The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 309 I have many friends

Chapter 012 I have many friends

The sinister and sinister voice continued: "I was still wondering what evil possessed you and stole my holy relic. I didn't expect that you actually wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War yourself, Weber Velvet..."

The blond middle-aged man slowly walked out from the shadows on the roof of the warehouse where he was hiding. He used magic to hide his location. Voices came from all directions.

"Let me teach you a lesson, a real fight between magicians. I will let you taste the humiliation, pain and powerlessness without any reservation."

"Magician!!" Looking at the Master who was surrounded by fear, Alexander the Great slapped Weber on the shoulder and shouted loudly: "I admire the Master who can accompany me to the battlefield and stand in front of everyone without fear. A brave man who can compete with me on the battlefield, but you hiding in the gutter are not qualified!!"

His words were deafening, and the scene fell silent for a moment.

"Pfft..." Keilar couldn't hold back his laughter, and then he held his stomach and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha... It's really like what you would say! Iskandar!!"

"Right!" Alexander the Great raised his fists, making a posture of a bodybuilder, and said proudly.

If an ordinary person says this, it is definitely pretentious, but if it is this man, all his words are true, all his promises are solid, his words are crisp, and his actions are neat. He is a man who does what he says.

"Hahaha... Sage!" Alexander the Great turned his head and looked at Kelal: "Since your king in this life is no longer King Arthur, do you want to conquer this world with me? If we join forces, The Holy Grail battle in this world is no longer a problem. Wouldn’t it be nice for you and me to share the Holy Grail and keep it in this world forever?!”

Alexander the Great recruited Kelal in front of everyone, generous, forthright, direct, and without any disguise.

Even when facing the crowds of the King of Knights and the glorious appearance, he still showed no signs of weakness. He was Alexander. He was never timid, never afraid, and moved forward bravely, even when facing the hundreds of thousands of troops of Darius III. Don't be timid, seek victory in danger.

Now, even if there is only one person, he is as heroic as having thousands of troops.

The so-called Conqueror King is such a man.

"Hmph, stop laughing so hard." A arrogant voice abruptly interrupted the conversation.

Everyone looked in the direction of the speaker. A handsome young man wearing golden armor and golden hair stood on the street lamp, looking at everyone with unparalleled arrogance.

"Just because you want to recruit him?" He sneered at the Conqueror King.

"Are you...Gilgamesh?" Alexander the Great looked at him with squinted eyes, and finally remembered who he was. On his journey to Asia, he had met this monarch who dominated near the Egyptian River Basin. Noodles, but not familiar.

But Keilal and he were much more familiar.

He opened his arms in surprise and laughed: "Jill!"

"You guy..." Gilgamesh laughed, jumped down from the telephone pole, and landed lightly on the ground, just like he was walking towards.

Kelal is not afraid of things like his secret actions at all. Even if there is any grudge between them, they will be resolved openly and openly on the battlefield. This kind of secret action, whether it is Alexander, Gilgamesh, or Dilum Even King Arthur, who is not his wife, will not do it.

Keilal is completely unprepared now, and can easily kill him with just one sneak attack.

However, no one dared to take action, all the Masters were restrained by this man.

How come he knows everyone? Looks very familiar!

Diarmuid was not nervous. He knew that even if Kelal was familiar with them, he would still not be merciful when it was time to take action on the battlefield. For example, he had often heard of Kelal and Rome. There was news of the ambiguity between the tyrants, but Kelal showed no mercy when he attacked Rome at night.

This is the pride and self-esteem among emperors, prime ministers, politicians, and kings.

You and I are friends and confidants in private, but even so, I will never show any mercy or mercy when I meet you on the battlefield.

They separate public and private matters very clearly, and then abide by it as their own creed.

Even though he was wearing very heavy armor, Gilgamesh hugged Keilal.

If any fujoshi came to see two handsome men with silver and blond hair hugging each other, they would probably scream.

But unfortunately, their friendship is purer than their thoughts.

"Today is such a good day!" Kelal exclaimed as he hugged Gilgamesh hard, let go of him, and turned to look at Alexander the Great and Diarmuid.

"It's such a blessing to meet so many friends and old enemies today! Is there anyone among the remaining Servants who is acquainted with me? How about we come out together to meet each other? What a luxurious feast this is!" Kai Lal opened his arms and asked loudly.

His voice echoed in the empty dock.

Gilgamesh crossed his arms and fell into spectator mode.

He knew the Knight King, he also knew Alexander, he had heard of Diarmuid's name, he was also a good guy, plus Kelal and himself, there were five people.

It would be very interesting if there was someone I knew among the remaining two people.

There is nothing so interesting in the world anymore. Even the proud and ancient king Gilgamesh couldn't help but cross his arms and lean on the container next to him, looking lively.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Assassin, or Berserker to appear.

Will they show up? Are there really any acquaintances of Keilal?

A slim figure slowly emerged from the darkness and walked out.

Irisviel's mind was completely confused now. She didn't even know why the silver-haired man knew so many heroic spirits.

But so far, six heroic spirits have appeared in the Holy Grail War, and there is still one less, and one less than full.

"What are you doing, Assassin!" Kotomine Kirei said seriously to his Servant in his heart. With his character, he would never allow his Servant to appear in front of everyone when everyone was watching.

[Sorry, Master, I have to see this man no matter what. 】

The assassin responded internally.

She walked out of the darkness, the mask on her face slowly turned into spots of light, and walked slowly closer on her high heels.

Seeing her, Keilal had an expression of surprise on his face.

He opened his arms and welcomed the woman: "Have you come out of the Kingdom of Shadows? Welcome to reality, Scathach, my Queen!"


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