The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 349 Fierce Battle

Chapter 052 Fierce Battle

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be the one who came first. I thought it was Kai who came first." Scathach did not take the inherent barrier to heart, but looked at Alexander and said with a smile.

Her smile was full of charm. Alexander admired her smile and praised from the bottom of his heart: "If I met you first, I would definitely pursue you."

"Humph, I don't appreciate men like you." Scathach smiled, and his face became solemn: "Come on, Alexander the Great, come here!"

"You will die here." Alexander said with a solemn face, looking at Scathach.

"How will you know this kind of thing if you don't try it?" Assassin, the strongest in history, made a proud declaration.

Alexander raised his hand, and a sword appeared in his hand. Under the heavy sword of Cyprus, Alexander's thunderous roar echoed throughout the desert.

This time, behind him, he only saw countless light cavalry coming from the hillside, stretching for dozens of miles, endless, as if there was no end in sight.

"Ravage it!!"

Alexander's roar was the howl of war. The cavalry howled in unison, clamped their horses' bellies, and began an all-out charge.

If these skilled heroic spirits were in the real world, they would definitely not start charging one or two kilometers away, but as they are already heroic spirits, they don't need to cherish their horsepower so much.

I only saw the light cavalry galloping on the battlefield. There was a smile on Scathach's mouth. Two scarlet spears appeared in his hands at the same time. I only saw the two scarlet spears suddenly steaming and vibrating. Just for a moment, no one could Seeing Scathach's movements, the two scarlet spears shot forward like meteors one behind the other, passing through the entire battlefield in an instant and heading towards Alexandria.

I only saw a few loud shouts and several people jumping up and blocking Alexander. I only saw two huge explosions exploding in front of Alexander. The corpses of the several heroic spirits who blocked Alexander were gone.

Tsk... Scathach let out a soft tut, and two scarlet spears appeared in her hands again, but this time, she had no chance to throw them out.

I saw the light cavalry at the front all shouted loudly, raised their spears under the command of a commander, and then threw them all violently.

These spears are not the traditional Macedonian spears that are six meters long, but are about three meters long and can be used on both foot and horse. In the hands of these heroic spirits, even if they are three meters long, they are still like throwing spears, and they have passed through in an instant. From the sky, a rain of spears fell like a downpour in an instant.

Tsk...tricky. Scathach was completely unable to activate the magic spear in her hand. She held the two scarlet spears by the tail, and then waved them back and forth like two long whips. She only saw dense spears falling from the sky, carrying them with them. A whistling sound that scares people.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

All I could hear was the scream of spears cutting through the air. Even a battle-hardened warrior would have his legs weaken when faced with such a scream, right?

But Scathach had no expression on her face. She was just practicing waving with her hands. She didn't look very powerful, but she was very skillful in pushing away all the spears one after another. Because her spear was two meters long, she The wingspan is close to one meter, so she has an attack radius of more than three meters. After the spear three meters away was pushed away, it hit other spears. This was like a chain reaction, and all of a sudden Scathach cleared a clean and safe area.

I only saw a series of puffing sounds coming from around Scathach. Except for the clean area in front of Scathach, the places around me extended outward with Scathach as the center. I only saw the crooked body. Full of spears.

Scathach did not pause at all. Facing such a large army, any stagnation would be fatal. I only saw a spear appearing in the hands of the Macedonian light cavalry again, and this was about to launch a second round. Scathach's Even faster than them, the two scarlet magic guns in his hands were thrown out with unparalleled speed and power.

The light cavalry at the front seemed to have been bombarded by artillery shells. Suddenly, two explosions exploded among the light cavalry, swallowing hundreds of people.

Although more than two hundred people are just a drop in the ocean to the 100,000 Macedonian light cavalry, the explosion and chaos of these two groups still disrupted the formation and rhythm of the Macedonian light cavalry.

Skaha laughed, and two scarlet magic guns appeared in his hands again, and then he threw them out again.

She was like a fort with endless firepower. Even if she stood there, scarlet magic guns kept appearing in her hands, and she kept throwing them out, constantly bringing about a bombing-like effect to block the advancement of Alexander's army. She just relied on He alone blocked a hundred thousand Macedonian heroes!

But of course this was impossible. Her powerful firepower only lasted for more than ten seconds before it was interrupted.

I only saw four figures rushing out of the smoke. These four people were different from ordinary heroic spirits. Although most of the cavalry of the King's Companion Knights were hovering around D-class and C-class heroic spirits, these four people They are four rare B-class heroic spirits, and they have also left a famous name in history.

They are Antigonus I, Seleucus, Ptolemy, and Lysimachus. These four people are old and young, but the most powerful thing about them is that after Alexander's death, they inherited Alexander's east, west, south, and north. Large pieces of territory became the kings of four empires, and their empires left a strong mark in history. It was precisely because of this that Alexander, whom they had previously loyal to, was so powerful and great. It has always been something that historians are talking about and trying to verify.

No matter which one of these four legendary kings is taken alone, they are top-notch A-level heroic spirits. But now in the inherent barrier, they cannot be stronger than Alexander, so they are only B-level heroic spirits. But even so, they are already This is surprising, because Scathach under the Assassin class is only a B-class heroic spirit.

I saw these four B-class heroes using the smoke created by Scathach to surround Scathach in an instant. They instantly surrounded Scathach among the four people. I only saw four of them holding a scimitar. One person was holding a Roman dagger and shield, another was holding a spear, and the other was holding a bow and arrow. In an instant, Scathach was surrounded in the middle. Scathach's two spears were like poisonous snakes spitting messages. They didn't even wait for the opponent to attack before they attacked. .

A fierce close combat broke out in an instant...


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