The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 508 Ten Years Later (6)

Chapter 211 Ten Years Later (6)

For more than ten seconds, they were silent, just watching the Black Winged Duke howling in the sky, roaring angrily. His posture in the sky was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind, making people scared. , makes people timid and trembles.

Are these the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles?

For the first time, mortals saw the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles in such detail and so clearly, and experienced the terror of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

"Put me through your leader's call." The big-mouthed president trembled and said to the lobbyist beside him.

"Have you figured it out?" the lobbyist asked with a smile.

"Give me your leader's phone number!!" the loud-mouthed president roared, grabbing the lobbyist's collar and shouting gaffefully.

The lobbyist was not anxious when he saw him like this, and just looked at him with a smile.

Now, the advantage is on their side.

Now they have killed the fifth of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, ORT.

But for this group of humans, facing the sixteenth of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, Lord Black Wing, they used their strongest methods, but they did not achieve any results.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the master behind him is stronger than any other country in the world.

There was absolutely no need for him to be as groveling as before.

Kneeling is a necessary gesture when meeting these people in power, but when these people in power realize that the relationship between them is not between the superior and the inferior, their positions are reversed.

When the big-mouthed president calmed down a little, he pressed his earphones and asked something in a low voice. The news from over there made him take out a mobile phone and make a call.

Among the many lobbyists, he is the one with the highest authority and has the right to speak directly to the leader. If there is a reason why, it is entirely because the big-mouthed president in front of him leads the world's strongest military and secular forces. Combat strength.

Kelal needs the cooperation of such forces, but it cannot be controlled by such forces.

He had no intention of using the U.S. military to establish his authority from the beginning. Once a war started, a thorough confrontation was necessary, not to mention anything else.

But he can use various donors and lobbyists to focus the attention of various countries on these outliers.

ORT and Black Wing Duke are both carefully selected twenty-seven ancestors of the dead disciples.

They are solitary, have little contact with the other twenty-seven ancestors of the dead apostles, and do not belong to any force. More importantly, attacking them will not cause any backlash from the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead apostles.

There will be some commotion among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, but there is no real movement.

Black Wing Duke and White Wing Duke have opposing names and opposing powers. They are almost mortal enemies with White Wing Duke, the King of Dead Apostles.

Not even Heiji Arquette would save such a lonely, apostle of Zhu Yue.

Needless to say, as for ORT, the alien creature that came to the earth thousands of years ago was classified as a Dead Apostle just because it could suck blood. It killed the fifth seat of the Twenty-Seven Ancestors of the previous generation of Dead Apostles. It makes people think that it is the new fifth seat. As for the other twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, they will ignore it for a lot of time and do not recognize it as a Dead Apostle.

When Kelal attacked it, many of the twenty-seventh ancestors of the Dead Apostles might even applaud and praise him.

The same is true for Lord Black Wing. Zhu Yue's identity as an apostle is a huge problem among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles. It is normal that he has not been recognized by the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

Otherwise, how could it have only developed its own Death Apostles in a small town for hundreds of years, instead of wandering around like the other twenty-seven ancestors of the Death Apostles?

After all, once it is ambushed by the Holy Church, it will be very difficult for it to escape.

After all, the burial mechanism in the Holy Church is not vegetarian...

When the big-mouthed president answered the phone, what was surprising was that the person on the other end of the phone was not a man with a Japanese-English accent.

But a nice male voice with a reassuring London accent.

His words were as polite as his voice: "Hello, Mr. President."

"I'm very glad that you figured it out and gave me a call. I will have a detailed discussion with the German Chancellor and the British Prime Minister next, so let's keep the story short." The voice over there said straight to the point, which made the straightforward and loud-mouthed president I thought it was great to talk to this guy.

"We are a very professional Death Apostle abolition organization. We have killed the fifth-ranked twenty-seventh Death Apostle, ORT. Whether it is high-end combat effectiveness, mid-range combat effectiveness, or low-end combat effectiveness, we have We have a very rich manpower.”

"But even so, it's still not enough."

"Mr. President, you have seen that after the 27 Dead Apostles have occupied a place for a long time, that place will be completely transformed into Dead Apostles. We are not afraid of the 27 Dead Apostles, but tens of thousands of them Wan’s Dead Apostle is something that all of us humans need to fear and take precautions against.”

"We urgently need to expand our combat power, but the help that mortals can give us is limited, but the help that governments and regimes can give us is completely different."

"What do you need?!" President Big Mouth asked straight to the point.

"I need a lot of resources, as well as talented children. Children from your country and other countries can learn magic from us and become excellent magicians."

"Our only requirement is that they work for us for ten years."

Kelal's words were very shocking, but as an upright boy, the big-mouthed president with a net worth of billions of dollars fell silent. Although he is very upright and rules the country through Twitter, he has never been a fool. This kind of seemingly overlord He did not reject the terms outright.

Both parties knew he couldn't refuse.

This is a new round of arms competition.

And the weapons are children called magicians.

If he doesn't say yes today, in the next ten years God's Blessed Country will lag behind those who said yes.

Now is the first ten years. In the next ten years, when magicians from other countries return to their own countries and start working for their own countries, without magicians, God Bless America will become God Forbids America. You America Can you keep up with the opponent's magician's speed?

As a president, if he doesn't even have this vision, he doesn't deserve to be president, and he doesn't deserve to have billions of property.

In the end, a verbal contract with no paper contract at all was completed.

Of course there will be spies and intelligence agents among these children, but will Kelal be afraid of such things?

No, or rather, when these spies and intelligence officers become magicians, will they still care about their previous worldly power and rights?

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