The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 395 Welcome back

Chapter 098 Welcome back

There are a total of eight apprentices in the mansion now. If you include Tsuchimiya Kagura and Isayama Yomi, there are ten people. However, Tsuchimiya Kagura, Isayama Yomi, and the Okumura brothers are already people who can take on big responsibilities, so They are not counted among those who are on duty.

But the other six people were divided into three shifts, with two people in each shift, taking turns doing hygiene every day.

This is actually a kind of taming and a kind of planning.

It can not only standardize the time and fix the time to a certain link, but also sharpen their temperament and make them obedient. More importantly, Tohsaka Rin does not have to worry about the hygiene in the mansion. It is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. .

And today, it was two girls who were eliminated, Hanano Hongo and Yukimura Tokine.

The close friends of Flame Demon Hall Windmill and Momura Yoshimori.

Even though they knew that there could be no danger in Tohsaka Residence, their hearts tightened after hearing their voices, and their whole bodies shot out like arrows.

The two of them happened to be practicing, and the exorcism techniques on their bodies were not lifted. Even in the corridor of the Tohsaka house, the two of them were as nimble as monkeys.

They were walking through the main entrance. A magician's home is filled with a large number of magic spells to defend against large-scale attacks by enemies. For example, the glass windows look the same as those in ordinary homes, but in fact they are full of magic spells. Magic spells, even if they dare to break through the window with permission, they will be attacked by magic.

They don't know how resistant they are to magic now, but their inability to resist Galadia and Tohsaka Rin is the reason why they are in awe.

They rushed into the living room along the corridor and saw two girls paralyzed on the ground with fear. A silver-haired man wearing nothing just stood in the living room, looking at the two girls who were paralyzed by fear.

"Who are you! Why are you here!" Momura Yoshimori still had some sense, but Yanmotang Lushi had already lost his mind and rushed forward in an instant.

"Windwheel, wait!" Momura Yoshimori didn't hold him back, he could only grit his teeth and begin to form seals with his hands.

In any case, he should lock the opponent first, whether it is from the perspective of protecting the opponent, blocking the Flame Demon Hall's windlass, or tying up the opponent, he should take action.

The speed of his attack was much faster than that of Flame Demon Hall's windlass. As soon as he saw a flash of blue light, a square transparent crystal enveloped the silver-haired man.

This 2X2 square made the silver-haired man extremely curious. He didn't even look at the flame demon temple windmill that rushed over, nor at the two girls who were frightened on the ground. Instead, he stretched out a hand and gently pointed his fingers. touching the blue light.

This is just an ordinary barrier. Although it is strong, it has no lethality. If Momura Yoshimori uses flame exorcism or barrier collapse technique next, it will cause damage within the barrier, whether it is burns, lack of oxygen, suffocation, Or it explodes, it can kill the enemy.

But it was impossible for Sumura Yoshimori to do such a thing to a person who showed up at the Tohsaka residence - even though the other person was not wearing anything.

But the silver-haired man's fingers gently touched the solid barrier. The barrier was like brittle glass, shattering all of a sudden. The entire blue barrier was completely shattered under one finger.

"What..." Before Momura Yoshimori finished his sentence, Flame Demon Hall Windmill had already appeared in front of the silver-haired man, punched out, and majestic power spurted out.

The man who was wearing nothing was not surprised. He just turned around slightly, stepped back, and then grabbed Flame Demon Hall's fist that was armed with spiritual power - threw it over his shoulder!

Flame Demon Hall's windlass suddenly fell to the ground, and he spat out a mouthful of sour water.

Seeing the Flame Demon Hall's windlass being thrown down, the childhood sweetheart Huano Hongxu finally reacted. In an instant, two talismans appeared in her hand and transformed into two daggers, and then she rushed forward like a little leopard.

This seventeen-year-old girl is at her youthful and beautiful age. She has a pair of slender thighs and a well-proportioned body. She is also wearing black silk and a short skirt. If it were not for the apron, she is indeed a pleasing girl.

It's just that when a girl like this holds two swords in her hands and rushes towards her with the speed of a bow and arrow, it is definitely not the time for a person to admire her with ease.

It's just that when such a girl swung her swords, the silver-haired man just stretched out a hand, opened his palm directly, and then shook it lightly.

Yukimura Tokine, Sumimura Yoshimori, and the Flame Demon Hall's winds all opened their mouths wide, seeing that the attack of the girl who was by no means weak among them was so easily caught by one hand...

Then the man's other hand stretched out and grabbed the girl's slender and bright neck.

With just a little force, the two daggers fell to the floor with no strength, making a clanking sound.

Looking at his friend with a look of pain on his face, Yukimura Shiyin formed a seal and shouted: "Let her go!"

Although she speaks quickly, her barrier technique is faster than her words.

The barrier has been stretched to an extremely thin level and can cut through most things in the world. She is a girl, has better control skills and a more delicate heart, so she can do better, stronger and more lethal than Momura Yoshimori. More powerful.

But the man flicked his finger, a burst of white ripples flashed across his hand, and he saw the blue barrier knife shattering in an instant.

"Well, they're all weak." The silver-haired man didn't have any embarrassment about being naked. He just grabbed Hanano Hongo with one hand and glanced around.

Only then did Xuecun Shiyin realize that in just one face-to-face meeting, he had easily defeated everyone here. The wind was light and the clouds were calm, without a trace of smoke.

"Who are you!" Ryomori Momura stood at the door, holding the seal and shouting nervously.

"Well, that's a good question." The silver-haired man turned his head and looked at the house: "This should be the Tohsaka family, right?"

He has never been to Tosaka's house. This is also the newly built Tosaka old house. This place is very strange to him.

But since he is in this environment, it means that this is the Tohsaka family.

"Okay, how long do you want to carry her?" The crisp voice sounded lazily. The woman with long blond hair slightly curled at the end was wearing casual clothes and leaning on the door frame, looking at it with a lazy look and tone. The silver-haired man said.

The silver-haired man smiled, slowly put the girl down, and opened his arms.

The enigmatic woman Dinisha who had always been sitting in the Tohsaka family's house and had never left the house took two steps and ran into his arms.

"Welcome back, Kai."


This one was written slowly.

The next chapter will probably be slow too.

But it was written with great feeling.

I don’t know if you feel it after watching it.

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