The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 498 Red A and R

Chapter 201 Red A and R

"Thank you." When Kelar rolled up his robe into a Roman-style oblique shawl, wrapped his upper and lower bodies, and then slowly stood up, no one expected the first thing he would do when he stood up. The word turned out to be thank you.

Keilal, who had regained his sanity, certainly knew that if it weren't for their help, he might be no different from a beast now. It looked like his previous black state was calm and cold, but in fact he had a raging desire for destruction in his heart. Ordinary people won't understand.

It's like raging magma under a calm volcano. Once the pressure increases to a certain point, it will spew out and destroy everything.

And all of this was poured cold water on by the sages of world line B, who directly used absolute zero to nip all dangers and explosions in the cradle.

The sages of world line B can indeed deserve his thanks.

"You're welcome. In fact, this is something I have always advocated and advocated. If you propose something like this, you have to do it, right?" The sage from World Line B blinked at him and said.

"Then what's your purpose here?" Saving him is definitely a smooth process, just a step to achieve the goal. If the sage in world line B wants to do something, he can't get around him.

Because of this, neither of them were polite and asked very straightforwardly.

"I'm here to pass the fifth method to you. Here, I also hope that you can share the second method with everyone."

Laws are the origin of magic. It can be said that all magic is derived from laws. If one more person knows the mystery of magic, it means that the mystery is less and weaker. In this case, even the specific magic tricks of world-famous magicians are actually hidden.

Everyone knows that Zelrich is the Jewel Man, but it is only because he signed a contract with the Tosaka family in ancient times that he became world-famous. However, no one knows about the Jewel Man's second method. We know very little about what the second method is, its name, and its uses. Basically no one knows about it.

Because once more people know about it, the power and power will be reduced, let alone shared with countless people like Kelar. No one knows to what extent this power will be dispersed.

Ordinary people would have killed those who possessed this law one by one, and slowly expanded their authority to the maximum. But in fact, the sages did the opposite, and actually The second method was firmly in his hands.

Sharing with oneself is a kind of sharing, but does it really weaken the authority of the second law?

This is the answer that every sage has in his heart. What's more, in every different world, the application of the rules of the second method is also different.

Kelal in the B world line did not tell the sages of the main world line these things, but his intention to share the second method will not change.

"If I don't share the fifth method with you, will you give me the second method?" Keilal in the main world line looked like a man in Michelangelo's statue, looking at Kailar in world line B. Lal asked.

"How could it be?" He laughed dumbly: "Even if the Kais in other worlds don't give me any benefits, I will still share the second method with them."

"It seems that we are indeed the same person." Keilal from the main world line smiled and nodded to him: "I understand, I am not yet fully equipped with the fifth method. You can come and get it in seven days. .”

"Yes, together with the third method." He turned his head, stared at the heroic spirits slowly gathering, and said with a smile.

"Waiting for your good news." The sage from world line B smiled at him and threw a diamond at him. This diamond is the second method that all magicians dream of!

Keilal in the main world line grabbed the diamond and swallowed it directly in his mouth. When he turned around, the sage in world line B had disappeared without knowing when.

Really... He shook his head, lowered his body and picked up the perfect King Arthur wrapped in a cloak.

The magical impact just now was so powerful that it not only directly destroyed the evil in their bodies, but also directly destroyed their clothes.

Under such circumstances, he directly tied Arturia's clothes into a Roman women's semi-shoulderless short skirt, hugged her petite body, and walked toward the others.

"Teacher, are you okay?" Tohsaka Rin and the others were flown over by King Arthur of Guns and King Arthur of Swords, and they were the first to come to Kelal.

One is worried that Dante and the others will be detrimental to Keilal, while the other is here to see if Keilal has really regained his consciousness.

Kelar held the still unconscious Arturia and smiled at them.

"I'm fine. Is anyone else OK? Dinisha, where is Galadia?" Seeing his hair color returning to silver, his natural demeanor and clear thinking, everyone couldn't help but confirm his truth in their hearts. sex.

"We are here." Apart from carrying the wounded and taking away the idlers, Galadia and Dinisha were paying close attention to the battlefield. Now they heard Keilal's call and came to Keilal's side in an instant.

"Attila, Nagato Yuki, Scathach, Nero, Mordred, where are they?" he asked.

"Some people haven't woken up yet and have been moved to a safe place." Galadia returned: "Other people are coming this way."

Like Nero and Mordred, those who already had bodies were fine except for being useless. Attila and the others, who had just been swallowed up by Kelal's evil in this world and then purified, were the focus.

"Okay." Keilar nodded calmly and turned his gaze to the few heroic spirits gathered outside the camp.

"Dante, Rider, I won this Holy Grail War." Kelar said in a deep voice, staring at the two heroic spirits outside the camp.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Dante looked at the women all around who were watching eagerly, and shrugged: "This is the first time I've seen someone who is better with women than me. You win, buddy."

"As long as there are no big problems, I'm really enjoying this battle."

"I have no problem, I only have one request." The red Rider looked at Keilal, deeply aware that this man who even his immediate superiors could not do anything about, was indeed beyond the heroic spirits and beyond human beings.

"I hope you can keep your promise and help Illya escape from the clutches of fate."

"I will." Keilal nodded slightly.

The two heroic spirits looked at each other and smiled. Although they had seen each other wearing red trench coats before, and their styles were extremely eye-catching and mismatched, after each battle, at the end, they always cherished this feeling of being an old enemy.

I only saw them slowly turning into ether in the first ray of morning light and returning to the Hall of Valor.

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