The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 318 SSR Suit Sage (Hengmo Leader 1 update)

Chapter 021 SSR Suit Sage

To make matters worse, Diarmuid used a Noble Phantasm during the battle.

Because his true name was known, he no longer needed to wrap his Noble Phantasm in rune cloth to hide it in battle.

Because of this, he was very relaxed during the battle with Artoria.

He had confidence in his master, while Artoria had to worry about Irisviel.

Because of this, during the battle between the two of them, Arturia was stabbed in the tiger's mouth by Diarmuid's Noble Phantasm [The Destructible Yellow Rose] without checking. Unfortunately, it was the tiger's mouth in her right hand. For For a person who is skilled in martial arts, the dominant hand represents 80% of the combat power, even if it is a two-handed sword. After becoming a one-handed sword, Saber may not only be unable to defeat the weakest Assassin, but even the Noble Phantasm is useless. Not coming out.

Now, most of his body was useless, which made Emiya Kiritsugu even more dissatisfied.

Emiya Kiritsugu was dissatisfied more than once and felt that it would be better if his Servant was Assassin or Caster. This kind of heroic spirit that can sneak and only reveal itself at the end, and who does not fight unprepared battles is the most suitable. his.

Although Saber is strong, she is too old-fashioned, which is very inconsistent with his compatibility.

In fact, it depends on the person.

For example, when Kelar found that his and Artoria's personalities were inconsistent, he immediately changed his position, placed himself in a lower position, and turned Artoria into a symbol, a totem pole. And the king, and then he became the real power, her husband, the person who cooperated with her.

From here we can see that Emiya Kiritsugu is far less smart than Keilal.

If Keilal owned Saber, Keilal with such a trump card would never be able to lurk in such a dark place, waiting for others to come to him.

It's a good thing if others don't wait for him to knock on the door.

But now, because he was passive and was attacked by two forces together, resulting in such a passive situation, Emiya Kiritsugu was extremely embarrassed for a moment...

When Kelar brought Mordred back home, Tohsaka Rin, Aoi, and Matou Sakura were once again surprised by his mobility.

Within a few hours of being out, he abducted a heroic spirit and came back again.

This heroic spirit basically only has a piece of white cloth wrapped around her small breasts. She is dressed very boldly and openly, with her shoulders and back completely exposed, and the lower part only has a battle skirt.

She looked very affectionate towards Keilal, wanting to cling to Keilal's body, holding Keilal's arm while walking, which made Nero next to her a little unhappy.

But she had no intention of leaving Keilal.

She had to make up for all the indifference in her previous life in this life.

She and Keilal never wanted to be apart for a moment together.

Keilal knew that she was just a child, so he just watched helplessly as she clung to him.

After going through so many things, Mordred's character has finally made a lot of progress, at least now he is starting to be a little more obedient.

If it were the old Mordred, he would have been a wild and untamable beast.

Her physical age is close to eighteen, but her mental age is only eight. She possesses powerful strength and martial arts but does not have a mind that matches them. In addition, she is a direct bloodline of Kelar and Arturia. Lottry is a little bully and very difficult to deal with.

But after experiencing a series of events such as Kelar's disappearance and being summoned to the Hall of Valor, she has grown greatly. At least now when facing Rin Tohsaka and the others, although she is a little unhappy and rude, she can at least tolerate them. .

If it were the former Mordred, she would be the boss, Kelal the second child, and her third child was so generous and in need of a beating.

"They are my Masters. Now, I have something to tell you." Kelar sat at the main seat of the dining table, with Mordred on the left and Nero on the right. The three people in the family were originally just Being able to sit back, Tohsaka Aoi sat opposite Keilal.

The meeting he held was very casual, and everyone just sat there. Nero and Mordred were both very obedient.

"Now, I would like to ask your forgiveness, madam." Keilar looked at Tohsaka Aoi opposite, stood up, and bowed slightly.

"I'm going to drag Sakura into this war. Whether you refuse or not, this is inevitable."

Keilal turned his head, looked at Matou Sakura, and asked softly: "Sakura, are you willing to join this war?"

Matou Sakura, a strong little girl, raised her little face and smiled at Keilal.

"I'm already in this war, aren't I?"

No one knew that he and Matou Sakura had built a magic bridge. It was a little secret between the two of them, so when Matou Sakura said this, the two of them couldn't help but smile in understanding.

Mordred cut in displeasure, even the six-year-old girl was jealous. Keilal was not so gentle to her back then.

"Very good, then, Nero, I will hand over your control to Sakura. Sakura will be your master in this battle. Teach her everything she needs to know about a master."

Keilal didn't say why, but they all knew that Keilal had to suppress the A-level madness in Mordred.

That is to say, it is like this now.

Matou Sakura became Nero's master.

Tohsaka Rin is Kelal's master, and Kelal is Mordred's master.

In this way, there are three Servants in Kelal's camp.

The chances of winning the entire Holy Grail War have been greatly increased.

Tohsaka Aoi is a typical Japanese woman. After getting married and having children, she doesn't have much ambition, and her vision is completely focused on her family, her husband and her daughter.

It is precisely because of this that she was a little confused when faced with Keilal's tough demands.

Seeing that her husband and daughter were all involved in this war, who should she help? To help her husband?

Now that Rin and Sakura have all joined in, are they going to lose their two daughters?

Or should we just let them go?

Tohsaka Aoi was caught in a conflict, but Keilal was still giving them orders.

"By the way, because our combat power has become extremely powerful, you two, Rin and Sakura, must go to the battlefield. Once the occupation is not beneficial to our side, you need to stand there and use the command spell to help them." Keilar smiled. Said to the two little girls.

"Don't be afraid, we will protect you." Kelar glanced at Nero and Mordred, his confidence stronger than ever.

"Also, madam, can you find me a black suit?" Keilar woke up Tohsaka Aoi and said.

"How about preparing a set of clothes for the two of them?"

Rolling all over the floor, asking for recommendations and monthly tickets! ! Now the relationship with Sword Soul is getting bigger and bigger. 200 votes for Assi.

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