The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 286 Only foreigners can save France

Chapter 052 Only foreigners can save France

Keilal turned his head and looked at the map of the entire EU on the big screen. This was Keilal's carefully constructed "lair".

There is the largest database in the EU, which stores the big data of the entire EU. The statistics are done in real time every day, and a curve chart is made the next day for Keilar and even the entire countermeasures room to watch and observe.

Kailar established this countermeasures room not just for his own command convenience, but to train a large number of future commanders, staff officers, and even captains.

Including future executive captains, ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and militants in internal purges and counter-revolutionaries.

Keilal is now being groomed.

His command room is not only an intelligence analysis room of the intelligence assembly, but also a seed breeding room. It will continuously cultivate for Kelar his subordinates who belong to him and are loyal to him.

Because of this, Keilar was not in a hurry this week. He just helped Speaker Phelan deal with most of the political issues and then began to train these people's political vision.

In fact, after Kailar has this coordination room, there is no need to come here. He can easily handle these problems by just sitting in the Speaker's House.

But Keilal actually comes here every day to give them "lessons", like now...

"Can anyone tell me why I made this arrangement?" Kailar asked the intelligence officer to bring up this information, project it on the large monitor, and asked.

The scene was quiet, no one spoke.

"Can't anyone tell me?" Kelar looked around and asked.

"..." A blond girl raised her hand, which pleased Keilal. He pointed at her and said, "Leila, tell me."

Layla Marukal, the eldest daughter of the Marukal family, a major in the EU army, a rare genius in combat command, but unfortunately, she does not have enough overall perspective on politics, so Kelal does not dare to let her out for the time being. She is alone, but among this group of young people from second lieutenants to majors who were transferred from the EU army, she is the clearest and smartest, and is the one who is appreciated by Keilal.

Kou Kou took a sip of coffee at her seat and looked at the blonde woman who had the same military rank as herself but was now her subordinate. A sense of crisis quietly spread in her heart.

In fact, more than half of the people in this command room are women. In Keilal's view, women are not only emotional beings, but they can also become very strong. Their minds are much smarter than men, and their understanding ability is also very strong. Very easy to control, in fact they are very good subordinates, such as the Great Sword Troop, Mikasa and others, they are all women he regards as his right-hand men.

The tradition of using women was brought to the EU by Kelar. Not only here, but also in the R\u0026D department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Security. The proportion of women ranges from 50% to 20%. In fact, Having women is also very beneficial to the hormone neutralization of the entire army. After all, the EU is not a big red country that can rely on iron laws to restrain the army. An army that often acts as a monk will always have trouble.

And having a female ratio in the army can also make the group of orangutans work harder during training. At least no one wants to lose to a girl.

"I think this is to better control the army." Layla stood up and spoke in a very upright military stance.

What Keilar took out were the regulations for the establishment of the special service force.

The powers of this special service force are somewhat astonishing, especially in that [they can directly arrest the highest commander of the force and take over the force as long as there is an order, regardless of military rank anytime and anywhere]. This is almost like the Damocles hanging over all the troops. The sword will fall down at any time, which means that all EU troops have a grandpa on their heads.

If it were the original Layla, she would definitely hate this regulation.

This kind of casual intervention in command will only make things worse.

But when she becomes a member of this privilege, it will become very convenient to intervene in command anytime and anywhere, especially since the EU generals have long been uncomfortable with this system. It is supported by both hands.

"Very good, this is an organization that exists to control the army, or even the entire EU. So, Layla, do you know the biggest problem with whether this organization can be formed?" Keilal asked another unrelated question question.

In the past, this kind of problem was solved directly by Kailar, but now, Kailar threw it out and asked.

Leila looked embarrassed, hesitated for a while and then said tentatively: "Is it the opposition from the military?"

Keilal smiled. This was where she was lacking. She was really not good at politics.

"No, the biggest problem comes from the parliament." Kelar shook his head: "The parliament will not let us control such great power."

"As for the military... they don't have any political capital to resist us."

Keilal's words made everyone suddenly realize, and they looked at Keilal with expressions of admiration, "But fortunately, all the people in the parliament now are a group of little chicks. Under Speaker Phelan's proposal, this The proposal will be passed very easily." Keilar just downplayed the role of Speaker Phelan, but of course this matter is not that simple. Even if it is just a fledgling, Speaker Phelan still needs to pay a certain price.

But after he became the Speaker, he naturally gave away many things.

For example, the tax exemption policy, such as autonomous rights, the new members of Congress thought they had made a big deal and were happy, but Speakers Keilar and Phelan knew that it was just bait to catch them, even if they gave them all Anyway, as long as he controls the military power and the army, and Archduke Ferland has a righteous cause, it will be very simple what Kelar wants to do in EU.

Until now, this group of people have not seen what power or dictatorship is. No, maybe they have seen it in the Bunitalia Empire, and they have also laughed at the fact that the nobles of the Bunitalia Empire have no power at all, and they still need Wagging one's tail and begging from the emperor does not look like a nobleman.

The nobles of the EU are much more nourished. They can even be regarded as the emperors of their own territories. Except for paying certain taxes to the EU, they are emperors at other times.

But their good days are coming to an end.

Keilar looked at the group of young people around him. This group of young people will be the vanguard in destroying this EU aristocratic group.

It won't take too long, it won't take too long...

He stared at the map of Europe, and the corners of his mouth slowly turned up.

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