The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 317 Both sides suffer losses

Chapter 020 Both sides suffer losses

"It's OK, Nero." Keilar slowly walked out of Liudong Temple, looked at the two people who were still huddled together in the wide field in front of Liudong Temple, and said with a smile.

Nero forced Mordred back with force, and then returned to Kelal's side.

"Has it been done?" Nero asked, tilting his head.

Mordred gasped, she instinctively hated Kelar, but he had her Command Seal, preventing her from moving forward.

"It's done." Keilal patted her shoulder and walked forward slowly.

Mordred took half a step back slightly and looked at her warily. Hatred and anger were entangled in her heart, but now she inexplicably dared not move, as if Kelal was born with a natural suppression of her. Before that, she was able to wield her sword to attack Kelal.

Now I don't even have the courage to yell at him.

The majesty of the father!

Keilal slowly came to her, opened his hands, and hugged her petite figure, "Thank you, Mordred."

In an instant, all the armor on her body changed from black armor to white armor. She seemed to be purified by Kelal, and white light spots slowly appeared on her body.

"Father, I..." The armor on Mordred's face fell, and a struggling expression appeared on her face, "I drew my sword against my father, I did something irreversible... I... "

"It's okay, Mordred." Kelar rubbed her messy hair and hugged her body: "Even you, Mordred, will have this rebellious period. Although this rebellious period comes Thousands of years too late..."

He smiled, pinched her face and said with a smile.

Mordred blushed, but she was a little shy. This was something she had never seen before, but of course she would become strange when facing Kelar.

Keilal is her father. Although he never raised her, Keilal's majesty is just like what she has longed for since she was a child, and it deeply affects her.

When his strict father showed his fatherly attitude, it was natural for Mordred to show an awkward expression.

Kelal is a very complicated being to Mordred.

For a period of time, people will always worship their father, and then for another period of time, they will feel that their father is not omnipotent, and then in the most mature stage of life, they will want to ask themselves when they encounter problems. father's opinion.

For Mordred, the victorious and invincible prince of Camelot and the sage have always been omnipotent in the first stage.

The omnipotent Kelal was still unwilling to look at her, which made Mordred yearn for him, feel angry, and feel helpless at the same time.

She went through countless hardships, galloped on the battlefield, killed enemies, and proved that she was excellent, even better than her "mother".

But no matter what, no matter what, Keilal just didn't want to look at her.

No matter how he proved himself, or how much he wanted him to take another look at him, he was unwilling to do so. He would rather look at those half-human, half-demon swords, or those spies hiding in the shadows, than look at her. .

In this way, Mordred, who was active, performing, and dazzling on the battlefield, trying to get him to take a look at her, finally waited for Kelal to be missing.

Death, or... seclusion?

At that time, Mordred's whole body collapsed, his consciousness was occupied by hatred and hatred, and then he was summoned to the real world.

Finally met Keilal.


She has no regrets anymore...

In Kelal's arms, Mordred gently closed his eyes, and his whole body was completely purified, turning into a pure white knight.

"Okay." Keilal finished [purifying] and let her go, looking her up and down: "Well, she has completely turned into a good girl."

Mordred was a little disappointed, but looking at his hands, he felt like he had a completely new look, and he no longer even looked like a Berserker at all.

But in Kelal's eyes, Mordred has become completely different.


Strength: A

Durability: A

Agility: B+

Magic: C

Lucky: A

Noble Phantasm: A

Class function:

Madness: A

After becoming mad, all basic attributes are improved by one level. (Purified, unavailable)

Inherent skills:

Intuition: A+

Possessing an enviable martial arts talent, with the bonus of her innate talent, long-term martial arts training, and countless life-and-death battles on the battlefield, she has the ability to easily defeat the enemy even if she loses her mind. intuition.

Magic release: A+

A huge amount of magic power will burst out instantly after becoming mad, which will increase the basic attributes again, but because it will absorb a lot of the master's power, it will not last long.

Battle continuation: A

She will never give up fighting even until she dies, and she will never give up biting the enemy even if only one head is left. This is the kind of person she is.

Leadership: C

It's just a charge-level leadership ability.


What a powerful attribute. Kelal looked at her with admiration.

Before this, she did not have such powerful attributes because Matou Kariya could not provide her with sufficient magic power, so all her attributes were hovering around B and C.

Someone like Kelal, whose muscles have been strengthened by the dragon's power, can resist her, while Nero can hold her down and beat her.

But now, with Keilal having enough magic power, the situation is different.

Mordred, who maximized her basic attributes, was protected by Kelal's purification magic and wrapped around her body. In addition to her Noble Phantasm, she was now equivalent to a Saber.

After having her, does Kelar need Saber?

Kelal doesn't have a specific idea right now.

But Arturia in his mind was in a very embarrassing situation.

While she was blocking the Lancer, Emiya Kiritsugu successfully injured Diarmuid's owner Kenneth with an origin bullet made from his own ribs. However, because Diarmuid's agility was higher than Saber's, Diarmuid wanted to He hit him whenever he wanted and left whenever he wanted. He was immediately recalled by Kenneth using a command spell and took Kenneth away.

The reason why he didn't kill Emiya Kiritsugu was because of his chivalry with Saber.

Emiya Kiritsugu was very dissatisfied with Saber for not holding Lancer back, and for him not being able to finish the last hit smoothly.

What makes him even more angry is that Kotomine Kirei kidnapped his wife, mistress, Irisviel, and Maiya while taking advantage of Kenneth's attack.

Of course, Emiya Kiritsugu knew that this was his fault. He had not considered what would happen if a third party attacked together, but he couldn't help but want to vent his anger on Saber together.

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu was desperate...

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