The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 308 Family Recognition Conference (500 monthly votes plus more updates)

Chapter 011 Family Recognition Conference

"What are you talking about?!" Saber was shocked and angry. She didn't expect that she would be called by her real name just after facing her first enemy, and he seemed to be very familiar with her.

Who are you? Do I know you? Why are you so familiar with me?

Moreover, his offensive did not stop, but became more and more fierce.

Saber's strength is about the same as Diarmuid's, but his durability is much stronger. Even though he attacks so fiercely, Saber can only resist. That's because he has two guns, one long and one short. Once he survives this period, Time, Saber's counterattack is coming.

She was wearing a battle skirt, armor and breastplate, and looked fully armed and majestic. On the contrary, Diarmuid was wearing light armor, which seemed to be light enough but lacking in defense.

But Diarmuid's agility has reached the A+ level. He can dodge most of the attacks simply by dodging, and he makes full use of his one-inch length and one-inch strength. Even the length of the short spear is still the same as Saber's. The Sword of Victory is equal.

Moreover, the spear is lighter in terms of quality. Diarmuid's agility combined with the mass of the spear, coupled with the number of two spears, is extremely dangerous in terms of attack speed and threat. Saber was at a loss for a moment and was actually suppressed by Lancer!

"Tsk, have you been suppressed..." Even though the Master was looking for the enemy, he did not relax his observation of the battlefield. His wife Irisviel was still on the battlefield.

Saber is really useless...

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a horse's hoof with a white shimmer falling next to him.

Just for a moment, the hair on Emiya Kiritsugu's body suddenly stood up, his scalp became numb, and his whole body was as immobile as a frog stared at by a snake.

"Her master is you, right?" A gentle voice came from above his head. A silver-haired man in a linen robe was riding a unicorn. Like him, he stood against the wind on the roof of the warehouse.

Because he was riding a unicorn, he looked at him from a high position, looked at the command spell in his hand and asked.

He has a very strict classification of men and women in Japanese, so when Keilal asked her, Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Keilal with wide eyes.

I wonder where Kellal got the information to determine that he is the master of Saber?

"One person is in the light and the other is in the dark. Using a sniper rifle to kill a magician who doesn't understand modern equipment is really a good idea..." The silver-haired man praised slightly, but did not make any move towards Emiya Kiritsugu. , with just a slight squeeze on the horse's back, the unicorn jumped up lightly, and then fell from the sky into the center of the battlefield.

"Haha, Diarmuid, long time no see." Kelar said loudly with a loud smile.

"Qi! Are you really here?" Unexpectedly, Diarmuid, who had been so brave just now, put away his gun and stepped back, taking two or three steps back.

In an instant, the three of them formed a horn-like posture. Diarmuid stared at Kelal warily, and his mind could not help but recall the scene when he was attacked head-on by Kelal's knights in Ireland.

The 23,000-strong Irish Fiona Knights were directly defeated in a frontal battle. Those green forest heroes were massacred in a neat phalanx. That nightmare, even after thousands of years, the painful memory still remains. It won't dissipate.

Although the Fiona Knights claimed to be righteous, they were actually like Liangshan grass bandits, which caused a great headache for the real Kingdom of Camelot. It was not until Kelal came to power that this problem on the island of Ireland was finally annihilated. cluster.

Kelal once wanted to recruit the noble Diarmuid and Finn, but both of them rejected Kelal's invitation and retired to the mountains and forests.

Kelal never heard from them again.

Now, seeing old friends again is really fun.

And he knew Diarmuid's skills.

Kelal jumped off the horse, and Silver Spirit disappeared into the air. He held a two-meter-long bronze staff and nodded to Diarmuid with a smile: "Long time no see."

Then he turned his head, looked at the blond Saber and said softly: "Are you okay?"

His demeanor and tone made Saber's whole body tingle and feel a little nauseous.

She placed the sword across her chest, raised her eyebrows and shouted, "Who are you!"

Kelar was stunned, and Diarmuid was stunned. The two looked at her with incredible eyes. What did this woman just say?

Does she know what she is talking about...

Kelar lowered his head silently, his face temporarily invisible. Diarmuid had no idea of ​​attacking, and looked at Saber with a strange expression. She felt uncomfortable under Diarmuid's gaze, and swung his sword and shouted. Said: "What, is there a problem?"

Diarmuid glanced at Kelal with pity.

The king who had struggled, sacrificed, and dedicated everything in the past didn't even recognize him. This was probably a very big blow...

The scene fell silent for a moment.

"In front of the king! No force! Stop!!" A voice like thunder rang through the sky, and accompanied by lightning and huge roar, an ox cart fell to the ground, plowing the concrete ground. A deep ravine emerged.

The red-haired and red-bearded giant opened his hands, his cloak swayed in the wind, and shouted.

The scene suddenly became quiet...

Neither Diarmuid nor Saber knew who this person was, but Kelal raised his head and looked at him with a surprised expression.

"So don't rush up in such a ostentatious manner!!" There was actually another person in his oxcart, and the person cried hoarsely: "They are all completely exposed!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! A king never hides his head and shows his tail!" He gave him a slap in the face, and the thin young man almost flew out of the cart. The red-haired and red-bearded giant turned his head and looked at The three people in the confrontation had surprised expressions on their faces, and then laughed happily.

“Isn’t this the little girl from Camelot and her prince!!”

"Hey, long time no see, Alexander!" The bronze staff in Kelal's hand slowly dissipated, he opened his arms and walked over.

The red-haired and red-bearded Alexander the Great laughed and jumped down from the bullock cart. He faced Keilal and hugged him heavily. The two of them hit each other on the back and made a sound. Irisviel's eyelids twitched as she watched.

After the two separated, they took two steps back and looked at each other: "Don't you think you can't see even if you become a heroic spirit?"

"After all, my eyes have been replaced by..." Keilal suddenly fell silent.

He turned his head to look at Saber, who looked wary, and sighed slightly.

"I understand, is she from another dimension?"

"What?" Alexander tilted his head, with a question mark on his head.

At this time, a harsh voice sounded on the empty dock.

"I said how dare you steal my holy relic, my student Weber Velvet..."

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