The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 449 Coming one after another

Chapter 152 is coming one after another

Something is coming.

What is it?

As if they sensed something in the dark, everyone in Tohsaka House suddenly raised their heads and watched the red light flash in the sky.

Like lightning, like thunder, like the thunder of Zeus, it fell from the sky to the earth in just an instant, and landed in Tohsaka House.

boom! ! !

The explosion was like a shelling, and the Tosaka House, which occupied an area larger than a football field, was instantly engulfed in flames.

"It's so strong." Kelar waved his hand, and the light curtain rotated, and the wind it brought up blew away the explosion.

This attack must have at least the power of a B-level Noble Phantasm.

Just as B-level power is not weak, B-level Noble Phantasms are also considered top-notch among heroes.

But where did the attack come from?

"Galadia!" Keilal shouted.

Galadia instantly broke through the glass window like a silver bullet and rushed out of Tohsaka's house.

Then again, a red lotus flashed in the sky, and an explosion fell on Keilal's defensive magic in an instant.

Isayama Huangquan looked up at the sky, and his hand was suddenly held by someone.

It wasn't until this moment that she suddenly realized that her whole body was trembling.

very scary……

very scary……

very scary……

Is this a war between heroic spirits...

Is this the Holy Grail War...

Can humans really be so powerful...

The bodies of heroic spirits are indeed stronger than humans, but there is no way to feel it intuitively, but when the Noble Phantasm comes out...

Destroy the world!

Don’t feel like it’s devastating!

Human beings are so insignificant in front of this force, like a natural disaster or a nuclear explosion.

It was a power that would tremble in anyone who saw it.

"This move... looks so familiar..." In this case, there is absolutely no way for the two rituals to intervene.

If she couldn't get out of the bombing area immediately, she would most likely die in the aftermath.

This was not an attack directed at her, and she was not at the center of the attack. Even if she wanted to "kill" the Noble Phantasm, she would not be able to reach it.

It is precisely because of this that her abilities seem to be very powerful, and can even be on par with heroic spirits sometimes, but her weaknesses are equally obvious.

There is no range attack and the defense is too weak. These are the weaknesses that Kelar summarized for her.

She seems more like Assassin among Servants, not suitable for frontal combat.

Keilal is now not only protecting her, but also protecting the foundation he has built over the past ten years.

The exorcists may not have a problem with one or two children dying in battle, but if they are all wiped out, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of Kelar's prestige, and ten years of hard work will be wiped out in one battle.

Kelal wouldn't let that happen.


The person who can target this is an acquaintance, who is it?

Kelal looked calm, Galadia had gone out, and the enemy had given him time to breathe. He would be able to deal with any enemy in the future calmly. He believed in Galadia.


He looked at Attila, King Arthur of Guns and Nagato Yuki.


Kelar's words made King Arthur of the Gun nod. Kelar had an ambiguous relationship with the two blue and white sword sabers, and she was the only one who would call them Arthur.

"Next, please help Galadia. It would be best to replace her."

"Oh! Leave it to me." The energetic King Arthur of the Gun hammered his chest and shouted.

She is the perfect King Arthur of Spears. The glorious spear of victory makes it impossible to take your eyes away. She is also the perfect soldier and the perfect King of Knights. It is really a comforting thing to have such a subordinate.

Suddenly, the continuous attack of the Noble Phantasm suddenly stopped.

Galadia has found the other party!

"Go, Arthur!" Keilal slapped her on the shoulder, and King Arthur of the Gun's crotch instantly fell in love with Maton Stallion, who lifted her up and flew out of Tohsaka's house.

Keilar jumped up to the Tosaka House in an instant, because after considering the defense, magic position, and the lack of disturbance, the Tosaka House was actually at the end of a road on a high mountain.

Even the entire hill has been flattened, and the Tohsaka residence is on it.

Standing on the roof of the Tohsaka Residence, you can clearly see the entire Fuyuki City. Looking into the distance, you can see clearly who Galadia is fighting.

Two scarlet guns, wearing black silk tights, long burgundy hair exuding dark red light under the sun, silver hair and long burgundy hair shining brightly under the sun, two women, one black and one white, holding hands The polearms just attacked each other.

"Scathach?!" Kelal frowned, watching another blonde woman join the battle. King Arthur of the Gun jumped into the sky and separated the two for an instant. He seemed to say something to Galadia, and then The whole person and Scathach fought together in the sky.

After Galadia heard what she said, she fell to the ground and came to Tohsaka House.


Kelar looked at Scathach, always feeling that something was different about her from the last time.


Is the other Lancer Scathach?

This is troublesome. Compared with Assassin, whose Noble Phantasm has been weakened to the extreme, Lancer's average attributes have not only been greatly strengthened, but the Noble Phantasm is also somehow stronger than Assassin.

The series of attacks before were probably her Noble Phantasm, right?

Throwing the Noble Phantasm one after another actually still has combat effectiveness, which shows that the B-level Noble Phantasm is definitely not her trump card. It is really distressing to have a Lancer staring at him.

Kelal was considering whether to let Attila swarm up and beat Scathach to death, when he saw a pink beam of light penetrating the sky between heaven and earth.

Kailar didn't have time to think about it, and when he raised his hand, a huge light shield blocked everyone's heads.

I saw pink light pillars continuously falling from the sky, and Keilal's magic power quickly melted away. In order to resist this huge magic power, Keilal had to use all his strength to resist.

Although the magic power of both of them is EX, there is no doubt that Takamachi Nanoha has an unparalleled advantage as the attacker. The columnar attack and regional defense are themselves a point-and-face contest. Keilar Had to put in more magic to deal with it.

Lily suddenly stopped, causing Dinisha and the others to turn around and look at her in surprise.

"Something happened over there with Kai!" She turned around suddenly and saw a red beam of light rushing directly towards Tohsaka House.

"How dare you!!" Artoria and Denisa were stunned. The two figures didn't care about Erza and Red R at all, and instantly jumped back to Tosaka House.

But by this time, it was too late.

A steady stream of pink light beams bloomed on Keilal's white light shield, forcing Keilal to repeatedly reduce the scope of the defensive field until it was about fifteen meters away from him.

The two sides began to stalemate.

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