Chapter 005 Diagon Alley

When this man appeared in Diagon Alley, the entire Diagon Alley seemed to be a little brighter.

People couldn't help but look at that man, and then admired in their hearts, what a handsome magician.

Most magicians are unkempt. Even if they have magic that can clean their whole body with a wave of a staff, if they don't change their clothes, they will still smell. However, the convenience brought by magic for many years has made them rely on it, so Harry Most of what Potter saw in Diagon Alley were slovenly, even with unkempt hair, careless teeth, and fingernails full of dirt from potions.

Although it cannot be said that there are wizards like Keilard who are well-dressed, elegant, and neatly groomed, but they are mostly bureaucrats from the Ministry of Magic, and they are fundamentally different from Keilal.

The silver-haired young man was majestic, yet calm and generous. After walking out of the fireplace, he lightly patted the dust on his robe, then stepped forward and strode toward Diagon Alley.

This may be a pureblood with a profound family background.

The wizards who realized this were a little humble and moved out of the way to please the silver-haired young man to slowly walk forward in the middle of the road.

Being a little curious about this situation, he just suppressed his curiosity in his heart and walked towards Gringotts.

That's right, he overdrafted half a year's salary to Dumbledore today just to figure out one thing.

Does Gringotts, the oldest bank in the wizarding world, have anything to do with him?

The concept of bank was originally proposed by him, and the oldest bank was his handiwork.

From the simplest and most basic logic, Gringotts, the oldest bank in the wizarding world, should be inextricably linked to him!

Why is he here? Maybe in Gringotts, he can find the answer he wants!

He was walking on the road with about three thousand gold galleons in his arms, but he had money in his hands and was not panicking.

This is three thousand gold galleons, which is equivalent to about fifteen thousand pounds. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this amount of money was equivalent to the annual income of an ordinary middle-class family, and the purchasing power of gold galleons was stronger than that of pounds.

Keilar filtered his mind a little and understood that this was because the productivity of the wizarding world was so powerful that there was no mechanical consumption or labor cost. You only need to wave a magic wand to get things, so the material is very abundant. , and material abundance becomes the purchasing power of money, and only a small amount of money can buy a lot of things - except knowledge.

The value of knowledge is reflected in the price of books.

Textbooks - Keilar came to Diagon Alley not only to see Gringotts and look for his mark, but also had a particularly important task, which was to prepare the textbooks for the next semester.

Generally speaking, teachers decide the semester schedule for the next semester, then select the books they need for the next semester, and then send the names of these books to the students with owls, and then the students come to the bookstore in Diagon Alley to choose. own teaching materials.

This is also one of Kelal's tasks today.

He strolled along the bluestone road of Diagon Alley, and the shops on both sides were busy with people coming and going; Florin Ice Cream Shop, Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, Eela Owl Shop, Madam Malkin's Robe Shop, Magical Beast Shop, Quirk Diqi Boutique, Diagon Alley stationery store... and other stores, the products appeared in front of Keilar, making it dazzling and dizzying.

The silver-haired man was smiling and walking leisurely on the road in Diagon Alley. He stopped from time to time to check the items in the window and read the prices and descriptions carefully. It was like taking a walk after a meal, which made people feel comfortable. .

No matter how long the journey is, it comes to an end. After he finished reading the last store window, he finally arrived at the central building of Diagon Alley - Gringotts.

This bank founded by goblins actually relies on the long lifespan of the goblins to maintain the greatest stability of the bank.

It is precisely because of this that Gringotts has always existed and is the oldest building in the entire Diagon Alley - if you leave aside the somewhat secretive Ollivander's wand shop, it is indeed.

And this is a bank that has a huge connection with Kelal.

Kelal established the first mortal bank, and this first wizarding bank would never be earlier than the bank he established. Before he fell asleep, the wizarding world did not exist.

So this Gringotts must have some connection with him!

He pushed open the door to Gringotts and walked in.

The goblins are calculating something in rows on two rows of high platforms. The goblins who do not rely on magic but calculate with their own hands look serious and solemn. From time to time, they write something on the indestructible parchment paper, which is placed in front of them. There were piles of gold coins and even an abacus.

Kelar looked at this group of goblins carefully. They were completely different from the goblins in his concept.

In his concept, fairies, regardless of male or female, all have beautiful faces, are naked, and have wings like cicadas. They are synonymous with nature, usually the consciousness of lakes, trees, and mountains. Consciousness, in its simplest form, is the lowest form of existence in nature.

But these goblins are more like goblins than goblins.

A goblin with magical abilities, arithmetic abilities, mechanical abilities, and immortality.

These goblins are greedy and greedy for money. They can be called the Jews of the magical world. Even if you sign a contract with them, you must be careful to see if there are any loopholes in the contract. If you are not careful, you will lose both life and wealth.

How can these greedy guys restrain their greed to help people keep their money? Become a great banker? Do not make jokes.

The corners of Keilar's mouth curved slightly, a sneer flashed away, and then he strolled forward.

"Who are you?" The goblin who was sitting on the largest and tallest platform, where even Kelal looked up to settle accounts, asked without even raising his eyelids.

"Kelar Pan Dragon." He said his name word by word with a smile and pride on his face.

In the past, he would add titles such as "Prince of Arthur" and "Sage of the King", but for a long, long time now.

All he had to do was raise his head slightly and say his name.


Who in the world doesn’t know you? !

PS: I heard a new word "Fu Di Mo" today, which made me laugh to death.

PS1: I will write an additional update rule later. If you want to see additional updates, please go read the additional update rules.

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