The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 297 Cornelia’s Guardian Knight (900 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 063 Cornelia’s Guardian Knight

Shumu Zhuque, this 17-year-old young man with brown hair, 1.76 meters, is now free, but his situation is actually worse than Jeremiah.

Jeremiah was a Knightmare before, the leader of the pure-blood faction, and a senior military officer, while Suzaku Shumu was nothing, just a numbered civilian in District 11, nothing more than cannon fodder.

Before ZERO appeared, he was once regarded as Clovis's assassin. Clovis clearly gave him such a good opportunity, but he "assassinated" Clovis. He was simply ungrateful and ungrateful.

Although things have changed since ZERO appeared, as a numberer, his prejudices and past fixed impressions are not that simple to change.

It is precisely because of this that Shumu Suzaku is pointed out no matter where he appears. People in District 11 hate him and think he is a traitor loyal to the Bunitalia people. The Bunitalia people hate him and think that he is a traitor. He is a disloyal lackey.

In short, his situation was much more difficult than Jeremiah's, but he, who was naturally optimistic and cheerful, did not feel this way.

As long as he remained in Bunitalia's army, he had the opportunity to implement his ambitions.

And today, Cornelia, the new governor, the second princess of the empire, the woman closest to the throne, summoned him. Even Shumu Suzaku couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This summons can indeed be regarded as... It's time to decide his fate.

Facing the obstruction of the two guards, Shumu Suzaku stood outside the door, nervously waiting for the fateful decision.

"Come in." A female majestic voice came from inside.

Shumu Suzaku straightened his collar and walked in after the guard opened the door. Inside, a mature woman with purple wavy hair sat upright, looking down at Suzaku with a very high attitude.

Suzaku knelt on one knee, raised his right hand flat against his chest, and saluted. He had long been accustomed to this kind of condescending look down on him. Ever since he decided to join the Bunitalia Empire, all people, whether they were from the Bunitalia Empire or Eleven People in the district looked at him like this, as if they were looking at a traitor or an ant.

His heart is as calm as a pool of stagnant water. He himself has a strong tendency to "self-destruct", and the reason has been deeply buried in the dust of the past, but every time he takes the risk of death to carry out the execution of death. This character, this man, is very dangerous to both his own people and his enemies.

"Get up." Cornelia crossed her hands and placed them on the table. Looking at the young boy with a calm face, she didn't know whether her idea was right or wrong.

But her character itself is extremely decisive, so once she has decided to do something, she will never regret it.

She looked at Suzaku without mentioning Clovis' death earlier.

In her previous impression, Clovis was still the artistic brother who loved painting in Aries Palace, but people will grow up. After seeing so many of Clovis's unscrupulous experiments, Ke Nelia found herself at peace with Clovis' death, no longer angry at all.

There will be a price to pay for whoever kills Clovis, but Clovis's death is not that unacceptable.

"I heard that you performed very well in the [Lancelot] machine experiment developed by Lord Odysseus from Lord Lloyd?" Cornelia asked as if chatting.

"I'm not worthy of it." Although he single-handedly prevented the defeat of the old Shinjuku battle, Suzaku Shumu knew that this was of little significance to him. The Bunitalia Empire valued military exploits most, and ordinary Bunitalia A person can rely on this to become an ace, or even be favored by the emperor and become a Knight of the Round Table.

But he is just a serial numberer, a member of District 11, and cannon fodder. The more dazzling his achievements are, the more incompetent the Bunitalians become.

His expression was calm, which made Cornelia somewhat satisfied: "So, what is your purpose in joining the Bunitalia Empire's army?"

Cornelia looked at Shumu Suzaku. If he gave any bad answer, it might decide his life or death.

"I want to be the first Knight of the Round Table." Suzaku Shumu slowly raised his head, with determination in his calm eyes: "I want to be the first Knight of the Round Table."

"The First Knight of the Round Table has his own fief. When the time comes, I will ask the emperor to turn District 11 into my fief. By then, District 11 will usher in peace." His thinking is very naive, and for Kai For people like Lal, what if he really did it?

