The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 507 Ten Years Later (5)

Chapter 210 Ten Years Later (5)

Is it really okay to use nuclear bombs on Austrian soil?

You must know that Austria is the territory of the European Union, because the relationship between the two countries in the Arctic Circle and the East, the EU and the United States is extremely close. Is it really okay to drop nuclear weapons in the towns of its allies?

Everyone had this kind of doubt, but when a loud-mouthed president got off the phone with the handsome president of Austria, the other party agreed to the loud-mouthed president's request.

The big-mouthed president is just a big-mouthed man who governs the country through tweets, but he is not mediocre. Although the Austrian chancellor is young, he is not a fool either.

They saw the pictures in the live broadcast. As long as they are human beings, they should know that such a small town has no trace of human existence. Under such circumstances, a small-yield, controllable hydrogen bomb wiped this small town off the map. It is actually a more cost-effective way to go, and everyone is an ally. After everyone has vented on this kind of thing, it is really normal to use the media to cover it up.

But after the big-mouthed president authorized the use of small-yield hydrogen bombs, a hint of gloom appeared on his face as he looked at the screen.

The A-10 Warthog attack aircraft is undoubtedly a very powerful ground attack aircraft, but such an aircraft is directly destroyed by those monsters relying on their numbers, and the two Tomahawk missiles are the most commonly used and best used by the US military. Ground attack weapons, such missiles, were directly destroyed by the opponent with unknown force.

Faced with such a situation, can a small-yield hydrogen bomb really fly to its destination successfully and then detonate successfully?

You must know that nuclear bombs will not cause a nuclear explosion if they are bombed before detonating. Because of this, missile interception technology is so important, because it will not explode in advance if it cannot reach the predetermined location. In terms of intercepting nuclear weapons in advance, This is the real way to deal with nuclear weapons.

The opponent's weird attack ability makes it seem like the nuclear weapon has no chance of reaching the predetermined location and detonating.

But he is only the president, so the US military command, which has the world's largest combat capability, will naturally make plans for the battle.

When a short-range missile ejected from a submarine quickly flew into the sky, and as expected, when it reached the designated trajectory and quickly fell to the ground from an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, it flew in the sky The Black Winged Duke also discovered it in an instant.

Black Wing Duke's eyes narrowed slightly, he raised his hand and spread his wings to destroy the missile.

But the missile exploded in an instant when it was still several kilometers away from him, and a huge spherical white ball of light bloomed in the sky.

The lower end of the white ball of light just happened to encircle the entire town, and the hundreds of thousands of Dead Apostles who could not be counted at that moment only had time to scream before they were swallowed up in an instant.

Black Wing Duke was caught off guard by the sudden explosion. This was the plan of the US military combat command to detonate a small-yield hydrogen bomb in advance, but even a small-yield hydrogen bomb was enough to engulf the entire city.

Lord Black Wing was almost at the center of the entire explosion, and the scene was completely captured by a high-power military camera from an extremely far distance. Seeing this scene, the U.S. Army General Staff Headquarters burst into cheers, and all the soldiers jumped to their feet.

Even the presidents of other countries couldn't help but jump up from their seats, raised their hands, and shook their fists at the sky.

The big-mouthed president was filled with joy, and kept pumping his fists in the sky, shouting: "Yes! Yes!" He was extremely happy.

Keilal just felt like laughing when he saw this scene. He could completely understand the idea that humans are using their strongest weapons to destroy the strongest Death Apostles. After all, humans have never seen the inherent knot. He has never seen magic in the world, so it is completely understandable that he has illusions about his own physical attacks, but understanding is understanding, and Keilar is the one who knows the power of magic best.

The so-called mystery is not just that.

The so-called immortal is not just that.

Sure enough, when the bright white light dissipated and the sphere came to an end, the whole town shone brightly, as if it were inlaid with countless diamonds.

Those are the crystals formed by the remaining glass condensed under high temperature reaction. More of the glass was directly vaporized. Only some stones are left in the building, and the steel building is still standing upright with difficulty.

This is true even for stone and steel buildings, let alone living things.

All the Dead Apostles have been vaporized. Faced with such high temperatures, no human bones can be left. It is absolutely a pollution-free and highly environmentally friendly way to die.

But no one's attention was on the deaths of more than 100,000 Dead Apostles.

Everyone was staring at the screen closely, looking at the screen that slowly returned to color, and everyone was looking for that figure.

Is he still alive?

All presidents ask this in their hearts.

All the soldiers thought so in their hearts.

Only the Punishers sneered and looked at the big screen in their training base, holding their chests, full of contempt for the highest weapon of mankind.

Things like nuclear bombs, let alone Dead Apostles, as long as the magician forms his own position, it is not a problem for the sex magician to forcefully attack it. Even if there is no position, such as Aozaki Yuko's magic of turning himself into a puppet and transferring his body. Magicians abound, and more advanced methods of immortality or transfer are also common in the world of magicians.

This kind of nuclear bomb is indeed a great threat to low-level magicians and Death Apostles, but for them who have seen the world's top combat power, the deterrent or fear is really not that great.

While mortals work hard to create a nuclear bomb, the individual powers of magicians can already ignore nuclear bombs.

This is why magicians despise political power and despise the world.

The Dead Apostles are stronger than magicians, and they despise the world even more.

The nuclear bomb wants to kill the twenty-seven ancestors of the Death Apostles?

Let’s leave this kind of joke to the next century!

Sure enough, all I could see was that the Black Winged Man in mid-air was blown to pieces and looked very miserable. However, he was still flying and floating in the sky, which meant that the nuclear bomb did not deal a fatal blow to him.

And if he couldn't kill the Death Apostle with one blow, the twenty-seventh Death Apostle Ancestor meant that he was actually fine at all!

I only saw that the tattered body of Black Winged Male began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to its original appearance in just a few seconds.

The U.S. military headquarters and commanders who had just cheered were like chickens whose throats had been cut, completely speechless.


One more chapter!

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