The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 4 The New Teacher at Hogwarts

Chapter 004 The New Teacher at Hogwarts

The old semester ends and the new semester begins, but before the new semester begins, there is one more thing.

That's the Academy Cup.

Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, among the four houses, points will be added or deducted for their performance throughout the semester, and then the total score will determine the winner of the House Cup. The Academy Cup does not have any rewards, but it is where the glory lies.

Sitting on Dumbledore's left side, listening to Dumbledore's explanation, the silver-haired young man nodded slightly and smiled.

Many female teachers or students kept looking sideways here. It was not just a simple liking, but rather a human yearning for beautiful nature.

Most of the teachers already know that he will become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. As far as Hogwarts is concerned, Dumbledore is the master of the entire Hogwarts. Except for the Ministry of Magic, no one else would object to his opinions and words. Even the vice-principal, Mrs. McGonagall, only complained slightly, not against it.

Therefore, the silver-haired young man naturally became the new teacher of Hogwarts.

This matter will be announced at this Academy Cup.

But before that, Dumbledore had more to announce than just this.

The teachers were all sitting on the stage and whispering, and the target was of course the silver-haired young man who appeared out of nowhere.

The whispers of the students were much louder than those of the teachers. After all, he was a handsome silver-haired guy. Children of their age had plenty of freshness and curiosity about everything. More importantly, that was Big handsome guy! Is there any handsome guy?

Harry Potter only felt that Hermione next to him exuded a bad breath and looked at the man with strange eyes, making him sit further away unconsciously.

"Harry, do you know who is sitting next to Dumbledore?" Even Ron couldn't help but join in the fun and asked while munching a chicken drumstick next to him.

After all, students are not fools. The news that Professor Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort and then killed by Harry Potter in order to fight for the Philosopher's Stone has already spread. Now it seems that the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is vacant. .

At this time, appearing in Hogwarts, sitting next to Dumbledore, it is almost certain that he will be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts next year. There is absolutely no harm in finding out now - not to mention that the new teacher is handsome and A handsome young man? !

"I, I don't know." Harry Potter barely told a lie. He knew the other party's identity, but did not know the other party's details. Even now, that bright silver color still often appears in his sleep. The laser and the blood slowly spurting out of Professor Quirrell's mouth.

"Okay." Ron shrugged, not really paying much attention to his own problems. At their age, children of their age always had very few things to worry about.

"Hermione, have you found out what I asked you that day?" Harry Potter interrupted and asked Hermione, who was holding his chin and looking at the silver-haired young man carefully.

"Which question?" Hermione glanced at him dissatisfied and asked. For her, Harry Potter's questions were as numerous as stars, and she could basically explain them all. Although she enjoyed this feeling, sometimes Harry Potter Potter's plethora of problems was also what bothered her, such as now.

"That question about Merlin's disciples." Harry Potter said a little timidly. Sometimes Hermione was very weak, but most of the time Bunny Girl was still very cruel.

"Oh, that's the question." Hermione suddenly realized it, and then started to speak cracklingly: "I went back to check that day and discovered an amazing secret."

She picked up the juice and took a sip, moistened her mouth and throat, and then continued to crackle like a machine gun: "The wizard's ancestor Merlin actually had a disciple named Keilal, and this Keilal's Disciples are the source of our wizards..."

Above, Dumbledore tapped the cup gently, and the crisp sound between the silver spoon and the glass slowly extinguished everyone's whispers. Everyone stopped what they were doing, what they were saying, and turned their heads. Quietly looking at Dumbledore at the front.

"Another year has passed. As far as I know, we should present this year's Academy Cup." Dumbledore stood up and said loudly. Keilal was extremely surprised. This Dumbledore was obviously tall and thin, but With such a loud voice.

There were hundreds of people in the entire auditorium, and they heard his words clearly. Keilar, who was sitting next to him, felt that the voice was slightly louder.

"And the scores of each college are as follows!"

"Fourth place, Gryffindor, 312 points!" Scattered applause.

"Third place, Hufflepuff, 352 points!" Ordinary applause.

"Second place, Ravenclaw, 426 points!" Warm applause.

"First place, Slytherin with 472 points!" Enthusiastic cheers and ceremonial clapping from several other colleges.

"Well done, Slytherins." Dumbledore clapped his hands gently and paused.

"However, there have been some recent things that have to be taken into consideration and I'm afraid I will end up adding a few more points."

Hogwarts fell silent and looked at the respected headmaster.

"Miss Hermione Granger! When her friend was in a major crisis, she used her calmness and knowledge to resolve the danger. I decided to give her 50 points for her performance!" The Gryffindor children were immediately delighted. They cheered wildly. It seemed that the adventurous little lions were not shouting for nothing.

"Mr. Ron Weasley! The unparalleled wizard chess player! 50 points!" The palms of Gryffindors were almost red. Although they haven't overtaken yet, there is still someone there!

"Mr. Harry Potter! He has extraordinary courage and commendable courage. I decided to give him 60 points!" It seemed that everyone knew the story hidden in these sentences and did not raise any questions or dissatisfaction.

"We and Slytherin are on the same page." The little lions lowered their heads and whispered. Will things turn around?

"Finally, it takes a lot of courage to fight against the enemy, but it takes even more courage to fight against one's friends! So I decided to give Mr. Neville Longbottom 10 points!"

"We overtook! We overtook!" the little lions of Gryffindor cheered.

"Gryffindor has won the House Cup, and the decoration here may have to be changed." Dumbledore clapped his hands gently, and the green snake flag of Slytherin in the hall suddenly turned into The red lion flag is quite spectacular and mighty.

The little lions of Gryffindor almost exploded with joy. The carnival sound almost broke the roof. They threw their college hats into the sky. The students from the other two houses immediately joined in the fun and threw their hats. Only Si The Leitlin students had a stinking look on their faces as they watched other people revel in the carnival. The Academy Cup was overturned at the last minute, and no one was happy.

"Dang, Dang, Dang." Professor McGonagall knocked on the cup again, asking everyone to be quiet. The academic hats were scattered around and put on. Everyone looked at Professor McGonagall, wondering what else she had to say. .

"The last thing is...please stand up, Mr. Kellard." Dumbledore coughed and said.

Keilar smiled. The word sir in English is very interesting. It is both an honorific and a knight. If it is not explained, no one will know it.

In the past, most of the Knights of the Round Table were knights, middle-level or above nobles with titles.

And what exactly does this sir refer to his status? Or Dumbledore's honorific?

Others may not be able to tell the difference, but Keilal understands it and smiles knowingly.

"In the next few years, he will be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Please introduce yourself." Dumbledore raised his hand slightly and gave up the stage to Keilal.

Keilal smiled slightly, held up his chest, lowered his head slightly, and then raised his head, high-spirited, confident, proud, and a touch of restraint: "I am Kai, Keilal Pan Dragon, just like As you can see, although my eyes are blind, I can still see you, touch you, and perceive you through magic. Magic is a process of recognizing the world and perceiving the world. I will recognize the world again, gentlemen, Ladies, please come with me.”

He stretched out his hand and made an invitation, then put his left hand on his chest slightly, bowed slightly, and then sat down smoothly.

"Wow, wow, wow..." A wave of applause was given to this charming new teacher.

But Hermione didn't applaud. She turned her head stiffly, looked at Harry Potter, and asked every word.

"He just said, what is his name and where is he?"

A stiff smile appeared on Harry Potter's face... It's over...

PS: I just got up. Sorry, I’m sending you a 2,700-word chapter.

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