was done.

With his hands behind his back, he followed Archduke Ferland as he walked into the Great Council Hall.

Obviously, he does not need to express his kindness and kindness like Archduke Ferland.

Of course, if Kelal wanted to act, he could act like that, but he didn't need to act like that right now.

He just needs to hold his head high and then proudly follow Archduke Ferland.

"We are gathered here today for the sake of the entire EU!!" Archduke Ferland gave an impassioned speech while standing on the stage, but Keilal stood behind him with a smile, and at some point he buttoned up an EU soldier's shirt. hat, and then under the brim, smiling like a silver-haired devil.

After today, Archduke Ferland has completely established his position as Speaker, and Kelal has also begun his life as the commander of the Special Countermeasures Room.

Until now, no one can understand how much of a shock this organization called the "Special Countermeasures Room" will bring to the EU and even the world.

What makes Kelar happy is that Feicilia has been transferred to his special countermeasures room to be used as his assistant secretary.

Liwang became the commander of the internal special forces.

Noeryu was stuffed into the R\u0026D institution directly under the special countermeasures room by Keilar, and took full power as the leader of the entire R\u0026D institution.

And Kou Kou has come back to life.

Her early investment paid off, and Keilar appointed her directly as the Special Countermeasures Room, director of the intelligence agency, with the rank of major, in charge of intelligence.

Oh, by the way, Kelal is a colonel now.

It only took Kelal thirty days to go from a white man to a powerful colonel.

And today happens to be the thirtieth day.

I don't know when Keilar had changed into a white military uniform, a black armed belt, black leather boots, and even a knight's sword on the armed belt, making him look like a classical soldier and a modern soldier. The military union is average.

There is also a communicator similar to a Bluetooth headset hanging in his ear, which is also his main command tool.

He has been commanding something, no, something is reporting to him, all the time, without interruption, and even if he is walking, eating, or sleeping, he is still giving orders one by one.

At the end of the corridor, Keilar came to the door. The identification device quickly recognized his identity and opened it all at once.

It's very lively here, and the air conditioner is turned on extremely cold, but the temperature of the server still turns this place into a space of about 25 degrees.

There are dozens of people busy here.

Everyone was sitting in their seats, and the things displayed on the monitor looked like they were reading a wordless bible to non-professionals, but they were concentrating on reading these things, and began to report to the person sitting in the middle. That woman.

The woman sitting in the middle is none other than Kou Kou.

This is the intelligence countermeasures room established by Kelar.

After all the intelligence is gathered here for the first time, it will be identified by specialized intelligence personnel, and then handed over to Kou Kou for the second intelligence screening.

After Koko passed this information, she sent it to the correspondent and reported it to Keilal.

If it were just a simple military intelligence screening, so many people would not be needed.

But the intelligence countermeasures room of Keilal deals with the intelligence of the entire EU. The intelligence of the entire EU is gathered here efficiently and quickly, then screened, and then conveyed to Keilal’s ears, and then decisions are made through Keilal. Feedback comes.

Because of the existence of this intelligence countermeasures room, Archduke Ferland, no, Speaker Ferran's desk is now clean, and Kelar does not even let Speaker Ferran do any countermeasures.

After Keilal came in, he took off the communicator from his ear and put it on the table. He came to Kou Kou and asked: "Is there any more important information?"

Koko breathed a sigh of relief. She was the one who did the final screening, and the information she needed to see was several times that of Keilal. Of course, Keilal was exhausted from thinking in his mind and making quick decisions, but This kind of intelligence screening is also super tiring.

"That's not what I said when I signed the contract with you."

Seeing the two big bosses chatting, others slowed down, finally relaxing the atmosphere a little.

"But as you can see, we have begun to control a country." Keilar pointed to the big screen, where was a map of the entire EU, and all places were clearly visible.

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