The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 296 Super Power

Chapter 062 Super Power

Prior to this, Bartlett was considered synonymous with incompetence.

The [Old Shinjuku Operation] that faced civilians and terrorists under his command was a mess, and was once wiped out and was surrounded by the opponent. If His Highness the Grand Prince's technical special mission had not selected a driver from District 11 to drive The machine counterattacked and destroyed the opponent.

But when he had the upper hand, Clovis was killed by the opponent's army, and he became incompetent.

But... Cornelia thought that the person from District 11 was later considered to be the murderer of Clovis, because only he could get close to Clovis, and only he had the The motive is because he is from District 11, but after he was rescued, he came back and surrendered. It can be said that he is very reliable, and he drives a special machine, and his combat effectiveness seems to be good. If he was from District 11, it would not be Just in line with the person Keilal planned for her?

However, later, as the acting consul, Jeremiah actually let the terrorists leave. Because of this incident, he lost all dignity and all trust. He was supposed to be the one to greet Cornelia, but Because of this incident, he was not even qualified to stand in front of Cornelia to greet her.

Cornelia was a little confused by the situation in District 11. The characters in District 11 were constantly being cut and confused, and she felt very uncomfortable. She asked, "Qiong, what do you think of these people in District 11?"

General Bartlett went to organize a welcome banquet. Cornelia sat in her room, glanced at the documents on the table, and asked the female adjutant next to her.

This woman is Jean-Lo, an elite staff officer of the Bunitalia Empire's EU army. Cornelia's Guards Regiment has been vacant since it was defeated by Kelal. After Monica saw it, A lot of elites from the Bunitalia EU front were stuffed into her.

Not only was Joan a woman, but her mind and style were deeply appreciated by Cornelia, so she naturally took the place of Guilford, who died in the battle, and became Cornelia's new right-hand man.

"I think Sir Jeremiah is innocent." Joan said, holding Jeremiah's self-defense document.

"Then how do you explain that he let the prisoner go?" Cornelia asked, crossing her long and beautiful legs together and raising them.

"He defended himself that what the other party was holding was poison gas, and he made a compromise to prevent the poison gas from leaking and for the safety of people's lives at that time," she said.

"Even so, it's not a reason for him to let go of Clovis' murderer." Cornelia was noncommittal.

"Here in the notes, he recalled that he had lost part of his memory, but it was not included in the text because it was too fantasy." Joan, who has red hair and a proud figure, said while holding the document in her hand.

"And Your Highness, I have to admit that there are some special powers in this world..."

She looked at Cornelia and said.

"Summon Bartlett over to me," Cornelia said.

"Yes." Qiong closed her legs, saluted, then turned and walked out.

The welcome banquet prepared by General Bartlett ended before it even started. General Bartlett, who was called to the office, fell to his knees on the ground when faced with Cornelia's question.

"Bartre, who is your allegiance to now?" Cornelia asked.

"It's Your Highness." Bartlett knelt down halfway, buried his head deeply, and said.

"Very good, then tell me, what is Clovis asking you to study?" Cornelia stared at Bartlett with hawk-like eyes, making him sweat profusely: "I know that Clovis child. , he has no interest in poison gas or anything like that, he must be studying something in the name of poison gas."

Bartley broke out in a cold sweat. There are no fools in the royal family. This was proven again. He raised his head and said: "This is the highest secret of His Highness Clovis, and it even involves the emperor..."

Cornelia frowned. If the emperor was involved...some things would become complicated. However, although Cornelia was in awe of the emperor, she did not reach the point of being afraid: "Joan."

She winked at the adjutant, and Joan nodded, going out to see if anyone was there.

Cornelia shouted majestically: "Tell me everything!"

"Your Highness, please let me get the confidential documents." Bartlett checked the sweat on his bald head with a handkerchief and said.

"Go!" Cornelia shouted.

When he ran back with a pile of documents, Cornelia and Qiong looked at each other after reading them. Finally, they couldn't help being shocked and took a slow breath.

General Bartlett is like a scapegoat. He knows how inhumane their experiments are. In fact, everyone will do this after discovering an "immortal". How can they kill her? How can I make myself immortal like her?

This is an eternal topic of mankind and also the ultimate pursuit of mankind.

When they find that someone has reached this state, they will of course pursue it wholeheartedly without hesitation.

And C.C. is the one being pursued. How will she die?

In the five years since Clovis became the governor of District 11, he spent three of the five years constantly torturing and killing this woman to prove whether she would die or not.

Then the next two years will be better. Although he will not kill her, he will start to pursue her "eternal mark".

Seeing the shocking and horrific scenes in the laboratory images, Cornelia, who is more emotional as a woman, slammed the table.

"Clovis he deserves to die!!"

Yes, no matter what the reason was, Clovis had already lost his human dignity and qualifications when he did such a thing.

Clovis is just a demon and beast in human skin, forever pursuing the taboo called immortality and giving up his qualifications as a human.

But Bartlett, who assisted Clovis in these plans, was no good either.

Cornelia stared at Bartlett and asked, "Where is this woman now?"

Bartlett wiped the cold sweat on his head with a handkerchief and said: "The Battle of Old Shinjuku was carried out for her, but because of the existence of that ZERO, she disappeared."

"Trash!" Cornelia cursed.

Now because of the existence of C.C., Cornelia is 100% sure that there are "superpowers" in this world, but she doesn't know what this woman's superpowers are and whether there are more kinds of superpowers.

Or even...are there super powers within the Bunitalia Empire?

She stared at Bartlett and said, "How much do you know? Tell me everything."

"Yes..." Bartlett began to tell Cornelia what he knew tremblingly.

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