The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 483 Countless Lights

Chapter 186 Countless Lights

If Kelal obtained the fifth method, it means that no one can do anything about him in the present, past and future.

So Kelal's acquisition of the second method means that nothing in the world can defeat him.

The second law represents the interference of countless alien planes in parallel worlds.

This means that no one can interfere with Kelal's past, present, and future. In this world, that world, and all world lines with Kelal, no one can kill him anymore.

Overall, strong and invincible.

Kelar narrowed his eyes, not caring about the life and death of Scathach and Mordred, but thinking about whether to chase the Gem Man.

With the law of time, it doesn't matter to him at all. He can endlessly return the world to the second before the gem man left, and then catch him instantly.

Just as Keilal was thinking, everyone was looking for Keilal.

Over the ruins, a big bird appeared in the sky without knowing when. She flapped her wings, stood on the crooked telegraph pole, and shouted in a clear voice: "It has appeared, the opportunity has appeared, he Got it! He got it!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at this strange-shaped bird.

This big bird has a wingspan of more than 1.5 meters. It can be said to be a raptor among birds of prey, but it does not have any miscellaneous feathers. Its feathers are shiny and the barbs on its beak look sharp and ferocious. At first glance, it looks like it eats meat.

What's even stranger is that there are three strange-colored feathers on her head, which seem to have different lights when viewed from different angles.

She shouted as she spread her wings, flapped them, and flames burst out from her body.

I saw that her body was covered in pure white flames for an instant, and her body expanded to three or four meters. The gilt tail feathers on her back looked as gorgeous as a golden dress. The three strange feathers on her body were clearly her crown, golden The vertical pupils are as sharp as a falcon, and the eyebrows with eyelashes look a bit charming.

She continued to spread her wings and rise, and her voice became shriller and louder, as if she could travel through countless spaces and times to convey her message to her master.

"Time's up! Time's up!" she said loudly.

"Lord Kelar! The time has come!"

Everyone was shocked, did Keilar have any backup plan?

Even Black Kelal himself was stunned. He turned his head, which meant that he had given up on the gem man himself in this space.

Where did this bird come from?

Even with Keilal's memory, in his thousands of years of memory, he has never seen such a bird.

No, something suddenly flashed through his mind.

He had never had any impression of these fragments, but they flashed through his mind like memories, like a revolving lantern.

Keilar took a step back, his golden pupils widened to their maximum size, something was wrong.

This is very wrong.

Kelal himself has the ability of photographic memory.

But unlike ordinary people with photographic memory, he has a unique memory storage and management method.

It's like having a search engine installed in his mind. He can accurately recall two thousand years later what lunch he and Artoria had at noon two thousand years ago, whether it was dessert or pre-dinner wine that was served first. Still having lunch with Nero.

This kind of flash of memory fragments never existed in his mind. This kind of familiar feeling without any reason was almost impossible to exist in his feelings.

But now, there's that bird, why...

Kelal has to find out why.

If he was polluted by the evil in this world because of something wrong with this world, then it was because something was wrong with his body now.

Under this premise, it doesn't matter what evil in this world, what gem man, what Alaya, Gaia.

He had to make sure there was nothing wrong with his body.

That's the most important thing.

But the bird was still screaming, which made him very irritated and wanted to kill her immediately.

This kind of negative emotion of anxiety, irritation, and eagerness was an emotion that had never appeared in Kelar's life, or even in several lifetimes.

Keilar realized something was wrong with him almost instantly. He did not follow his instinct and take action against the noisy phoenix. Instead, he began to take a deep breath and adjust his mentality.

But Phoenix's voice sounded clearer and clearer in his ears.

"By order of Lord Kelal Etok, I came to deliver the order."

"The time has come! Please take action!" Her voice seemed to be able to pass through the sky, time and space.

Let everyone hear her voice clearly.

King Arthur and the others were stunned.

Take action, how to take action?

No, in other words, after Keilar has just obtained Aozaki Aoko's time law, who can still pose a threat to him?



A ray of light fell from the sky.

Like the savior in the dark night, the light spots in the shadows are so clear. The silver-haired man with white wings slowly falling from the light is so handsome that it makes people tremble, but Artoria and the others When I saw him, I wanted to cry more.

How touching and exciting it is to see a glimmer of hope in the midst of despair.

"Since none of you show up, it seems that I can only make the start." The silver-haired man grabbed the crutch, and the pure white wings behind him flapped gently, letting him slowly fall to the ground, and then he put the crutch in his hand. Throwing it out, he spread his hands and shouted loudly: "Everyone, if you don't show up now, when will you wait?"

"Haha, here we come." Someone laughed, and the voice came from the phoenix.

The silver-haired man wearing a linen gray robe slowly appeared in front of everyone as the phoenix slowly landed. They saw him stepping down from the phoenix. Everyone was stunned to see that this man had a short staff in his hand, and he actually had another one. Keilal? !

"Why are you rushing? Of course we should be well prepared for such a big thing." Someone complained, only to see a crack in the space. The other side of the crack and this side seemed to be completely two worlds, and the strong wind kept blowing from the other side of the crack. It blows over and makes the already cold Fuyuki City three points colder.

A silver-haired man wearing a heavy black cotton-padded jacket passed through the space crack, with ice and snowflakes on his body, and the chestnut wood staff in his hand seemed to shatter with a single strike.

Although this man has short silver hair, his facial features remain the same. He is actually Keral Pan Dragon again!

"Coming, coming!" followed by a burst of noise.

Keilal, who only saw various clothes, came into the world in various ways.

In just a few breaths.

I saw more than thirty Kelars appearing in this space at the same time.

And as time goes by, the number of Kelal is still increasing! !


Humph, have you ever recognized this formation?

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