Chapter 151 Open again

In Tohsaka Rin's haziness, she just felt that someone was taking off her pajamas, and all her sleepiness was frightened away in an instant.

But what followed was secret joy. Kai finally couldn't help it. Did he seek comfort because of this "failure"?

Yeah, that's right. As a disciple, you have to always think about your teacher.

Rin Tosaka felt the button on her chest being unbuttoned, and she couldn't help but open her eyes, but she exclaimed: "Lancer, why is it you!"

There are three Artoria in the Tohsaka residence.

It is precisely because of this that Lancer specifically refers to King Arthur of Guns, Saber specifically refers to Emiya Kiritsugu's blue Artoria, and Lily specifically refers to white Artoria.

This King Arthur of the Gun had just gone through a bloody battle today, how could he still have the energy to come...

"Oh? Are you awake?" King Arthur of Guns smiled evilly and pressed his whole body on Tohsaka Rin. Only then did Tohsaka Rin realize that she had been riding on her with only her underwear. On the body.

Tohsaka Rin suddenly struggled violently.

"what are you doing."

"I want you." King Arthur of the Gun lay on her body and leaned over: "I want to mend the magic with you. I need more magic power, Rin." Her face showed unprecedented seriousness and kindness. Come fighting spirit.

"Such a wonderful Holy Grail War. Although you are excellent, the magic power you sent to me is still not enough for me to use the Noble Phantasm."

"Rin, are you willing to use the precious command spell?" King Arthur of the Gun's words made Tohsaka Rin hesitate slightly, and her whole body suddenly tensed up: "That place... you can't do it!"


I don’t know how many people didn’t sleep that night.

When everyone gathered at 8:30 the next morning, the first thing Kelal had to do was...

Have a meal?

Looking at the whole table of food on the long table, Keilal was already sitting in the main seat and eating breakfast. Lily seemed to be completely synchronized with Keilal's timeline. She didn't know whether the couple had made love last night. magic.

But no matter what, everyone looked at the brown roasted chicken in front of Artoria and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

In Kailar's dining habits, there is no such greasy food for breakfast.

But since Arturia bathed in the dragon's blood, their appetites have become huge. It is probably due to the increase in physical fitness that the metabolism has become very strong, so the clear soup and fresh water for breakfast can no longer satisfy their appetites. .

In addition to bread, steamed buns, steamed buns and other carbohydrates that combine Chinese and Western styles, there are also boiled eggs, fried eggs, roasted whole chickens, fried chicken steaks, fried pork chops, steaks, etc...

In short, Keilar fully considered the weight of the three King Arthurs, which resulted in a whole table full of food, and these foods made people appetite. Needless to say King Arthur of the gun and King Arthur of the sword.

Even others couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

"We'll fight after we finish eating."

Keilal asked everyone to start eating while eating the chicken legs.

He is now a human being and eating meat is necessary, but food is not necessary for other heroic spirits.

But everyone still had a great time eating.

All the heroic spirits have excellent magicians as their masters, so they don’t have to worry about their magic power, but why do the heroic spirits come down to earth? Isn't it just to realize your own desires?

The desire for food and drink is desire, and the love between men and women is also desire. Is it true that there are 108 Valkyrie ladies waiting for you in the Hall of Valor?

As for fighting for hegemony, obtaining entities, and returning to the past, these are the mentality and desires that are common in life.

Although everyone is a heroic spirit, since you have become a hero, your desire in certain fields may be stronger and hotter than ordinary people. It is precisely because of this that you become a hero, right?

Everyone was eating and drinking, and all the fine wine that the Tohsaka family had collected for hundreds of years was taken out.

This is a good wine that even the King of Heroes can’t help but praise, and naturally the guests and hosts enjoy it.

Keilar and Tohsaka Rin are not the kind of people who care about these things, so they are very casual.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, Keilal naturally announced today's plan.

"Elf-level heroic spirits are too powerful, so this time, facing an elf-level opponent, I decided to send more manpower."

"Kotomine Kirei did a lot of damage to the last Holy Grail War, which is unfair. Let's start with him."

"His heroic spirit is a red-clothed heroic spirit with unknown origins and many noble phantoms, Archer."

Kelar sat in the middle of the seat, looking at the heroic spirits and girls who were looking at them with hope.

"Caster Nagato Yuki, for the two ceremonies, you two will sit in the center with me."

"Erza, Red R, and Denisa, you go and kill Archer. I will send Artoria to follow you. Sakura, Kiritsugu, and Lily, I allow you to use your Noble Phantasm. This time, do your best to kill Archer." Kill him."

Keilal's words shocked everyone.

Now that Assassin and Caster died, no one of our own combat power was lost. Now facing the four elf-level heroes, they took the initiative and did not give up.

It is indeed very comfortable that the person in charge of this war is Keilal.

"The rest is not up to the heroic spirits."

"I'm afraid Aozaki Aoko will be hiding with Takamachi Nanoha. We just need to do a population check through the police."

Keilal's words are surprising. Is there such a way to fight the Holy Grail War?

"It would be weird if we can't find someone who is so focused on Sister Aozaki." Keilal knocked on the table lightly: "When you find Aoko Aozaki, Attila, Lancer, Caster, and the two rituals, you will Is it okay to go find her in person to take revenge?"

King Arthur of the Gun responded eagerly, and he was also a little eager to try the two rituals.

Kelal himself, King Arthur of the Sword, and Galadia were there to prevent the Mountain Lord.

As for Kratos and the two heroic spirits who have not yet appeared, they are not within the scope of Kelal's consideration.

Because there is too little information and too much consideration, it is easy to be timid.

"Go." Kelar slapped Erza, Red R, and Dinisha on the shoulders.

He touched Matou Sakura's head again and shouted.

The two heroic spirits hugged their master, Denisa, and Arturia jumped out of Tohsaka House.

The four heroic spirits moved at an astonishing speed. After all, there were three Sabers inside. Keilar looked far away, but could not see anything.

If the remaining two heroic spirits don't show up, Kelal will be unable to use the sage's law. Even if he uses the sage's law, it will have little effect on the elf-level heroic spirits with extremely high magic power. Sure.

Kelal is more inclined to crush the opponent steadily.

For example, this is the case now.

The location of Kotomine Kirei is easy to capture. There are not many priests in Fuyuki City. Kotomine Kirei's location appeared in Guan Hu's field of vision almost instantly after the alarm sounded and Guan Hu dispersed.

This is the kingly way. Killing Guan Hu exposes oneself, but not killing Guan Hu still exposes oneself.

Unless there is a magic user like Gem Weng, there is no possibility of hiding oneself.


I have to explain to myself. I caught a cold yesterday and started typing at six o'clock. I wrote until 1:30, but I couldn't write 1,000 words...

I originally had a headache medicine on hand, but after searching for it, I ended up eating it and went to sleep directly. I'm sorry.

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