The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 410 That Man (Crimson Knight Plus 3)

Chapter 113 That person

With the appearance of the three heroic spirits, this time the Holy Grail War has completely begun.

By the time Keilal arrived in Fuyuki City, he could already feel the smell of Fuyuki City as it was before the war.

Since the past few days, Galadia, Dinisha, and Mordred have been sitting quietly in the dojo for more than two hours every day.

For Flame Demon Hall Lushi and Hanano Hongxu, even if they stand in front of them, they can't feel their presence at all.

Their aura became more and more ethereal, as if they didn't exist, and they seemed to be everywhere, and they seemed completely harmless.

They are polishing themselves.

Adjusting one's own condition.

After all, they are no longer heroic spirits.

Even though they have never stopped exercising and working hard in the past ten years, their physical condition does not have the excitement before the battle. Instead, they have a dull feeling and a sense of peace of mind, because Keilal has returned and is awake. reason.

Now, as the top warriors in the world, they are slowly adjusting their minds and bodies, polishing their bodies to their peak state.

As the top warriors in the world, they had already felt it after those three breaths came out.

They immediately began to adjust their status non-stop.

This feeling of silence is called [wu], which is an extremely high state in martial arts. If I have to use an analogy, it is like a sharp sword hidden in a scabbard. It is polishing its edge all the time to ensure its sharpness, and then The most brilliant sword bloomed when it was unsheathed.

Because of their reasons, Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura have been working harder and harder recently. They are not resting to reserve their magic power, waiting for the next Holy Grail War to come.

They can also feel the coming of the mountain rain.

But when Keilal landed from the helicopter, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although they are self-reliant women, they still feel a sense of security when they see Keilal come back after getting used to him.

Keilal, who has successfully taken over as the manager of Fuyuki City's ley line, can naturally feel the aura of the heroic spirit clearly.

This time the Holy Grail War was just as he expected. Someone had been preparing for it for a long time, and the reaction speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to summon the heroic spirit, and a heroic spirit was already summoned.

And there's more than one...

The faces of the two survivors of the last Holy Grail War, Emiya Kiritsugu and Kotomine Kirei, flashed through Kelar's mind.

It seems that the two of them are right...

he thought to himself.

"Since someone has already summoned the heroic spirit, then without further ado, let's start summoning the heroic spirit." Kailar said.

In front of him, Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura sat on either side of him, while the other three heroic spirits were still training their minds in the dojo.

Naturally, Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura had no problem, but Matou Sakura was hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Keilal certainly noticed Sakura's expression and asked warmly.

"Well, teacher, I have an idea about the candidates for the other two people..." Matou Sakura was actually very conflicted, but she had to tell the matter.

"Compared with Huang Quan, I think Fujino Kazushiki's qualifications are better..." Matou Sakura herself is not sure whether this matter is true, but she does feel that Ryōri's qualifications are better than those of Asagami Fujino. His qualifications are better than those of Isayama Yomi and Tsuchimiya Kagura.

Keilal's original plan was to open the magic circuits of Isayama Yomi and Tsuchimiya Kagura, or at the worst, create a magic circuit, then use the two of them to occupy the places of two heroic spirits, and then complete the battle by controlling most of the heroic spirits. The encirclement and suppression of other heroic spirits.

But now Matou Sakura suddenly said that the other two people are actually more qualified as magicians...

Keilal smiled slightly, stretched out his finger and flicked Matou Sakura's forehead: "Fool, if there are such people, it's not like there are no quotas. In this case, let them Get up."

Keilar calculated on his fingers that, including him, their side could occupy more than seven seats.

Plus Galadia, Dinisha, Mordred and him.

Eleven people, stable.

"Gather them together and start preparing for the summons."

Keilal spoke.

In fact, everyone's time is different. It is determined based on the time of birth. For example, Tohsaka Rin's magic power is at its peak at twelve o'clock.

For others, everyone’s timing is different.

If you need to summon a heroic spirit, you must avoid the time when your magic power is at its weakest and start summoning when your magic power is at its peak.

Of course, this guy Keilal is completely different. As a light magician, he will only be slightly weakened at night, but as long as it is daytime, his magic level is always at its peak.

If you have to talk about magic, or its roots, Kelal must be the closest to them.

But Kelal has no interest in these things at all. Perhaps he will turn his attention to this aspect after the Holy Grail War is over.

But before the end of the Holy Grail War, what interested Kelar the most were these heroic spirits who had accomplished unparalleled feats.

In fact, his philosophy has always been people-oriented, and human beings are the most interesting existence.

This point of view actually coincides with Alaya Consciousness.

When Tohsaka Rin, Matou Sakura, Tsuchimiya Kagura, Isayama Yomi, Ryōri, and Asagami Fujino were called together, Keilal was drawing the magic circle with chalk.

He did not prepare any holy relics. With the power of the Tohsaka family and the exorcist alliance, Japan's Yata Mirror, Amancongyun Sword and so on can definitely be obtained, but Keilar did not prepare any holy relics. relic.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Kotomine Kirei were unable to prepare, but he deliberately did not prepare.

Isn't this the greatest joy of the Holy Grail War? This is just like drawing a card. The fun of drawing a four-star servant is completely different from that of a five-star servant. If you draw a card from a designated card pool, there will be no fun, because you know that you will definitely draw yourself. of the desired Servant.

In fact, Kelal did not prepare the holy relics because he wanted to see Tohsaka Rin and their followers. As for his own followers, he already knew it very well.

Determined, certain, definitely that person.

There was nothing wrong, his feeling was unmistakable, it was that person, the woman he had been dreaming about...

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