The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 37 Minister of Magic Kelal? (Updated with 10,000 votes)

Chapter 037 Minister of Magic Kelal?

"What's wrong?" Kailar heard her words, turned around and smiled at her.

"What you said before, if these spells are used well, they can fight against Voldemort, are you true?" Hermione's face was slightly flushed from running, and she looked at Keilal and asked.

"Didn't you already test it on Malfoy?" Kelar winked at her: "Practice well, Hermione."

When Hermione left, she looked very happy.

No one knows why.

In fact, teachers’ time is not as easy as imagined.

In addition to Monday, Tuesday morning is the first year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon were the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes for the second and third grade students.

In the following years, fifth graders will only have one or two days a month to study Defense Against the Dark Arts. They must start preparing for the O.W.L. exam, which is the Ordinary Wizarding Level exam.

This is a certificate they must obtain before graduation. All subjects have O.W.L exams. The more certificates they obtain, the more promising they will be.

And when they are in sixth grade and seventh grade, they will start taking the N.E.W.T exam.

It's the ultimate wizard exam.

This represents their level when applying for positions in the future, just like the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic need at least good results in N.E.W.T. in five subjects.

Unlike Kelal, who owns the entire Gringotts from the beginning, most students will spend the first half of their lives at Hogwarts, including studying, taking exams, and falling in love, and then they will live in Gringotts after graduating from Hogwarts. You will go through the second half of your life, find a job, get married, have children, and have a family.

Some of the order may be out of order, but when they fall in love, they need to think about what to do next.

Of course, making money is the first priority. Just like people all over the world are willing to enter national institutions and become civil servants who don't have to worry about food and clothing, even people in the magical world are no exception.

Of course, the elites immediately consider the Ministry of Magic. Whether it is the Department of Magical Enforcement, the Department of Mysterious Affairs, or the Aurors, they are all the elites in the Ministry of Magic. They are also the first-class Department of Magical Beast Control and Management, the Department of International Magical Exchange, and the Department of Magical Affairs. The transportation department, magic games and sports department are not just fat jobs, but also extremely dangerous, and they need to be handled by the elite among wizards.

Mr. Weasley, the head of the Weasley family, is an official in the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, which is just a small department of the Department of Magical Enforcement.

But even so, to be able to work in the Ministry of Magic and become one of the directors, the head of the Weasley family, Arthur Weasley is undoubtedly an outstanding wizard.

If you think about the seven children of the Weasley family, a family of nine, who can still live relatively well, you should know how high the salary of the Ministry of Magic is.

To be honest, almost most wizards have entered the Ministry of Magic as their first goal, including the future Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione who all entered the Ministry of Magic.

Kelar shook his head. He suddenly didn't care about Hogwarts now.

Hogwarts is indeed the cradle of elite wizards, but in fact the Ministry of Magic is the ruler of the world. The Minister of Magic not only has very great authority, but more importantly, has certain judicial powers.

The Ministry of Magic is equivalent to the British government, and the Minister of Magic is equivalent to the British Prime Minister.

In Kelar's mind, becoming the Minister of Magic was a must, and the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts was no longer in his sights.

The headmaster of Hogwarts is too simple.

In order to maintain the operation of Hogwarts, Dumbledore introduced the position of school director, and even introduced twelve school directors at once.

They are both the school's financial backers and can vote to remove the school's principal.

It's just that Dumbledore was very cautious when introducing them, and their conditions were also very harsh. Although they gave Hogwarts a large amount of money every year, they could only achieve their own control by removing the principal and replacing him. The purpose of Hogwarts, and more importantly, there is no way to continue if one of the families disagrees.

It is impossible for the twelve school directors to have the same mind, and the grievances and hatreds among them could even write a novel with several million words.

So Dumbledore seems to have introduced a big trouble, but in fact Dumbledore is still very cautious.

It's just that Kelar has said before that Hermione has a vision that wizards don't have, and this vision is undoubtedly what Dumbledore lacks.

Dumbledore had no idea how easy it was to control these families through finance, nor how easy it was to replace the headmaster through these families.

The wizarding world's finances are so fragile that Kelal doesn't even need to use Gringotts. It only takes a few tricks to cause a chain reaction of collapse.

This kind of fragility does not refer to the bad finance of the wizarding world, but to the fact that the finance of the wizarding world is too backward compared with the outside world's finance. Even the means of trade still use cash, and only need to use some small bank runs. Can cause some trade crises.

But if this is really going to be the case, Keilar has to make detailed calculations. After all, with magic, the ability to resist risks will be greatly enhanced.

But if he had Gringotts, he could just use his power to overwhelm others.

But the Ministry of Magic is different. The Ministry of Magic has the ability to directly flip the table and cheat!

Once Kelar uses Gringotts to interfere with the financial order of the wizarding world, the Ministry of Magic can seal Gringotts in the blink of an eye and confiscate all assets.

This is the government’s administrative power, its capacity for violence!

Kelal doesn't want all his funds to be confiscated by the Ministry of Magic, so he must take control of the Ministry of Magic before taking action!

But what to do with the Ministry of Magic?

Keilal sat on the chair and frowned slightly.

public opinion? public opinion? right?

noble? Pureblood? Or use slander?

As mentioned before, politics is extremely dirty. After Kelal entered the politician mode, he did not hesitate to start scheming against the Minister of Magic.

Kellard could think of several things like plotting against the Minister of Magic in the blink of an eye.

But it is a bit difficult to become the Minister of Magic.

Keilar thought about it for about half an hour and already had a relatively complete plan in mind.

He nodded slightly, clarifying his next goal.

PS: Do you still have tickets? Keep voting! More updates will be added tomorrow! !

PS1: Five brushes are coming to the new book list at once, can we rush forward? I'm a little pessimistic now.

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