The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 396 Awakening (young plus update 4)

Chapter 099 Awakening

Lazy sunshine slanted in from the window.

As if he had slept for a long time, the silver-haired man lying on the bed fluttered his slender eyelashes, and then slowly opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, the magic power in his body slowly woke up and began to receive information from the outside world.

The light was invisible, but it was being sucked into his body. As the light was sucked in, he slowly began to control the information in this room.

This is a room of more than 80 square meters, filled with classic wooden products. Except for lights and air conditioners, none of them are modern. It is quiet and closed, and even the windows are all closed. It feels lifeless.

"Well..." The man sat on the bed and stretched out. The sheets fell from his chest to his abdomen. Only then did he realize that he was wearing nothing and was just naked on the bed.

It's natural to do this to make it easier to clean his body, but at least put some clothes next to him...

He lifted the quilt and walked on the soft carpet.

Not only are there soft carpets in the room, but the slightly harder carpets outside are not scratchy at all.

If that's the case, just take a stroll.

With the silver-haired man's IQ, he would never think about silly questions such as "Is he safe?" "Where is this place?"

Since he was sleeping without restraint, it meant that he was definitely safe where he was, and there was at least a 90% chance that he was in the Tohsaka Residence.

Even inside Tohsaka’s old house.

He had never been to Tosaka's old house because of Tokiomi Tosaka, so it would be nice to take a stroll now.

His body was extremely relaxed, and he wandered from room to room, so naked, because according to the time he sensed and the calendar he saw on the bedside, it was already ten years later.

Tohsaka Rin has grown up, but Tosaka Aoi's charm is still there. Galadia, Dinisha, Mordred, and Nero are all very close to him. Who does he need to avoid?

This is his home, and he is the master here.

Study room, magic workshop... looking at each room, he was very pleased to see how rich they were.

During the ten years he slept, Rin did not lose his fortune.

I just don't know if Sakura lives with Rin, but based on Keilal's understanding of the child, although she is gentle and considerate, she is stubborn at heart and may not live with Rin Tosaka.

She doesn't hate Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Aoi, but I'm afraid she can't accept the surname Tosaka.

The silver-haired man who finally wandered into the living room wanted to see if there was a refrigerator or something, but two girls in high school uniforms and aprons were cleaning the room.

Even he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. How could there be other outsiders here?

He was wearing nothing, and his bare feet made no sound when he stepped on the carpet. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, the two girls who had finished cleaning stretched and turned around as if they wanted to go somewhere else. Just saw him standing there...

"Hey!!" The two girls suddenly burst into deafening screams. He took two steps forward in embarrassment and opened his mouth, trying to explain something.

I heard two streams of light rushing in from behind. One of the high school boys rushed over like a berserker, while the other made a seal on his hand, and a blue square barrier wrapped him up.

Interesting, magician? still……

There was fluorescent light on his finger, and with a single tap, the square barrier burst like a punctured bubble.

He frowned slightly, he was so weak, he must not be a magician.

The other high school boy who rushed up couldn't be said to be strong. He was fast, and it didn't look like he was hit by that fist. His lack of skills made him waste a lot of strength.

Just a throw over the shoulder was enough to solve the problem. He looked at the little girl rushing up and couldn't help but laugh softly. Childhood sweetheart? Lover?

So sweet, so innocent.

The magic palm held her dagger, and the other hand grabbed her neck. With a slight exertion, the oxygen supply was insufficient, and the muscles in her body began to soften. The hand holding the dagger naturally There is no holding power.

That's good...

But the attack of the other little girl is extremely threatening... It would be better if the barrier sword could be made more detailed to within a millimeter. Maybe his defensive shield would be difficult to stop, but now?

Fingers containing magic power can be broken with just one finger.

The denser magic power defeated her barrier sword easily.

"Okay, how long do you want to lift her up?" Familiar voice, familiar tone, familiar smell, familiar body.

He put the little girl down, opened his arms, and looked at her with a hearty smile without any words.

Then this calm woman, the No. 1 swordsman, a tall woman with golden curly hair, suddenly ran into his arms like a deer in the forest.

His chest felt as if he had been hit by a hammer, and he took two or three steps back before he caught her firmly.

Like a joyful child, she bit him on the shoulder.

"Welcome back." She said vaguely.

"Haha, it hurts, it hurts." Of course this was a lie, but if he didn't scream twice, how could he satisfy this woman.

He held her tall body and spun her around twice before putting her down.

Wiping her mouth, the smiling Dinisha finally regained her usual elegance.

"First help me find some clothes, Denisa." This man ordered the most noble woman in the Tohsaka House so naturally.

The wavy blonde nodded slightly, rolled her eyes at him, then turned around and walked out naturally - just like a wife helping her husband get his clothes.

The other four high school students were all dumbfounded. They stood and opened their mouths, as if they were under a spell and were at a loss.

The silver-haired man sat casually on the sofa, crossed his legs, and finally covered up the unusual big thing. He didn't have any shame or other feelings. Instead, he lay on the sofa with open arms and laughed. He asked: "Who are you? Where are Rin and Sakura? Where are Galadia and Mordred? Where are Nero?"

Question marks appeared on the heads of the four people at the same time.

Who is Sakura? Who is Nero?

"Okay, I'll tell you what you want to know later. Now, put on your clothes first."

Holding a pure white kimono, Dinisha walked in and said with a smile.


Next chapter, next volume, Fate Stay Night!

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Let's start the frenzy of the fourteen followers.

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