How many years can he live? Eighty years old? Or ninety?

Not to mention that the Knights of the Round Table in the Bunitalia Empire were replaced very quickly, and powerful young people emerged one after another. In fact, except for the current first Knight of the Round Table, Bismarck, who was already thirty or nearly forty years old. Apart from the characters, everyone else is just young people in their twenties and thirties.

The hematopoietic ability of the world's largest country is by no means limited, and geniuses are pouring out in countless numbers due to the accumulation of population and education.

How long can Suzaku maintain his identity as the first Knight of the Round Table? Twenty years? Or thirty years?

His innocent and ignorant dream seems to be because he did not go to school well a long time ago, and now he has directly become a soldier, thus failing to establish a good and wise vision.

But Cornelia admires such people very much.

Cornelia is a soldier herself, and she doesn't dislike Shumu Suzaku's upright ideas. Although she is a bit naive, if she really becomes her Knight of the Round Table, then Shumu Suzaku should be a very good sword. , and the relationship between the emperor and the first knight of the round table relies entirely on trust. Once the emperor ascends the throne, he will not easily replace the first knight of the round table, unless the first knight of the round table is really too unbearable.

So, that's it. Suzaku's words moved Cornelia. For the Bunitalia people, District 11 is just one of the twenty-three districts of the Bunitalia Empire. As long as cherry stones can be successfully produced, It doesn't matter who is in the hands of it. From a strategic position, it cannot threaten the EU homeland at all. On the contrary, the Chinese Federation will have trouble sleeping and eating. So if he really has this ability, what if it is given to him?

Cornelia unconsciously had the bearing of an emperor.

"Very good, I have decided to give you a chance now." Cornelia looked at Shumu Suzaku.

"Your performance on the battlefield is very good, and you are very loyal to Bunitalia. I think if it is you, you can ease the conflict between Bunitalia and District 11."

"Then, I will grant you the title here, Shumu Suzaku."

Cornelia stood up and waved with a certain grace.

"Become my guardian knight, Cornelia-LI-Bunitalia!"

...The following is for pirated readers...

Lelouch has come to an end for now

62 pictures, 130,000 words, one month.

It’s been a really exhausting month.

Because I used to be a loser, I developed a good habit of recording my grades every day.

If we roughly calculate the ratio between Qidian's subscriptions and royalties, it's probably about 100,000 total subscriptions and about 3,000 yuan. Adding the first two months together, it's about 400,000 total subscriptions, and you can get 6,000 yuan every month. The money I received from everyone’s rewards was barely over 10,000 yen. In Japan, it was only 150,000 yen, which was about the same as a part-time job. It was just enough to live on, so I didn’t have to ask my family for money.

But after Lelouch started, I really couldn't hold on anymore.

This month, there are probably only 100,000 more subscriptions.

That’s about 3,000 RMB. If it weren’t for the half-year bonus, I would have shamelessly asked my family for money.

I really can’t write anymore, and I only get 700 or 800 subscriptions every day, many of which are friendly subscriptions for my sake. If this continues, next month will be the same.

I really think Lelouch is a very good animation. Even though it was beaten and tortured by major UP masters, it still deserves the reputation of the masterpiece of the year. But a masterpiece is a masterpiece, and eating is a meal. Continue I can’t afford to eat as I write.

Therefore, it cannot be said to be TJ, it can only be said to be a tactical retreat.

I want to continue writing, but life forces me to do so. Just look at the data. Academy City’s highest subscription is 9,000, and Lelouch’s highest subscription is 1,500...

So, let’s eat enough first and make up for it later.

If I have time in the future, I may write a few posts in the group 624131351 for fun, but it is impossible to be treated so seriously that I can make a living, work hard, and write 4,000 words a day.

If you want to continue reading, please join the group. I will continue to write for you when I have the opportunity when I go to college, but now, I need to eat enough.

Fate/Zero, let’s get started.

PS: So, June is over, let’s put Lelouch to rest for now.

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