The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 482 I am the only one who dominates

Chapter 185: I am the only one

Dark red lightning pierced the sky.

The dazzling Noble Phantasm is like a shooting star, rushing towards King Arthur of Spears.

The brilliant light of the scabbard bloomed on the King Arthur of Swords, directly blocking the King Arthur of Guns.

The red Noble Phantasm shone brightly after hitting King Arthur of Sword, and then reflected back at ten times the speed.

Naskaha's Projection Noble Phantasm was extremely powerful, but its own defense was not powerful. He was unprepared and was hit by the Death Flying Gun, and immediately flew backwards.

Here you can see the difference between having armor and not having armor.

Mordred, who was wearing armor, was not afraid of facing an A+ Noble Phantasm, but Scathach, who was wearing light armor, suffered heavy damage when faced with his own Noble Phantasm.

Obviously, the armor is more than just a look for the heroic spirits.

Sometimes it can really save lives.

King Arthur of the Sword helped King Arthur of the Gun block the blow, but Lily, the perfect King Arthur, did not pursue Scathach. Instead, she looked around the battlefield and shouted: "Where is Kai? Where is Kai?!"

Only then did everyone realize that Keilal had disappeared without knowing where and when!

Everyone started to look around, looking for Kelal, but Attila didn't let them react at all and rushed forward.

"I'll hold her while you go find him!" Dante rushed forward, brandishing his rebellious sword, and then blocked Attila who was rushing forward.

One of them is Archer and the other is Rider. Their muscle strength is around B. They are really evenly matched. They will fight against each other. Attila's muscle strength has been raised to about B+. Because of the evil in this world, he is slightly depressed. Watching Dante fight.

But Dante has so many noble phantasms that he can't count them. He has an advantage when facing Attila's attack. Attila's attack is too monotonous.

Under such circumstances, the others withdrew their gazes with relief. Of Kelal's three heroic spirits, Mordred had been disabled, Attila was blocked, and Scathach was seriously injured. Now they only needed to find Kelal. Eliminating his magic power can directly reverse the entire war situation and even change history.

In fact, Aozaki Aoko has been watching the show. As long as Takamachi Nanoha is fine, she does not want to get involved in this Holy Grail War. In fact, Gemstone Man's judgment now seems to be correct, so she is actually a little biased in her heart. Yu Baoshiweng's thoughts.

If Kelal can be abolished here, then the "future" will be better.

Just as she was thinking and watching, a person slowly emerged from the shadow behind her, and then pierced her body along her back.

"You..." Aozaki Aoko turned her head in shock. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Keilal had arrived behind her at some point and penetrated her body.

This is a question that no one can understand, but if it is Kelar himself, then he must have already understood it.

The backside of light is not darkness, but shadow. When Kelar switches from light magic to the other extreme, shadow magic appears naturally.

Kelal walks through the shadows, and the darkness gives him great convenience. As long as the darkness still exists, he seems to have his own domain. He is aware of every move of everyone else. More importantly, he can Control the existence of people like Aozaki Aoko and Jewel Man anytime and anywhere.

Even they cannot always maintain the law, and even they will definitely leave their own traces in this world.

But now, Keilal, who controls light and shadow, can instantly lock them in with the power of evil in this world.

Then come to them in an instant through their own shadow, just as Keilal does now.

Aozaki Aoko's eyes were firmly attracted by the heroic spirits.

She was completely unprepared that Keilal would attack her.

That's how Keilal always wanted them to feel.

Everyone feels that the most important thing to Keilar is Keilal’s original women, followed by the heroic spirit Ruler who descended from the sky. Even after Keilar settled them, it was not the turn of Gemstone Weng and Aozaki Aoko, but Takamachi Nanoha, Dante, then Illya, and even Alaya and Gaia are all ranked ahead of Aozaki Aoko and Shimono.

But Keilal was so unexpected and took action against Aozaki Aoko without any warning.

Aozaki Aoko felt as if she had lost something, and she subconsciously activated the fifth method to avoid Keilal, or to escape from Keilal.

But her face changed from surprise to panic in just a split second.

She suddenly found that she could not activate the fifth method!

"What did you do to me!" Aozaki Aoko's magic power surged, and a magic power that was not weaker than the heroic spirit burst out in an instant, condensed on her fist, and then hit Keira in an instant you.

To be honest, as a magic user of the fifth method, her magic actually surprised everyone. It was simple, direct, crude, but very effective.

Ordinary magicians simply cannot imagine being able to destroy a playground. The punch that directly destroyed the position they had worked hard to set up for six months was struck in one second.

In other words, if Aozaki Aoko wants, she can blow up a city in an instant - if she has enough magic power.

But this blow containing magical power, a blow that could directly overturn a stadium, was directly held by Kelar, just like a small spark that had just been ignited and was extinguished as soon as it started.

"How could..." She was surprised and looked at her fist caught by Keilal in disappointment.

"It's really useful, the fifth method." Keilar raised his head, straightened his body, and made a crackling sound all over his body.

The crackling of his bones pushed all the air out of his body.

"The past, present, and future are all mine." He opened his hands, and magic power hovered in the sky like an atmosphere. In just a moment, Keilar directly created all the ether and magic power needed by more than fourteen heroic spirits. .

Kelal, who directly absorbs magic power from the past, present, and future, is like the sea, with infinite magic power.

What's even more frightening is that any attack on Kelal will be randomly teleported to the past or future by Kelal.

That's right, the fifth method's terrifying ability is time!

Aozaki Aoko once used this ability to save her sweetheart. Now, Keilal has directly "stole" her ability. From a magician's point of view, he is close to invincible.

But the hair on Gem Weng's body was about to explode. He had already seen Keilal turning his eyes.

In almost no time, he left.


One more update~

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