The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 38 Petrification Curse

Chapter 038 Petrification Curse

After teaching the second and third grade students, Keilar finally had a break.

Friday is a beautiful day. The sun hangs brightly in the sky and the students begin to relax from a week of intense study.

There is no doubt that Keilal is on holiday today, and even Hermione wants to take a day off to rest for a while.

The little guys' studies are not heavy, but it is obviously still very hard for them at this age.

Keilal understood Hermione's hard work and agreed to her.

She is not just taking classes with him, she has several classes to attend. In her spare time, she also comes to Kelal to practice magic and learn various Muggle things, which is really hard work.

Then Hermione went off to play as happily as a deer.

Looking at her back, Keilal smiled and shook his head. No matter how smart and mature she was, she was still a girl and a girl under 14 years old.

Away from Hermione, he didn't care much about most things at school.

In fact, even in normal times, Keilar doesn't care much about school affairs, but Hermione, as a know-it-all, often brings Keilar some information about Hogwarts.

These include how much Slytherin students and teacher Snape are annoying, as well as some gossip about Harry Potter and Ron, plus some outrageous things about Hagrid, and some minor problems with other teachers. .

Of course, Keilal knew that these things were all intelligence, but in fact it was not that important information. Many teachers were dispensable in his plan.

Kelar only needs to look at two people, one is Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, and the second is Snape, the headmaster of Slytherin House at Hogwarts. Even Professor McGonagall, Kayla Lardu intuitively knew that she was not that important.

Some of them are minor manifestations. For example, when Dumbledore left Hogwarts, most things were left to Snape and Professor McGonagall. However, Snape's identity was rather embarrassing. He used to be Voldemort's subordinate became a teacher at Hogwarts again, but even so, the profound meaning of him being able to gain Dumbledore's trust as a former Death Eater is thought-provoking.

So there must be something Kelar doesn't know, but smart people like to use results to infer facts, so you only need to look at Snape's status in Hogwarts and Dumbledore's mind now to know that at that time Which side does he stand on?

It is precisely because of this that Snape, who can lurk around Voldemort as a spy, is actually more loyal and important to Dumbledore than Professor McGonagall. Kelar believes that the two of them must be Dumbledore's right-hand man. , even more important than Professor Flitwick, the Professor of Charms.

Kellard can even make dozens of countermeasures on how to use Snape to kill Voldemort.

That's why Voldemort is so afraid of Dumbledore.

Not only was Dumbledore comparable to Voldemort in terms of magic power, but he was countless times stronger than Voldemort in terms of strategy, wisdom, and layout.

Although Voldemort was finally defeated by Harry Potter's mother Lily, Dumbledore had not made a lot of preparations to kill Voldemort before that.

The so-called consequentialism is that Voldemort did not knock down Hogwarts until the last moment.

You must know that Hogwarts has countless secrets, including secret rooms, treasures, and even Keilal's body. For Voldemort, who pursues power and immortality, this kind of temptation is simply impossible. Resistance, but still failed to capture Hogwarts, this is the biggest evidence.

Kelar knew in his heart that Snape must be Dumbledore's right-hand man, and could even be said to be the trump card against Voldemort, so if he wanted to find Voldemort or control the entire Hogwarts, then keep an eye on these two Talent is the most convenient and fastest way.

The cafeteria of Hogwarts is very interesting. Students only need to arrive at the opening hall at 12 noon and six o'clock in the evening, and food will automatically appear on the table in the opening hall. This time line is set at one and a half Within hours, the students were given whatever they wanted, as Filch directed the goblins busy preparing food for the students in the Hogwarts kitchens.

Teachers can choose to eat in the hall or have it delivered directly to their offices.

You must know that most wizards are dead at home. It is common for them to stay away from home for ten and a half days. They are either studying new spells, new herbs, or new potions. How can they do it at this time? It’s time to go out, so Hogwarts also provides door-to-door meal delivery service.

Kelal has never seen those ghosts since he came to Hogwarts. As a great magician of light, Kelal has the power to purify all souls. All the souls are avoiding Kelal. Keilal has never even seen a ghost, and Keilal's unicorn also has this power. Keilal eats in his room most of the time, unless there is a special holiday. Kelal would not go to the hall to eat.

But today's dinner was a little different. While Keilal was still eating, he was surrounded by screams and noises outside. These noises forced Keilal to stop his dinner and walked out of his office. into the crowd.

"What happened?" he asked.

"It was them, they killed Mr. Filch's cat." Malfoy pointed at the three people surrounded by the crowd and shouted gloatingly.

Everyone was in a commotion, and Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione, who were surrounded by everyone, defended at a loss: "It's not us, we didn't do anything."

Filch limped up from the crowd and shouted sadly: "Mrs. Norris."

"You killed it and you will pay for it with your life," he shouted.

"Everyone, calm down." Kelar's angry voice overcame everyone. After speaking, everyone calmed down and watched him come to the bloody wall. He first rescued Filch's cat from the street lamp. He stopped, checked for a while, and said to Filch: "He is not dead, he is just petrified. The problem is not big."

Because he was a squib, Filch respected the professors very much. He relaxed after Keilal said it was no problem, but he still muttered something over and over again, such as "You must catch it." Murderer" and "The murderer must be punished severely" and so on.

These matters are not handled by Kelal, naturally Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape will handle them.

He came to the wall with great interest, stretched out his hand and touched the red characters on the wall, and then smelled it in front of his nose.

With an idea already in his mind, he turned around and said, "Filch, remember to clean up this place. The three of you come to my office."

PS: I just found out when I was chatting with someone today that according to the rules of adding updates, first reward a guardian, and then slowly reward upwards, so I will update 14 times... Again, an account can only be updated once, even if The reward is gradually increased, and it also requires -1 update...

PS1: Now I’m going to write the second update for everyone. Why don’t you give up the recommendation votes? Each person gets one vote, and updates are added every day. Although the number of voters is increasing, there are still one-third of my friends who have not voted. You can’t be so lazy!

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