The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 499 The End of the Holy Grail War (Part 1)

Chapter 202 The End of the Holy Grail War (Part 1)

"Nagato." Kelar's eyes turned to Nagato Yuki who didn't know when he appeared in front of him.

"If I guess correctly, you should be one of the people who traveled here in a certain world and waited for my changes." If you don't know about other world lines, then you have the second method. After the Five Methods, if Keilal no longer knows the origin of Nagato Yuki, then his reputation as a sage will be in vain.

"Yes." Nagato Yuki nodded lightly without changing his expression.

"Do you have any requests?"

Keilal did not speak of wishes, only of demands.

It is by no means that simple for Nagato Yuki to become a heroic spirit and an apostle from another world, and her request is by no means so easily fulfilled.

"I hope that a [Kelar Pan Dragon] will return to my world with me and help me appease the [God] who is about to go berserk." She raised her head and looked through the oval lenses. Keilal’s face, she didn’t know whether the Keilal she was talking about was the Keilal of this world or the Keilal of other worlds.

"Interesting, why do you think I can appease your god? That is a [god]." Keilar is even more interested in understanding this god than the Holy Grail.

In fact, this is the reason why all Kelal readily accept the Second Law.

The current world is just a game copy. Some games can take Kelar hundreds of years to complete, and some games can be completed in more than ten or twenty years of game time.

In this process, Keilar really enjoyed it.

But when Kelal's body was bathed in dragon blood and harmful substances were purified by photons, he seemed like a monster that would never age, die, or get sick, and would always be healthy.

The word "immortality" is indeed very attractive. Keilar has been constantly absorbing knowledge during his immortality and is proud to become the most knowledgeable person.


so what?

What's the point?

When a game guide is successful and all the interesting things in it become memories, you can only take them out and savor them in your spare time, but you can no longer find the original thrill, you will only touch that game less and less. , forgetting that feeling more and more.

If there is anything in this world that can keep Kelar's original feelings alive, they are only knowledge and Artoria.

In this case, how happy is it to have a new copy, or even a new game?

Even if they have not considered the loneliness they will feel after finishing the current game, the sages have already foreseen this scene, and it is precisely because of this that this gift is so precious.

This is like a network that only Keilal himself knows. What is called the Keilal Network shares their own knowledge and experience, and the one who can get the invitation letter from this network is the second method. thing.

Keilal put aside those reveries, looked at Nagato Yuki intently, and asked.

"Anything is okay. If it's you, it will definitely be okay." She looked at Keilar: "Because in history, you successfully appeased God, but failed. Time went back, but you disappeared from God's memory. In the world, analysis shows that as long as it is Keilal, the gods can be easily appeased. Now she is in a very unstable and unstable state, and may go berserk at any time, leaving us little time."

"Can't you find the original Kailar?" Kailar was very concerned about this matter, as if he wanted to break the casserole and ask the question.

"Yes, it is completely impossible to find. She is a god after all. People who are shunned by her will not appear in the world anyway, unless..." She looked at Keilar: "People with the same power as gods interact with each other. Neutralize her power, talk to her as an equal, and appease her.”

"I know about this. Leave your coordinates. If there is a chance, I will go."

Although he heard her say that time was running out, Keilal did not feel the slightest sense of urgency. For people like them, time is a very sensitive but very slow thing. For gods and Nagato Yuki For this kind of life form, perhaps the length of time is measured in cycles of ten or twenty years.

Nagato Yuki gently drew a line of data in the air, like a code, but the information content inside is more than the code. It is a language that is more advanced and has more information content than Chinese, or data. .

Keilal waved his hand, and the code disappeared in Keilal's palm in an instant. This matter still needs to be carefully discussed with other sages.

Nagato Yuki nodded gently to Kelal, and then slowly turned into a point of light.

The ether has begun to fill the Small Holy Grail, and Kelal still has some things to solve, especially the matter of Illya.

"Keep an eye on her for me. I'll be there." Keilar turned around and glanced at King Arthur and Erza of the Gun. He handed the perfect King Arthur to Dinisha, and two pieces of pure white hair opened behind him in an instant. wings, and then the whole person instantly shot up into the sky.

The morning sun slowly rose from the east, shining on Keilal's body, giving him a layer of golden light, as if a god had descended to earth.

He knew that the ether of all the heroic spirits swallowed by the evil in this world had been expelled and entered the Small Holy Grail, and the only remaining ether was King Arthur and Erza of the Gun.

He has not yet decided how to deal with Erza and King Arthur of Guns, but there is no doubt that once they return to the Little Holy Grail, Illya will never have a chance again.

"This is a reward to Emiya Kiritsugu. Just let me think about it for a little longer." Keilar thought silently in his heart, but his speed was not slow. He arrived at Einzbern's castle from downtown Fuyuki City. In just thirty seconds, he had already landed next to Illya.

Illya was in a daze in a garden full of blooms. It was winter outside, but because of the image of the barrier, the castle of Einzbern was as warm as spring, with thousands of flowers blooming, which was extremely spectacular.

As Illya gradually loses control of her body, the barrier of Einzbern Castle is also slowly losing its influence. The cold air leaking in has covered the place with petals. Those flowers They also gradually withered, just like their owners.

"Illya, although you betrayed our agreement, please thank Emiya Kiritsugu." Kelar looked at Illya who had lost consciousness in his eyes, frowned, and grabbed Illya with his big hand. on the forehead.

Light began to flash across Illya's body.

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