The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 348 Two Heroic Spirits (1800 monthly ticket plus more updates)

Chapter 051 Two Heroic Spirits

The progress on Nero's side was extremely "smooth", but Keilal's side had not moved yet.

Alexander had already gone to the Tohsaka family's mansion as agreed, but Keilar had not left yet.

Dinisha stood beside him, not in a hurry, with a big sword on her back, her eyes slightly drooped, as if she was sleeping and awake, and her whole person did not feel nervous at all on the eve of the battle.

Rin Tosaka, Sakura Matou, and Aoi Tosaka were all a little nervous.

After all, today is also the time when the Holy Grail War comes to an end in Kelal's mouth, which means that whether their father and husband live or die depends on tonight.

Keilar touched the wooden tabletop gently with his hand. Perhaps all of the Tosaka family's wealth is in the Tosaka old house. Most of the furniture here is simple, which makes it feel more like home.

If it weren't for Tosaka Tokiomi who was not very qualified but was still relatively close to Tosaka Rin, sometimes Tosaka Rin would even want Keilal to be his stepfather.

With Kelar's method of "Resurrection of the Dead", it is almost certain that he will stay in this world, but it is very subtle how Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura should face him after he stays.

Is it a teacher? still……

In short, Tohsaka Rin's relationship was very complicated, but at this time no one could understand the little thoughts of the two girls. They were all focused on the last moments of the war.

Finally, Keilal opened his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to see through something, then he closed his eyes and stood up.

"Let's go, Dinisha." Just like before every war started 2,500 years ago, Keilal's words made Dinisha smile.

"Of course, my sage, my highness."

When Kelar pushed the door open, the light spots outside the door slowly gathered together, forming the shape of a horse. The unicorn heroic spirit jumped out of the light spots, making a long hiss and full of energy. .

Kelal grabbed its mane and jumped on the horse. He turned back to Dinisha and stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Come and run to the battlefield with me, my lady."

"My pleasure!" Dinisha grabbed Keilal's hand, jumped onto the horse, and sat in Keilal's arms. The two-meter long sword that was in the way on her back had appeared at some point. Her right hand.

"Let's go!" Keilar pinched the horse's belly and saw Silver Spirit's body tensing up for a moment, and running out like a silver arrow.

Silver Spirit is a very rare phantom beast. Its speed is by no means slower than Alexander's Flying Hoof Thunder Bull. Even because of various blessings on unicorns, its speed and power are even faster.

It should be a phantom beast on par with Pegasus. Among equine phantom beasts, it is second only to the Eight-legged Pegasus.

I only saw that it increased its speed to 100 kilometers per hour in just three seconds, and was still accelerating. When faced with obstacles, it either jumped over or ran directly. Its powerful physique gave it the ability to directly collide. The strong defense of reinforced concrete buildings, not to mention that most of Japanese buildings are made of wood, are not strong at all.

However, it will not be stupid and directly hit the building. Instead, it will dodge and dodge if it can. If it really can't dodge, it will jump high into the sky, more than ten meters, dozens of meters, or even hundreds of meters away. Buildings are as easy as walking on flat ground for it.

After all, it is a mythical beast blessed by legends, and its most basic abilities are enough to surpass any modern driving machine.

I saw the unicorn Silver Spirit drawing a silver light on the roof, carrying Keilal and Dinisha to Tohsaka's old house.

After all, the Tosaka family is a well-known large landowner in Fuyuki City. The Tosaka family's old house happens to be in a very delicate area. First of all, it is on the top of a hillside. Secondly, it happens to be in a place that is neither too far from the city center nor too far from the city. The center is too close, and more importantly, it is on a hillside, which is almost the end of the road. The Tosaka family can even set up a position directly on the hillside, because people with nothing to do will not climb up such a high slope. The hillside goes to the Tohsaka family.

Even considering the Tosaka family's class, people who go to the Tosaka family all go by car. How could anyone go there on foot?

Therefore, the defense of the Tosaka family can actually be said to be impregnable. There is even a small spiritual vein under the house, which can be regarded as an extension of the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City. In short, the Tosaka family, Matou family, Einzbern family and other established families The landlord is definitely no weaker than any old magic family when fighting in his own homeland.

Among the established Gosan families, the Einzbern family, which has foundations in Fuyuki City and Germany, is the strongest.

At this time, the Tohsaka family's original magic traps and defenses had been completely ravaged by Brilliance. Alexander, who had brought Webb with him, launched an all-out war with Gilgamesh without hesitation. For people who were under great pressure, he He doesn't mind whether he fights Keilal or Gilgamesh.

After all, the Holy Grail War will be fought in the end. What does it have to do with who fights it first?

What's more, compared to the Holy Grail, his wish is coming true right in front of him, as long as he defeats Gilgamesh alone.

So if that's the case, just fight with all your strength.

Alexander in Total War was like a tank. Driving the powerful wheels pulled by the flying thunder hoof, he destroyed all the traps and flowerbeds of the Tosaka family in just one turn. Now the Tosaka family is intact except for the house. Outside, the entire house was surrounded by craters as if it had been bombarded by artillery shells, and it was extremely miserable.

Tokiomi Tosaka looked expressionlessly at the Kamui wheel streaking across the sky with thunder and lightning, and said calmly: "I'll leave him to you."

"Okay, sensei." Kotomine Kirei behind him also had an expressionless face, just giving orders to his heroic spirit.

"Kill him, Assassin."

I saw a red ray of light instantly streaking across the night sky from the roof of the Tohsaka family's mansion. Like a precise missile, it hit Alexander's Thunder Hoof in an instant.

The flying thunderhoofed cow was killed by this powerful blow in an instant. The entire divine wheel lost power and instantly fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Alexander hugged Weber and canceled the Shenwei Wheel, and the two of them fell directly from the sky to the ground.

He only saw another red ray of light cutting through the night sky and heading straight for Alexander. Faced with such a powerful Noble Phantasm, Alexander had no choice but to activate the Noble Phantasm in an instant, only to see that the red light that was sure to hit was instantly ejected. Alexander and Scathach disappeared together.

In the rolling yellow sand, Alexander looked at Scathach with a complex expression: "I didn't expect that my opponent would be you!"


After editing, I would like to say something else: I feel like I have a cold today and I have a headache...

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