Chapter 114 Saber Lily

It's twelve o'clock sharp.

The sun was scorching overhead, blooming with its own power and power.

Underground at the Tohsaka house, the girls stood in a row. They all knew what they were about to face.

It's a tough choice.

But they all chose to stand with the Tohsaka family.

Isayama Yomi and Tsuchimiya Kagura have no escape route at all. Everything they have comes from Keilar and the Tosaka family, and they have been firmly tied to the carriage.

On the contrary, Asagami Fujino, who was saved by Mordred, was extremely determined and wanted to use the Holy Grail War as "repayment" to repay Mordred's kindness.

The two rituals were the most unorganized. She was very interested in the Holy Grail War, but she was even more interested in Keilal.

"Hey, are you really from ancient times?" The two rituals have no respect for Kelal or even the entire Exorcist Alliance.

Although she didn't understand what happened to her body, she vaguely felt that the thing in her body must be something amazing, and maybe Keilal would know about this kind of thing.

"That's right." Kailar drew the magic circle, not caring about the rudeness of the two ceremonies.

"Then you should know what is in my body, right?" In order to determine the most suitable time for their summoning, Keilal had already helped them check their bodies.

What is unexpected is that whether it is Isayama Yomi, Tsuchimiya Kagura, or Asakami Fujino, they all have amazing magic talents.

Can it only be said that it is worthy of Galadia? His eyesight is so accurate.

"I know, a terrible thing, powerful and beautiful, it is really exciting. It is really happy and regrettable to see such a beautiful thing at such a time. After the Holy Grail War, we will Let me take a good look at it, Princess Miracle." Keilal turned his head, glanced at her, and smiled at her.

Then he came to the magic circle and opened his fingers.

"I declare here, O Holy Grail, O Heroic Spirit, obey my call and appear in this world!" Keilal just said one sentence.

The command spell on the back of his hand lit up white.

Spells are not a necessary part of summoning in the Holy Grail War.

But for human beings, washing hands, bathing, and changing clothes before the ceremony are all psychological comfort before the ceremony. A simple mantra like Kelal's chanting means that he has enough confidence in himself and simplified the mantra. He summoned the heroic spirit so confidently.

Calling for the one he was destined to be.

White light filled the entire magic array. Everyone looked at the magic array in surprise. A hallucinatory fragrance suddenly spread throughout the room.

The white rose petals are like an illusion, like reality, filling the whole room.

A smile appeared on Keilal's face.

Galadia, Dinisha, and Mordred stood at the door with strange expressions on their faces. They knew who was coming.

The perfect King has come.

I saw a flash of white light, and a petite girl only 1.54 meters tall walked out of the magic circle.

Although he is only 1.54 meters tall, he has a heroic face, with a ponytail tied behind his head, and his golden hair shines in the light.

She wore silver-white light armor with mysterious patterns engraved on it, which looked like lotus flowers and lilies.

She stepped on the metal boots, which struck the floor crisply. Her delicate face was majestic and heroic, but the moment she saw the man in front of her, the coefficient turned into surprise and happiness, and she was like a little deer. Falling into the man's arms, she shouted: "Kai!!!"

Keilal was already prepared to withstand the impact, but he saw the ponytail girl rushing into Keilal's arms like a cannonball, forcing Keilal, who had the body of a red dragon, to take half a step back. , and then stabilized his body.

Keilal hugged her and lifted her high.

"Lily!" he laughed.

Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura had never seen Kelar show such intense and unrestrained emotions. He dealt with everything with a smile and calmly, whether it was the Holy Grail War or other matters. He did it all with ease.

The word "strategizing" is specifically used to describe this man.

But this man suddenly became so passionate and unrestrained, which made people very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

He had previously treated them as nothing more than a teacher.

But her attitude towards her is indeed that of a woman.

"Kai, Kai, Kai, Kai!" She struggled in his arms, twisting and twisting like an eel: "I miss you so much, I miss you so much! I miss you so much!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes..." Keilar hugged her body. As a man, his way of expressing feelings is more subtle, like his laughter and surprise expression, It was a rare moment for him to let his emotions out.

He caressed her head and face, comforted her with a gentle voice, and soothed her to ease their lovesickness.

Keilal's feelings for her are not so much the feelings between a man and a woman, but the irreplaceable feeling of many emotions mixed together.

In terms of the relationship between the master and the servant, she had been his waiter for a long time by disguising herself as a man, but there were also people like Galadia and Dinisha.

From the relationship between teacher and student, although she was taught by Keilal to become a king, there were seventy-two disciples of Keilal, so there was no shortage of substitutes.

As for women, whether it's Nero with a similar face, Galadia with a tall figure, or Scathach, there are many who are more feminine than her.

But she is the only one who firmly occupies his heart, that she, that complicated one who brings together all the desires of Kelal's servants, masters, disciples, women, and even daughters, she is the only one.

Her position in his heart is unbreakable, no one can replace her, no one can replace her, no one can replace her.

She is who she is.

That one.

Keilal's comfort made her slowly calm down from her excitement.

"Sorry, I was so excited." She gave him an apologetic expression.

Keilal shrugged: "You are no longer the king, there is no need to continue to be so tense, Lily."

When she heard this, a bright smile appeared on her face, then she looked around, smiled at Mordred, Dinisha and the others, and nodded.

Then his face became serious.

"Servant, Saber, obey the call! Come and join the battle!"


Today I finally installed the WIN system on my Apple. I bought a chicken game and gave it a try. Chicken game is really fun. Don’t aim with the troll, just lie down on the ground and shoot at people. The Apple computer is stuck in PPT. , buying one here in Japan costs 3,300 yen, which is a bit of a scam... Please kindhearted people sponsor a laptop that can live broadcast chicken eating_(:з」∠)_

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